



  • 軟體名稱:安全保持
  • 軟體平台:IOS
  • 軟體大小:11.60MB


安全保持是一個免費的iPhone應用程式讓你獲取你所看到的,覺得每天,和與朋友分享它選擇性地和安全地。 你的數據是安全地存儲在手機和雲先進加密標準(256位AES加密支持)。我們的伺服器不保存你的鑰匙,只有你和指定的收信人才能閱讀你的訊息。你有完全控制誰能讀你的訊息和他們多久會消失。 關鍵特性 安全保存您的思想,時刻,賬戶密碼,待辦事項列表和你想記住的事情與筆記、照片、視頻、圖紙等。 短暫和安全信息。傳送自毀訊息(如筆記、照片、視頻、繪圖、音頻筆記),你的朋友和團體。 你可以控制誰能讀你的訊息和他們多久會消失。你也可以回憶,你有傳送任何訊息。 真正的隱私。你所有的數據是100%的私人和安全。它是在你的iPhone第一和加密然後儲存在雲端。不知道密碼的情況下,任何人包括我們不能讀你的數據。我們不會在我們的伺服器上存儲你的密碼。 SecureKeep is a free iPhone app for you to capture what you see and think everyday, and share it with friends selectively and securely. Your data is securely stored in the phone and cloud with state-of-the-art encryption standards (256-bit AES encryption supported). Our servers do not store your keys, only you and the intended recipients can read your messages. You have total control over who can read your messages and how long they will disappear. Key Features Securely save your ideas, moments, account passwords, to-do lists and things you want to remember with notes, photos, videos, drawings, etc. Ephemeral and secure messaging. Send self-destructing messages (such as notes, photos, videos, drawing, audio notes) to your friends and groups. You have control over who can read your messages and how long they will disappear. You can also recall any messages that you have sent. True Privacy. All your data is 100% private and secure. It is encrypted in your iPhone first and then stored in the cloud. Without knowing the password, anyone including us cannot read your data. We do not store your password in our servers. It is secure and safe for you to store sensitive data such as account passwords in SecureKeep. Sync across devices. Work both online and offline. When online, data is automatically synced across multiple iPhones or iPod touches (iPad and other platforms will be supported in the future). Your data is always up to date. Collaboration. Securely share notes, photos, checklists, tasks and other messages with friends and colleagues to collaborate on anything from group trips to team projects. You can control who has the permission to modify the messages and revision history is recorded.




