



  • 中文名:安小鵬
  • 出生地:陝西省周至縣
  • 出生日期:1984年3月
  • 畢業院校:西北農林科技大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:動物生殖生理調控與動物生物技術
  • 任職院校:西北農林科技大學


2003-2007年本科就讀於西北農林科技大學,2007-2010年碩士就讀於西北農林科技大學, 2010-2013年博士就讀於西北農林科技大學,同年留校任教迄今。獲得教育部學術新人獎。擔任陝西省農業廳奶山羊產業技術體系秘書長,陝西省科技廳羊產業科技創新戰略聯盟辦公室主任,







1. Novel-miR-8516對奶山羊乳蛋白調控機理的研究,中國博士後科學基金,2016-2017,15萬元。
2. 奶山羊KITLG基因3′UTR突 變對產羔性狀調控機理的研究,中國博士後科學基金(2014M552498),2014-2016,5萬元。
3. 奶山羊HPO軸關鍵基因調控區突變對產羔性狀調控機理的研究,陝西省博士後科學基金,2014-2016,4萬元。
4. 奶山羊分子育種,農業廳,2015-2016,10萬元。
5. 高產奶山羊繁育技術的集成創新與示範推廣,西北農林科技大學(TGZX2015-44),2015-2017,6萬元。
6. HPO軸5個基因調控區突變對奶山羊多羔性狀調控機理的研究,基本科研業務費(2452015029),2015-2017,10萬元 。


1.優質高產奶山羊新品種(系)選育關鍵技術研究與示範,科技部(2011BAD28B05-3),2011-2015, 75萬元。


An XP, Song YX, Hou JX, Wang S, Gao KX, Cao BY*. Identification of a functional SNP in the 3'UTR of caprine MTHFR gene that is associated with milk protein. Animal Genetics (Accepted), 2016
An XP, Hou JX, Gao TY, Lei YN, Li G, Song YX, Wang JG, Cao BY*. 2015. SNPs g.151435C>T and g.173057T>C in PRLR gene regulated by bta-miR-302a are associated with litter size in goats. Theriogenology, 83, 1477-83, 2015.
An XP, Song YX, Hou JX, Li G, Zhao HB, Wang JG, Cao BY*. Identification and profiling of microRNAs in the ovaries of polytocous and monotocous goats during estrus. Theriogenology, 85, 769-80, 2016.
An XP, Song YX, Hou JX, Han P, Peng JY, Zhang L, Wang JG, Cao BY*. Mutations in the MTHFR gene and their associations with milk production traits in dairy goats. Small Ruminant Research, 130, 76-80, 2015.
An XP, Song SG, Hou JX, Zhu CM, Peng JX, Liu XQ, Liu HY, Xiao WP, Zhao HP, Bai L Wang JG, Song YX, Cao BY*. Polymorphism identification in goat DGAT2 gene and association analysis with milk yield and fat percentage. Small Ruminant Research, 100(2-3):107-112, 2011.
An XP, Hou JX, Zhao HB, Bai L, Peng JY, Zhu CM, Yan QM, Song YX*, Wang JG, Cao BY. Polymorphism identification in goat DGAT1 and STAT5A genes and association with milk production traits. Czech Journal of Animal Science, 58(7):321-327, 2013.
An XP, Hou JX, Gao TY, Lei YN, Song YX, Wang JG, Cao BY*. Association analysis between variants in KITLG gene and litter size in goats. Gene, 558(1):126-130, 2015.
An XP, Hou JX, Lei YN, Gao TY, Song YX, Wang JG, Cao BY*. Two mutations in the 5′-flanking region of the KITLG gene are associated with litter size of dairy goats. Animal Genetics, 46, 308-11, 2015.
An XP, Ma T, Hou JX, Fang F, Han P, Yan Y, Zhao HB, Song YX, Wang JG, Cao BY*. Association analysis between variants in KISS1 gene and litter size in goats. Bmc Genetics, 14: 63, 2013.
An XP, Hou JX, Zhao HB, Li G, Bai L, Peng JY, Yan Q, Song YX, Wang JG, Cao BY*. Polymorphism identification in goat GNRH1 and GDF9 genes and their association analysis with litter size. Animal Genetics, 44(2):234-238, 2013.
An XP, Hou JX, Li G, Song YX, Wang JG, Chen QJ, Cui YH, Wang YF, Cao BY*. Polymorphism identification in the goat KITLG gene and association analysis with litter size. Animal Genetics, 43(1):104-107, 2012.
An XP, Han P, Hou JX, Zhao HB, Yan Y, T Ma, Fang F, Meng FX, Song YX, Wang JG Cao BY*. Molecular cloning and characterization of KISS1 promoter and effect of KISS1 gene mutations on litter size in the goat. Genetics and Molecular Research, 12 (4): 4308-4316, 2013.
An XP, Bai L, Hou JX, Zhao HB, Peng JY, Song YX, Wang JG, Cao BY*. Molecular cloning, tissue expression and SNP analysis in the goat nerve growth factor gene. Molecular Biology Reports, 40(2):857-863, 2013.
An XP, Han D, Hou JX, Li G, Wang JG, Yang MM, Song YX, Zhou GQ, Wang YN, Ling L, Yan QM, Cao BY*. GnRHR gene polymorphisms and their effects on reproductive performance in Chinese goats. Small Ruminant Research, 85(2-3):130-134, 2009.
An XP, Han D, Hou JX, Li G, Wang YN, Li L, Zhu GQ, Wang JG, Song YX, Cao BY*. Polymorphism of Exon 2 of FSH beta Gene and Its Relationship with Reproduction Performance in Two Goat Breeds. Agricultural Sciences in China, 9(6):880-886, 2010.
An XP, Hou JX, Li G, Peng JY, Liu XQ, Liu HY, Xiao WP, Wang JG, Song YX, Cao BY*. Analysis of Differentially Expressed Genes in Ovaries of Polytocous versus Monotocous Dairy Goats Using Suppressive Subtractive Hybridization. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 47(3):498-503, 2012.
An XP, Hou JX, Wang LX, Li G, Wang JG, Song YX, Zhou GQ, Han D, Ling L, Cao BY*. Novel polymorphisms of the growth hormone gene and their effect on growth traits in Chinese goats. Meat Science, 86(3):758-763, 2010.
An XP, Wang JG, Hou JX, Zhao HB, Bai L, Li G, Wang LX, Liu XQ, Xiao WP, Song YX Cao BY*. Polymorphism identification in the goat MSTN gene and association analysis with growth traits. Czech Journal of Animal Science, 56(12):529-535, 2011.
An XP, Wang LX, Hou JX, Li G, Song YX, Wang JA, Yang MM, Cui YH, Cao BY*. Novel polymorphisms of goat growth hormone and growth hormone receptor genes and their effects on growth traits. Molecular Biology Reports, 38(6):4037-4043, 2011.
An XP, Zhao HB, Bai L, Hou JX, Peng JY, Wang JG, Song YX, Cao BY*. Polymorphism identification in the goat THRSP gene and association analysis with growth traits. Archiv Fur Tierzucht-Archives of Animal Breeding, 55(1):78-83, 2012.
An XP, Hou JX, Lei YN, Gao TY, Cao BY*. Polymorphism and DNA methylation in the promoter modulate KISS1 expression and are associated with litter size in goats. Animal Reproduction Science, 155:36-41, 2015.
An XP, Hou JX, Gao TY, Cao BY* Cloning and expression of caprine KIT gene and associations of polymorphisms with litter size. Animal Production Science. 2015. http://dx.doi.org/10.1071/AN13497




[1] 曹斌雲,安小鵬,侯金星,王建剛,宋宇軒,楊明明,朱廣琴,王韻斐,崔易虹,陳秋菊,一種山羊產羔性狀的分子標記選擇方法,2012.08,中國,授權號ZL201010263060.4
[2] 曹斌雲,安小鵬,侯金星,王利心,王建剛,宋宇軒,一檢測山羊生長激素基因編碼區5個鹼基突變多態性的方法,2012.03,中國,授權號ZL201010199157.3


