宇萬太,研究員。現為中國土壤學會理事,中國植物營養學會土壤肥力專業委員會委員,遼寧省土壤學會理事,遼寧省植物營養學會理事,《土壤學報》、《套用生態學報》、《乾旱區研究》、《植物營養與肥料學報》《中國農業生態學報》等雜誌編委。先後主持課題10餘項,曾經在英國洛桑實驗站,美國俄亥俄州立大學和澳大利亞西澳大學訪問進修和合作研究,現已發表中英文論文100餘篇,其中SCI 收錄20餘篇,申請專利10餘項,其中授權3項,參加編寫專著4部。
- 中文名:宇萬太
- 國籍:中國
- 職業:研究員
- 畢業院校:中國科學院瀋陽套用生態研究所
項目類型 | 項目及課題名稱 |
科技部973項目 | 黑土有機碳庫的變化規律與肥力培育機理(課題) |
中科院創新重大項目 | 農田生態系統NPK的再循環過程及其作用(課題) |
中科院創新方向項目 | 提高氮肥利用率途徑研究(課題) |
中科院野外台站基金 | 農業生態系統不同養分循環結構模型長期實驗研究 |
中科院重點項目 | 實驗模擬模型法研究施肥制度改革在近代中國糧食生產發展中的貢獻(課題) |
科技部支撐項目 | 東北黑土區地力衰減農田綜合治理技術模式研究與示範(課題) |
科技部支撐項目 | 黑土耕地質量退化與有機質提升關鍵技術研究(專題) |
科技部支撐項目 | 東北城市群郊區農業清潔生產技術集成與研發(專題) |
中科院創新方向項目 | 熱量和養分對高產穩定性的互動作用機制及其調控對策(課題) |
中科院創新方向項目 | 主要樹種人工林營養元素積累與內循環過程及其調控機理(課題) |
國家自然科學基金面上 | 下遼河平原土壤-旱作系統水分循環特徵及作物增產水-肥效應 |
國家自然科學基金面上 | 套用15N示蹤技術研究人工林生態系統中氮素內外循環周轉規律及肥料利用效率 |
國家自然科學基金面上 | 不同肥料種類與施肥模式對旱田土壤氮、磷垂直遷移影響及淋失風險評估 |
先後發表中英文論文100餘篇,其中SCI論文收錄20餘篇,研究成果主要發表於《Soil Biology and Biochemistry》、《Biology and Fertility of Soils》、《Applied Soil Ecology》、《Science of the Total Environment》、《Chemosphere》、《生態學報》、《土壤學報》等中英文刊物上。
Pan, F., Yu, W., Ma, Q., Zhou, H., Jiang, C., & Xu, Y. (2018). Do organic amendments improve the synchronism between soil n supply and wheat demand?.Applied Soil Ecology,125.
Bai, Z., Ma, Q., Dai, Y., Yuan, H., Ye, J., & Yu, W. (2017). Spatial heterogeneity of som concentrations associated with white-rot versus brown-rot wood decay.Scientific Reports,7(1).
Xu, Y., Yu, W., Ma, Q., Zhou, H., & Jiang, C. (2017). Toxicity of sulfadiazine and copper and their interaction to wheat (triticum aestivum l.) seedlings.Ecotoxicology & Environmental Safety,142, 250-256.
Yu, W., Pan, F., Ma, Q., Wang, J., Zhou, H., & Jiang, C., et al. (2016). Alterations of pathways in fertilizer n conservation and supply in soils treated with dicyandiamide, hydroquinone and glucose.Applied Soil Ecology,108, 108-117.
Xu, Y., Yu, W., Ma, Q., Wang, J., Zhou, H., & Jiang, C. (2016). The combined effect of sulfadiazine and copper on soil microbial activity and community structure.Ecotoxicology & Environmental Safety,134, 43-52.
Ma, Q., Wu, Z., Pan, F., Wang, J., Zhou, H., & Jiang, C., et al. (2016). Effect of glucose addition on the fate of urea- 15 n in fixed ammonium and soil microbial biomass n pools.European Journal of Soil Biology,75, 168-173.
Ma, Q., Wu, Z., Shen, S., Zhou, H., Jiang, C., & Xu, Y., et al. (2015). Responses of biotic and abiotic effects on conservation and supply of fertilizer n to inhibitors and glucose inputs.Soil Biology & Biochemistry,89(3), 72-81
Xu, Y., Yu, W., Ma, Q., & Zhou, H. (2015). Interactive effects of sulfadiazine and cu(ii) on their sorption and desorption on two soils with different characteristics.Chemosphere,138, 701-707.
Jiang, C., Yu, W., Ma, Q., Xu, Y., & Zhou, H. (2015). Nitrogen addition alters carbon and nitrogen dynamics during decay of different quality residues.Ecological Engineering,82, 252-257.
Xu, Y., Yu, W., Ma, Q., & Zhou, H. (2015). Occurrence of (fluoro)quinolones and (fluoro)quinolone resistance in soil receiving swine manure for 11years.Science of the Total Environment,530-531(6), 191-197.
Yu, W. T., Bi, M. L., Xu, Y. G., Zhou, H., Ma, Q., & Jiang, C. M. (2013). Microbial biomass and community composition in a luvisol soil as influenced by long-term land use and fertilization.Catena,107(4), 89-95.
Xu, Y. G., Yu, W. T., & Zhou, H. (2012). Responses of bacterial and archaeal ammonia oxidisers of an acidic luvisols soil to different nitrogen fertilization rates after 9years.Biology & Fertility of Soils,48(7), 827-837.
Ma, Q., Yu, W. T., Jiang, C. M., Zhou, H., & Xu, Y. G. (2012). The influences of mineral fertilization and crop sequence on sustainability of corn production in northeastern china.Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment,158(3), 110-117.
Jiang, C., Yu, G., Li, Y., Cao, G., Yang, Z. P., Sheng, W.,& Yu, W. (2012). Nutrient resorption of coexistence species in alpine meadow of the qinghai-tibetan plateau explains plant adaptation to nutrient-poor environment.Ecological Engineering,44(44), 1-9.
Yu, W., Brookes, P. C., Ma, Q., Zhou, H., Xu, Y., & Shen, S. (2011). Extraction of soil nitrogen by chloroform fumigation – a new index for the evaluation of soil nitrogen supply.Soil Biology & Biochemistry,43(12), 2423-2426.
Yu, W. T., Zhou, H., Zhu, X. J., Xu, Y. G., & Ma, Q. (2011). Field balances and recycling rates of micronutrients with various fertilization treatments in northeast china.Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems,90(1), 75-86.
Yu, W. T., Xu, Y. G., Bi, M. L., Ma, Q., & Zhou, H. (2010). Activity and composition of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria in an aquic brown soil as influenced by land use and fertilization.Pedosphere,20(6), 789-798.
Wantai Yu, Shaohua Zhao, Lu Zhang, Shanmin Shen, & Qiang Ma. (2005). The relation between the content of organic phosphorus and latitude in northeast china phaeozem.Biology and Fertility of Soils,42(2), 159-162.
徐永剛, 宇萬太, 馬強, 周樺, & 姜春明. (2015). 環境中抗生素及其生態毒性效應研究進展.生態毒理學報,10(3), 11-27.
劉中良, 宇萬太, 周樺, & 馬強. (2011). 不同有機廄肥輸入量對土壤團聚體有機碳組分的影響.土壤學報,48(6), 1149-1157.
劉中良, & 宇萬太. (2011). 土壤團聚體中有機碳研究進展.中國生態農業學報,19(2), 447-455.
畢明麗, 宇萬太, 姜子紹, 周樺, & 沈善敏. (2010). 施肥和土壤管理對土壤微生物生物量碳、氮和群落結構的影響.生態學報,30(1), 32-42.
宇萬太, 姜子紹, 馬強, & 周樺. (2009). 施用有機肥對土壤肥力的影響.植物營養與肥料學報,15(5), 1057-1064.
宇萬太, 馬強, 趙鑫, 周樺, & 李建東. (2007). 不同土地利用類型下土壤活性有機碳庫的變化.生態學雜誌,26(12), 2013-2016.