孫雪松: 女,黑龍江,民族:漢,黨派:共產黨,博士,暨南大學研究員,博士研究生導師。從攻讀博士開始至今一直致力於生物無機化學及功能蛋白組學的研究,著眼於細菌的金屬離子代謝、毒力及耐藥機制的研究。在該領域的研究結果已經在國際一流刊物上發表SCI論文30餘篇,其中第一作者及通訊作者24篇,單篇最高引用率達150次,總引用率﹥600次,H因子:10。應邀為Expert Rev. Proteomics, Metallomics,Curr. Drug. Metab. J Proteomics等期刊撰寫本研究領域的綜述性文章。研究結果得到同行專家的高度評價。發表在Metallomics上的文章被作為封面刊登,並且被評為該雜誌當年最熱門的十篇文章之一。曾多次應邀在全國蛋白組學、亞洲生物無機化學大會等做學術報告。主持國家科技部“973”項目子課題1項,國家自然科學基金1項,廣東省自然科學基金2項,廣州市科技計畫1項,暨南大學引進人才啟動經費1項。2011年年獲得廣州市首批珠江科技新星計畫資助。學習經歷:
2003-2006: 博士學位 香港大學
1999-2002: 碩士學位 南開大學/中科院微生物所
1995-1999: 學士學位 南開大學
2007-2008:香港大學, 博士後
1. Xuesong Sun, Jen-Fu Chiu, Qing-Yu He, “Fractionation of proteins by immobilized metal affinity chromatography”, Methods Mol. Biol. 2008, 424:205-12.(專著)
2. 《功能蛋白質研究》第四、五章,科學出版社,2012
1. Guo, Z., Han, J., Yang, X. Y., Cao, K., He, K., Du, G., Zeng, G., Zhang, L., Yu, G., Sun, Z., He, Q. Y.*, and Sun, X.* (2015) Proteomic analysis of the copper resistance of Streptococcus pneumoniae. Metallomics : integrated biometal science, 7(3):448-54
2. Yang, X. Y., Zhang, L., Liu, J., Li, N., Yu, G., Cao, K., Han, J., Zeng, G., Pan, Y., Sun, X., and He, Q. Y.* (2014) Proteomic analysis on the antibacterial activity of a Ru(II) complex against Streptococcus pneumoniae. J Proteomics, 115C, 107-116
3. Yang, X. Y., Sun, B., Zhang, L., Li, N., Han, J., Zhang, J., Sun, X.*, and He, Q. Y. * (2014) Chemical interference with iron transport systems to suppress bacterial growth of Streptococcus pneumoniae. PLoS One, 9, e105953
4. Wu, X., Xu, L., Gu, W., Xu, Q., He, Q. Y.*, Sun, X.*, and Zhang, G*. (2014) Iterative genome correction largely improves proteomic analysis of nonmodel organisms. J Proteome Res, 13, 2724-2734
5. Wang, N., Zhang, J., Zhang, L., Yang, X. Y., Li, N., Yu, G., Han, J., Cao, K., Guo, Z., Sun, X.*, and He, Q. Y.* (2014) Proteomic analysis of putative heme-binding proteins in Streptococcus pyogenes. Metallomics : integrated biometal science, 6, 1451-1459
6. Li, N., Yang, X. Y., Guo, Z., Zhang, J., Cao, K., Han, J., Zhang, G., Liu, L., Sun, X.*, and He, Q. Y.* (2014) Varied metal-binding properties of lipoprotein PsaA in Streptococcus pneumoniae. J Biol Inorg Chem, 19, 829-838
7. Ge, R., and Sun, X.* (2014) Iron acquisition and regulation systems in Streptococcus species. Metallomics : integrated biometal science, 6, 996-1003
8. Sun, X.*, Yu, G., Xu, Q., Li, N., Xiao, C., Yin, X., Cao, K., Han, J., and He, Q. Y.* (2013) Putative cobalt- and nickel-binding proteins and motifs in Streptococcus pneumoniae. Metallomics : integrated biometal science, 5, 928-935
9. Li, H., Li, N., Xu, Q., Xiao, C., Wang, H., Guo, Z., Zhang, J., Sun, X.*, and He, Q. Y.* (2013) Lipoprotein FtsB in Streptococcus pyogenes binds ferrichrome in two steps with residues Tyr137 and Trp204 as critical ligands. PLoS One, 8, e65682
10. Yang, X. Y., Lu, J., Sun, X.*, and He, Q. Y.* (2012) Application of subproteomics in the characterization of Gram-positive bacteria. J Proteomics, 75, 2803-2810
11. Sun, X.*, Yang, X. Y., Yin, X. F., Yu, G., Xiao, C. L., He, X., and He, Q. Y.* (2011) Proteomic analysis of membrane proteins from Streptococcus pneumoniae with multiple separation methods plus high accuracy mass spectrometry. OMICS, 15, 683-694
12. Sun, X., Xiao, C. L., Ge, R., Yin, X., Li, H., Li, N., Yang, X., Zhu, Y., He, X., and He, Q. Y.* (2011) Putative copper- and zinc-binding motifs in Streptococcus pneumoniae identified by immobilized metal affinity chromatography and mass spectrometry. Proteomics, 11, 3288-3298
13. Sun, X.*, Jia, H. L., Xiao, C. L., Yin, X. F., Yang, X. Y., Lu, J., He, X., Li, N., Li, H., and He, Q. Y.* (2011) Bacterial proteome of streptococcus pneumoniae through multidimensional separations coupled with LC-MS/MS. OMICS, 15, 477-482
14. Ge, R., Sun, X.#(共同第一), Xiao, C., Yin, X., Shan, W., Chen, Z., and He, Q. Y.* (2011) Phosphoproteome analysis of the pathogenic bacterium Helicobacter pylori reveals over-representation of tyrosine phosphorylation and multiply phosphorylated proteins. Proteomics, 11, 1449-1461
15. Ge, R., Sun, X.#, and He, Q. Y.* (2011) Overview of the Metallometabolomic Methodology for Metal-Based Drug Metabolism. Curr Drug Metab,
16. Sun, X., Ge, R., Zhang, D., Sun, H., and He, Q. Y.* (2010) Iron-containing lipoprotein SiaA in SiaABC, the primary heme transporter of Streptococcus pyogenes. J Biol Inorg Chem, 15, 1265-1273
17. Sun, X., Ge, F., Xiao, C. L., Yin, X. F., Ge, R., Zhang, L. H., and He, Q. Y.* (2010) Phosphoproteomic analysis reveals the multiple roles of phosphorylation in pathogenic bacterium Streptococcus pneumoniae. J Proteome Res, 9, 275-282
18. Sun, X., Ge, R., Cai, Z., Sun, H., and He, Q. Y.* (2009) Iron depletion decreases proliferation and induces apoptosis in a human colonic adenocarcinoma cell line, Caco2. J Inorg Biochem, 103, 1074-1081
19. Sun, X., Baker, H. M., Ge, R., Sun, H., He, Q. Y.*, and Baker, E. N. * (2009) Crystal structure and metal binding properties of the lipoprotein MtsA, responsible for iron transport in Streptococcus pyogenes. Biochemistry, 48, 6184-6190
20. Sun, X., Ge, R., Chiu, J. F., Sun, H., and He, Q. Y.* (2008) Identification of Proteins Related to Nickel Homeostasis in Helicobater pylori by Immobilized Metal Affinity Chromatography and Two-Dimensional Gel Electrophoresis. Met Based Drugs, 2008, 289490
21. Sun, X., Ge, R., Chiu, J. F., Sun, H., and He, Q. Y.* (2008) Lipoprotein MtsA of MtsABC in Streptococcus pyogenes primarily binds ferrous ion with bicarbonate as a synergistic anion. FEBS Lett, 582, 1351-1354
22. Sun, X., Chiu, J. F., and He, Q. Y.* (2008) Fractionation of proteins by immobilized metal affinity chromatography. Methods Mol Biol, 424, 205-212
23. Sun, X., Chiu, J. F., and He, Q. Y.* (2005) Application of immobilized metal affinity chromatography in proteomics. Expert Rev Proteomics, 2, 649-657
24. Sun, X., Sun, H., Ge, R., Richter, M., Woodworth, R. C., Mason, A. B., and He, Q. Y.* (2004) The low pKa value of iron-binding ligand Tyr188 and its implication in iron release and anion binding of human transferrin. FEBS Lett, 573, 181-185
25. Zhou, Q., Qi, S., Sun, X., and Ge, R. (2014) The interaction of a histidine-rich protein hpn with the membrane mimics: implications for pathologic roles of Hpn in Helicobacter pylori. Helicobacter, 19, 129-135
26. Xiao, C. L., Chen, X. Z., Du, Y. L., Sun, X., Zhang, G., and He, Q. Y.* (2013) Binomial probability distribution model-based protein identification algorithm for tandem mass spectrometry utilizing peak intensity information. J Proteome Res, 12, 328-335
27. Ge, R., Sun, X., Wang, D., Zhou, Q., and Sun, H.* (2011) Histidine-rich protein Hpn from Helicobacter pylori forms amyloid-like fibrils in vitro and inhibits the proliferation of gastric epithelial AGS cells. Biochim Biophys Acta, 1813, 1422-1427
28. Ge, R., and Sun, X. (2011) The in vivo functions of a histidine-rich protein Hpn in Helicobacter pylori: linking gastric and Alzheimer's diseases together? Med Hypotheses, 77, 788-790
29. Ge, R., and Sun, X. (2012) Iron trafficking system in Helicobacter pylori. Biometals, 25, 247-58.
30. Ge, R., Sun, X., Gu, Q., Watt, R. M., Tanner, J. A., Wong, B. C., Xia, H. H., Huang, J. D., He, Q. Y.*, and Sun, H. (2007) A proteomic approach for the identification of bismuth-binding proteins in Helicobacter pylori. J Biol Inorg Chem, 12, 831-842
31. Ge, R., Zhang, Y., Sun, X., Watt, R. M., He, Q. Y., Huang, J. D., Wilcox, D. E., and Sun, H.* (2006) Thermodynamic and kinetic aspects of metal binding to the histidine-rich protein, Hpn. J Am Chem Soc, 128, 11330-11331
32. Ge, R., Watt, R. M., Sun, X., Tanner, J. A., He, Q. Y.*, Huang, J. D.*, and Sun, H.* (2006) Expression and characterization of a histidine-rich protein, Hpn: potential for Ni2+ storage in Helicobacter pylori. Biochem J, 393, 285-293
33. Yang, P. H., Sun, X., Chiu, J. F., Sun, H., and He, Q. Y.* (2005) Transferrin-mediated gold nanoparticle cellular uptake. Bioconjug Chem, 16, 494-496
34. Ge, R., Lin, H., Xu, X., Sun, X., Zhu, S., Ji, B., Li, F., and Wu, H. (2004) Catalysis of phosphoryl transfer from adenosine-5'-triphosphate (ATP) by trinuclear "chelate" complexes. J Inorg Biochem, 98, 917-924
35. Xue, Y., Sun, X., Zhou, P., Liu, R., Liang, F., and Ma, Y. * (2003) Gordonia paraffinivorans sp. nov., a hydrocarbon-degrading actinomycete isolated from an oil-producing well. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 53, 1643-1646
1. 結腸癌及其相關巨噬細胞的分泌蛋白質與腫瘤發展的相關研究(2011CB910701)。國家科技部“973” 子課題 ,36萬,2011.1-2012-12。
2. 肺炎鏈球菌中錳轉運蛋白PsaA錳離子結合特性的研究(31000373)。國家自然基金-青年基金, 20萬, 2011.1-2013.12。
3. 鋅蛋白介導的肺炎鏈球菌鋅離子攝取機制的研究(S2012010008685)。 廣東省自然基金,5萬,2012-2014.9。
4. 基於脂蛋白PsaA的肺炎鏈球菌錳運輸機制的研究(10451063201005247)。廣東省自然基金,3 萬,2010.10-2012.9。
5. 肺炎鏈球菌錳攝取機制的研究(33111013)。廣州市珠江科技新星計畫,30萬,2012.1-2013.12。
6. 肺炎鏈球菌錳轉運機制的研究(21611201)。暨南大學創新與培育項目-傑出人才,60萬,2011.1-2013.12。
7. 肺炎鏈球菌錳轉運機制的研究(21609301)。暨南大學創新與培育項目-青年項目,2.5 萬,2010.1-2010.12。
8. 肺炎鏈球菌錳轉運機制的研究(51208047)。暨南大學引進人才啟動基金,4 萬,2008.5-2010.5。
9. 化膿鏈球菌中轉鐵蛋白MtsA和HtsA金屬結合特性的研究 。211工程三期預研項目,4萬,2008.12-2009.12。
1. 廣東省“千百十”工程校級培養對象,2010。
2. 廣州市珠江科技新星,2011。