


  • 中文名:學漢字知中國
  • 類別:慕課
  • 提供院校:四川大學
  • 授課老師:王丹,胡翼等


何九盈、胡雙寶、張猛 2009 《漢字文化大觀》,北京:人民教育出版社
胡曉萍 2015 《漢字的結構和演變》,長春:東北大學出版社
李大遂2013 《簡明實用漢字學》,北京:北京大學出版社
李榮 2001 《文字問題》,北京:商務印書館
林西莉著,李之義譯 2008 《漢字王國》,北京:三聯書店
王寧 2018 《漢字與中華文化十講》,北京:三聯書店


文明的曙光——漢字的性質和起源 Chapter one: Dawn of Civilization—the Nature and the Origin of Chinese characters
學習目標:了解漢字的性質與特點、需要掌握的漢字數量,以及關於漢字起源值得關注的四種說法,學習者形成對漢字的整體印象和把握。Learning target: To understand the nature and characteristics of Chinese characters, the number of Chinese characters that need to be mastered, and four statements about the origin of Chinese characters which are worthy of attention. Learners have the overall impression and understanding of Chinese characters.
1.1 漢字的性質和特點 Lecture one: the Nature and Characteristics of Chinese Characters
1.2 漢字的起源 Lecture two: The origin of Chinese Characters
1.3 第一章小結(英文) Chapter one: Study Summary
Chapter one courseware
第一章互動討論 Chapter one: online forum
第一章 單元測驗 Chapter one: unit test
第一章 單元作業 Chapter one: written assignment
方塊縱古今——漢字形體的發展 Chapter two: Chinese Characters throughout History— The evolution of forms
學習目標:把握漢字形體發展的歷史脈絡,了解各種形體的主要特點和形體發展的原因,感知漢字不斷適應社會變遷、與時俱進的本質面貌。Learning target: Grasp the historical context of the development of Chinese character forms. Understand the main characteristics of various forms and the reasons for their development. Perceiving the essential appearance of Chinese characters constantly adapting to social changes and keeping pace with the times.
2.1 漢字形體的發展簡介 Lecture one: The Brief Introduction to the Evolution of Chinese Character Forms
2.2 甲骨文 Lecture two: The Oracle Bone Inscription
2.3 金文 Lecture three: The Bronze Inscription
第二章互動討論(一)Chapter two: online forum (part one)
2.4 大篆、六國文字與小篆 Lecture four:The Large Seal Character, the Six Kingdoms Scripts and the Small Seal Character
2.5 隸書與楷書 Lecture five: The Clerical Script and the Regular Script
2.6 草書與行書 Lecture six: The Cursive and Semi-Cursive Script
2.7 第二章小結(英文) Chapter two: Study Summary
第二章互動討論(二) Chapter two: online forum (part two)
Chapter two courseware
第二章 單元測驗(第一部分) Chapter two: unit test(part one)
第二章 單元測驗(第二部分)Chapter two: unit test ( part two)
第二章 單元作業: Chapter two: written assignment
趣味探理據——漢字的造字方法Chapter Three: Exploring the Evidence Interestingly——The methods of making Chinese characters
學習目標:了解漢字六書的緣由及其含義,能根據字形推斷典型漢字的造字方法並辨析形近字。Learning target: Learners are supposed to understand the origin and meaning of Liushu. Furthermore, they can infer the method of the typical Chinese character making and can differentiate and analyse the characters with similar form.
3.1 象形造字法 Lecture one: The Method of Making Pictographic Characters
3.2 指事造字法 Lecture two: The Method of Making Self-explanatory Characters
3.3 會意造字法 Lecture three: The Method of Making Associative Compounds
3.4 形聲造字法 Lecture four: The Method of Making Pictophonetic characters
3.5 識字與教學 Lecture five: To Know and Teach Chinese Characters
3.6 第三章小結(英文) Chapter three: Study Summary
Chapter three courseware
第三章互動討論 Chapter three: online forum
第三章 單元測驗 Chapter three: unit test
第三章 單元作業: Chapter three: written assignment
內涵見智慧——漢字與中國傳統社會文化 Chapter Four: Witness Great Wisdom through Connotation——Chinese characters and the culture of traditional Chinese society
學習目標:從衣、食、住、行和人生五個角度出發,選取63個常見常用的漢字作為例子,通過分析這些漢字字型的起源、發展,造字本義、在現代漢語中的意義及用法,讓學習者了解漢字所蘊含的豐富的文化內涵,促進學習者從文化的角度來解讀、認識更多的漢字。 Learning target: From the five angles of clothing, food, housing, travel and life,to select 63 common Chinese characters as examples, then analyze their origin and development, their original meanings, their meanings and usages in modern Chinese, let learners understand the rich cultural connotation of Chinese characters, promote them to interpret from a cultural point of view and understand more and more Chinese characters.
4.1 民以食為天——漢字中的飲食文化Lecture one: The Bite and Sup Culture in Chinese Characters
4.2 雲想衣裳花想容——漢字中的服飾文化 Lecture two: The Dress Culture in Chinese Characters
4.3 千里之行始於足下——漢字中的行旅文化 Lecture three: The Travel Culture in Chinese Characters
4.4 斯是陋室,惟吾德馨——漢字中的建築文化 Lecture four: The Architectural Culture in Chinese Characters
4.5 之子于歸,宜其室家——漢字中的生命儀式 Lecture five: The Life Ceremony in Chinese Characters
4.6 第四章小結(英文) Chapter four: Study Summary
第四章互動討論 Chapter four: online forum
Chapter four courseware
第四章 單元測驗 Chapter four: unit test
第四章 單元作業 Chapter four: written assignment
外解尋芳蹤——漢字的結構 Chapter Five: Know More from its Appearance——the structure of Chinese characters
學習目標: 學習漢字的基本單位和外部結構等方面的問題,學習者需要掌握漢字的基本單位——筆畫,漢字的筆順及正確的筆順書寫規則,正確區分與認識獨體字與合體字,弄清楚偏旁與部件的區別。Learning target :To study the basic units and external structures of Chinese characters. learners need to master the basic unit of the Chinese characters-strokes,the stroke order of Chinese characters and the rules of writing, to tell the single characters correctly from the compound characters,and to understand the difference between a character side and a radical.
5.1筆畫 Lecture one: Strokes
5.2 筆順 Lecture two: Order of Strokes
5.3 獨體字、合體字與漢字的外部結構 Lecture three: Single Character, Compound Character and the External Structure of Chinese Characters
5.4 部件 Lecture four: The Character Piece
5.5 第五章小結(英文)Chapter five: Study Summary
第五章互動討論 Chapter five: online forum
Chapter five courseware
第五章 單元測驗 Chapter five: unit test
第五章 單元作業 Chapter fIve: written assignment
內析品精妙——漢字的偏旁與部首Chapter Six: Taste the Exquisiteness from Inside Structure—— Component and Radical of Chinese Characters
學習目標:了解漢字的基本單位——偏旁。偏旁是構成合體字的基本單位,包含表義偏旁,表音偏旁以及構型偏旁等類別。除了偏旁,我們還將了解另外一個涉及到分析漢字的字形與字義之間關係的概念——部首。部首就是具有字形歸類作用的偏旁,是字書中各部的首字,是用於查字典的。Learning target :Learning the basic unit of Chinese characters——Chinese character component . The Chinese character component is the basic unit of the compound character, which includes Ideographic component, Phonetic component and Structural component . Besides the Chinese character component,we also learn another concept that involves analyzing the relationship between the shape and meaning of Chinese characters—— Radical. The radical is the component that has the function of classification , and it is the first character in the character book, which used to look up characters in the dictionary.
6.1 偏旁 Lecture one: Chinese Character Component
6.2 表義偏旁 Lecture two: Ideographic Component
6.3 表音偏旁 Lecture three: Phonetic Component
6.4 構形偏旁 Lecture four: Structural Component
6.5 部首 Lecture five: Radical
6.6 第六章小結 Chapter six: Study Summar
第六章 課件(中文)
Chapter six Courseware
第六章互動討論 Chapter six: online forum
第六章 單元測驗 Chapter six: unit test
第六章 單元作業 Chapter six: written assignment
音字相與析——漢字的讀音Chapter Seven: Analyzing the Pronunciation of Chinese Characters—— the Monosyllabic,Polyphonic Characters and the Homophones
學習目標:首先知道什麼是單音字、多音字和同音字,了解產生多音字的四種情況,從四種發音分類和兩種字義分類來認識多音字的類型。然後了解產生同音字的四種情況,學會四種辨別同音字的方法,以“一語雙關”和“歇後語”為例,認識同音字的妙用。Learning target: Firstly, to learn what monosyllabic, polysyllabic, and homophone are and the four situations in which polysyllabic characters are produced. To understand the types of polysyllabic characters from four pronunciation classifications and two word meaning classifications. Secondly, to understand the four situations in which homophones are produced, and learn four ways to distinguish homophones. To take “one pun” and “two-part allegorical saying” as examples, we can understand the wonderful use of homophones.
7.1 單音字和多音字 Lecture one: the Monosyllabic and Polyphonic Characters
7.2 同音字 Lecture two: the Homophones
7.3 第七章小結 Chapter seven: Study Summary
7.4 第七章 課件(中文)
Chapter seven Courseware
第七章互動討論(一) Chapter seven: online forum(part one)
第七章互動討論(二) Chapter seven: online forum(part two)
第七章 單元測驗(一) Chapter seven: unit test(part one)
第七章 單元測驗(二) Chapter seven: unit test(part two)
第七章 單元作業 Chapter seven: written assignment
文明的傳承——漢字的改革與教育Chapter Eight:The Inheritance of Civilization——The Reform and education of Chinese characters
學習目標:了解漢字的改革與拼音方案的制定、了解繁體字與簡體字的聯繫與區別、了解漢字學習的基本方法和思路。Learning Target: To understand the reform of Chinese characters and the formulation of the Chinese Pinyin System Scheme, to understand the relationship and differentiation between traditional characters and simplified characters, and to understand the basic methods and ideas of Chinese character learning.
8.1 漢字與拼音:漢字存廢大討論 Lecture one: Chinese Characters and Pinyin: Discussion on the saving and waste of Chinese characters.
8.2 繁體和簡化:漢字改革大實踐 Lecture two: Traditional and Simplified Chinese Characters: A great practice of Chinese character reform
8.3 內容與方法:漢字教育小思考 Lecture tree: Content and Method: some ideas of Chinese character education.
8.4 第八章小結 Chapter eight: Study Summary
第八章 課件(中文)
Chapter eight Courseware
第八章互動討論 Chapter eight: online forum
第八章 單元測驗 Chapter eight: unit test
第八章 單元作業 Chapter eight: written assignment
更上一層樓——漢字的學習方法Chapter Nine: Strive for Further Improvement----Learning method of Chinese characters
學習目標:本章主要以漢語綜合課的課本為例,在前面幾章已學內容的基礎上,向學習者介紹漢字學習方法。旨在拋磚引玉,引發學習者的思考,鼓勵他們找到適合自己的漢字學習方法。 Learning target: This chapter, which takes the textbook of Chinese comprehensive course as an example,mainly introduces the learning method of Chinese characters on the basis of the previous chapters. It aims at throwing bricks and attract jade, and also tends to arouse learners' thinking and encourage them to find a suitable way to learn Chinese characters.
9.1 學習漢字與學習漢語的關係 Lecture one: The Relationship between Learning Chinese and Chinese Characters
9.2 學習漢字的具體步驟(一)——漢字的字音和字義 Lecture two: Specific Steps of Learning Chinese Characters (Part one)---Pronunciation and meaning of Chinese characters
9.3 學習漢字的具體步驟(二)——漢字書寫Lecture three: Specific Steps of Learning Chinese Characters (Part two) ——Writing Chinese characters
9.4 第九章小結Chapter nine: Study Summary
第九章 課件(中文)
Chapter nine Courseware
第九章 互動討論 Chapter eight: online forum


