孫長凱,男,1963年5月出生,上海第二軍醫大學軍醫系81級,西安第四軍醫大學臨床神經病學碩士與醫學博士,北京軍事醫學科學院博士後,美國Cleveland Clinic神經科學系神經炎症實驗室訪問科學家,生物醫學工程系神經生理學實驗室高級訪問學者,神經病學研究所癲癇中心客座教授。現為大連醫科大學中青年學科帶頭人,神經病學主任醫師、教授,腦疾病研究所所長,遼寧省腦疾病重點實驗室暨遼寧省高校省級腦疾病研究重點實驗室主任,博士生導師,博士後合作導師,大連醫科大學科技處處長。主要從事癲癇等重大腦疾病防治研究。建立解放軍大連210醫院神經心理學診療室、大連醫科大學腦疾病研究所、遼寧省高校省級腦疾病研究重點實驗室及遼寧省腦疾病重點實驗室。承擔各類基金課題30餘項。1992年開始興奮毒性腦損害中的活性氮介質機制研究,提出“一氧化氮-星形膠質細胞抗興奮毒性腦損害”新的級在線上制,揭示了L-精氨酸/一氧化氮介質抗興奮毒性的腦保護作用。1997年提出“癲癇及其相關、相似腦疾病免疫防治的創新性研究”構想,提出“神經疫苗”概念及其第一個“神經疫苗”研究課題。2000年開始研製銀杏葉提取物納米製劑並套用於興奮毒性腦損害的防治。2003年4月提出“SARS膽鹼能急救療法”,受到衛生部專家組肯定。發表論文百餘篇,部分內容被收入1996年Portland出版社出版的Biology of Nitric Oxide叢書(第5輯)、2008年Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW)出版社出版的美國新版《癲癇學》教材(Epilepsy: A Comprehensive Textbook, 2nd Edition. Jerome Engel Jr., Timothy A. Pedley與Jean Aicardi主編。此書是當代國際上最大、最有影響的三卷本《癲癇學》教材與工具書,第二版全書共3056頁)。應邀在第22屆世界癲癇大會上做15分鐘口頭報告(1997,都柏林),參與組織和主持了全國第一次一氧化氮生物醫學研究與套用學術會議(1997年),參編(責任編委/編委)著作/教材8部(包括中國科技大學研究生教材及全國研究生規劃教材)。獲遼寧省科技進步一等獎一項,遼寧省科技進步二等獎兩項,軍隊科技進步二、三、四等獎各一項,武裝警察部隊科技進步二等獎一項。2001年提出開設碩/博士研究生及七/八年制學生新課程《“臨床神經生物學”》,獲遼寧省第五屆高等教育教學成果三等獎,2005年國家級繼續教育項目12學分。2002年提出“科技工作和科技管理工作的6P目標與指標”。主要學術與社會兼職:中國生理學會套用生理專業委員會副主任委員,中國神經科學學會理事,中國機械工程學會生物製造工程分會第一屆專業委員會委員暨高級會員,中德(教育部高等教育出版社-Springer)Frontiers of Medicine in China第一、二屆編委,中華醫學會神經病學專業委員會會刊《中華神經科雜誌》第三、四屆編委,Neuroscience(國際腦研究組織IBRO官方期刊),Chin Med J(《中華醫學雜誌英文版》),Prog Biochem Biophys(《生物化學與生物物理進展》)等SCI期刊審稿專家,科技部生物技術發展中心國家863計畫生物與醫藥領域評審專家,教育部科技發展中心中國科技論文線上優秀學者,中華醫學科技獎第二屆評審委員會委員。遼寧省神經科學學會理事長,遼寧省醫藥質量管理學會副會長,遼寧省藥學會第八屆生化與生物技術藥物專業委員會副主任委員,遼寧省醫學會醫學科研管理分會副主任委員,遼寧省生物技術協會第三屆理事會常務理事兼副秘書長,中華醫學會遼寧省醫學會第五屆理事會常務理事,遼寧省生理學會第六屆理事會常務理事,遼寧省首屆醫師協會常務理事,遼寧省經濟體制改革研究會理事會常務理事。中華醫學會大連市分會第八屆理事會理事,生理學專科分會主任委員,大連市社會科學院特邀研究員,大連醫科大學大連市社會科學院研究基地醫學社會科學研究中心主任兼生物醫學科研管理研究室主任。美國科學促進協會(AAAS)會員,紐約科學院(NYAS)Active Member。《中華醫學雜誌》
1. Cao J, Sun CK (Corresponding Author), Zhao H, Xiao Z, Chen B, Gao J, Zheng T, Wu W, Wu S, Wang J, Dai J(Corresponding Author). The use of laminin modified linear ordered collagen scaffolds loaded with laminin-binding ciliary neurotrophic factor for sciatic nerve regeneration in rats. Biomaterials.2011 Jun;32(16):3939-48 (通訊作者,2009SCI影響因子IF7.365)
2. Kisiel-Sajewicz K, Fang Y, Hrovat K, Yue GH, Siemionow V, Sun CK, Jaskólska A, Jaskólski A, Sahgal V, Daly JJ. Weakening of synergist muscle coupling during reaching movement in stroke patients. Neurorehabil Neural Repair. 2011 May;25(4):359-68(2009SCI影響因子IF 5.398)
3. Hao M, Li SY, Sun CK, Jingyu-Xu, Lin Y, Liu KX, Wang L, Li CX, Zhou Q, Du JL, Li H. Amelioration effects of berberine on diabetic microendothelial injury model by the combination of high glucose and advanced glycation end products in vitro. Eur J Pharmacol. 2011 Mar 11;654(3):320-5(2009SCI影響因子IF2.585)
4. Li S, Luo J, Wang X, Guan BC,Sun CK(Corresponding Author). Effects of Ginkgo biloba extracts on NMDA-activated currents in acutely isolated hippocampal neurons of the rat. Phytother Res. 2011 Jan;25(1):137-41 (通訊作者,2009SCI影響因子IF1.746)
5. Li A, Lv S, Yu Z, Zhang Y, Ma H, Zhao H, Piao H, Li S, Zhang N, Sun CK. Simvastatin attenuates hypomyelination induced by hypoxia-ischemia in neonatal rats. Neurol Res. 2010 Nov;32(9):945-52(2009SCI影響因子IF 1.277)
6. Ma XC,Sun CK (Corresponding Author), Huang SS, Wang JK, Zhang BJ, Li FY, Wang G, Deng S, Cui J(Corresponding Author). Preparative isolation and purification of four prenylflavanones from microbial biotransformation of kurarinone by high-speed counter-current chromatography. Sep Purif Technol. 2010;76:140-5 (通訊作者,2009SCI影響因子IF 2.879)
7. Song Z, He CD, Sun CK, Xu Y, Jin X, Zhang Y, Xiao T, Wang Y, Lu P, Jiang Y, Wei H, Chen HD. Increased expression of MAP2 inhibits melanoma cell proliferation, invasion and tumor growth in vitro and in vivo.Exp Dermatol. 2010 Nov;19(11):958-64(2008SCI影響因子IF3.295)
8.Yin LH, Xu YW, Qi Y, Han X, Xu LN, Peng JY(Corresponding Author), Sun CK(Corresponding Author). A green and efficient protocol for industrial-scale preparation of dioscin from Dioscorea nipponica Makino by two-step macroporous resin column Chromatography. Chem Eng J 2010,165:281-289 (通訊作者,2009SCI影響因子IF 2.816)
9. Li J, Ma X, Li F, Wang J, Chen H, Wang G, Lv X, Sun CK(Corresponding Author), Jia J. Preparative separation and purification of bufadienolides from Chinese traditional medicine of ChanSu using high-speed counter-current chromatography. J Sep Sci 2010,33:1325-1330 (通訊作者,2009SCI影響因子IF 2.551)
10. Yu Z, Li S, Lv SH, Piao H, Zhang YH, Zhang YM, Ma H, Zhang J, Sun CK, Li AP(Corresponding Author). Hypoxia-ischemia brain damage disrupts brain cholesterol homeostasis in neonatal rats. Neuropediatrics 2009,40(4):179-185 (SCI影響因子IF1.377)
11.Wu JL, Liu T, Lin Y, Shen ZW, Miao YW, Wu RH, Sun CK. Quantitative analysis of glutamate compounds in the swine brain following central analgesics nasal spray using proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy and linear combination model. Neural Regen Res 2009,4(7): 508-512 (SCI檢索期刊)
12.Du JL, Liu JF, Men LL, Yao JJ, Sun LP, Sun GH, Song GR, Yang Y, Bai R, Xing Q, Li CC, Sun CK (Corresponding Author). Efffects of five-year intensive multifactorial intervention on the serum amyloid A and macroangiopathy in patients with short-duration type 2 diabetes mellitus. Chin Med J 2009, 122(21): 2560-2566 (通訊作者,SCI影響因子IF 0.952)
13.Sun W, Sun CK, Lin H, Zhao H, Wang J, Ma H, Chen B, Xiao Z, Dai J. The effect of collagen-binding NGF-beta on the promotion of sciatic nerve regeneration in a rat sciatic nerve crush injury model. Biomaterials 2009 Sep;30(27):4649-56. (中國科學院遺傳與發育研究所來本實驗室完成的聯合研究,SCI影響因子IF7.365)
14.Sun W, Sun CK, Zhao H, Lin H, Han Q, Wang J, Ma H, Chen B, Xiao Z, Dai J. Improvement of sciatic nerve regeneration using laminin-binding human NGF-beta. PLoS One 2009 Jul 9;4(7):e6180 (中國科學院遺傳與發育研究所來本實驗室完成的聯合研究,SCI影響因子IF4.351)
15.Chen X, Sun CK (Co-First Author), Han GZ, Peng JY, Li Y, Liu YX, Lv YY, Liu KX, Zhou Q, Sun HJ. Protective effect of tea polyphenols against paracetamol-induced hepatotoxicity in mice is significanly correlated with cytochrome P450 suppression. World J Gastroenterol 2009 Apr 21;15(15):1829-35(並列第一作者,SCI影響因子IF2.092)
16.Yin LH, Lu BN, Qi Y, Xu LN, Xu H, Xu YW, Peng JY(Corresponding Author), Sun CK (Corresponding Author). Simultaneous determination of 11 active components in two well-known traditional Chinese medicines by HPLC coupled with diode array detection for quality control.J Pharm Biomed Anal 2009 May 1;49(4):1101-8 (通訊作者,SCI影響因子IF 2.453)
17.Wang XF, Yang Q, Fan Z, Sun CK, Yue GH. Assessing time-dependent association between scalp EEG and muscle activation: a functional random-elects model approach. J Neurosci Methods 2009 Feb 15;177(1):232-40 (SCI影響因子IF2.295)
18.XuLN, Han X, Qi Y, Xu YW, Yin LH, Peng JY(Corresponding Author), Liu KX, Sun CK (Corresponding Author). Multiple compounds determination and fingerprint analysis of Lidanpaishi tablet and keli by high-performance liquid chromatography. Anal Chim Acta 2009 Feb 2;633(1):136-48 (通訊作者,SCI影響因子IF3.757)
19.Yang Q, Fang Y, Sun CK, Siemionow V, Ranganathan VK, Khoshknabi DS, Davis MP, Wash D, Sahgal V, Yue GH. Weakening of corticomuscular coupling during muscle fatigue. Brain Res, 2009 Jan 23; 1250: 101-112(SCI影響因子IF2.463)
20.Liang S, Yang F, Zhou C, Wang Y, Li S, Sun CK, Puglisi JL, Bers D, Sun C, Zheng J. Temperature-dependent activation of neurons by continuous near-infrared laser.Cell Biochem Biophys2009;53(1):33-42(SCI影響因子IF3.337)
21.Zhan LB, Sui H, Lu XG, Sun CK, Zhang J, Ma H.Effects of Zibu Piyin Recipe on SNK-SPAR pathway in neuron injury induced by glutamate. Chin J Integr Med 2008 ,14(2):117-122 (SCI檢索期刊)
22.Liu S, Sun MZ, Sun CK, Zhao B, Greenaway FT, Zheng Q. A novel serine protease from the snake venom of Agkistrodon blomhoffii ussurensis.Toxicon. 2008; 52(7): 760-8 (SCI影響因子IF 2.460)
23.Zhang L, Butler AJ, Sun CK, Sahgal V, Wittenberg GF, Yue GH. Fractal dimension assessment of brain white matter structural complexity post stroke in relation to upper-extremity motor function. Brain Res 2008; 1228: 229-240 (SCI影響因子IF 2.494)
24.DU JL,Sun CK (Co-First Author), LÜ B, MEN LL, YAO JJ, AN LJ, SONG GR. Association of SelS mRNA expression in omental adipose tissue with Homa-IR and serum amyloid A in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Chin Med J 2008; 121(13): 1165-1168(並列第一作者,SCI影響因子IF 0.858)
25.Wu LX, Sun CK (Corresponding Author),Zhang YM, Fan M, Xu J, Ma H, Zhang J. Involvement of the Snk-SPAR pathway in glutamate-induced excitotoxicity in cultured hippocampal neurons. Brain Res2007;1168:38-45 (通訊作者,SCI影響因子IF 2.218)
26.Du JL, An LJ, Sun CK, Men LL, Zhang XJ, Li CC. Overexpressing SelS may protect human umbilical vein endothelial cells from injuring by H2O2. Prog Biochem Biophys 2007, 34(4): 425-430(SCI影響因子IF 0.214)
27.Zhan LB, Lu XG, Sun CK, Wang DP, Sui H, Jiang WZ, Wei W, Ma H. Antiexcitoxicity of Zi-Bu-Pi-Yin Recipe in vitro and Mechanisms. Acta Pharmacol Sin 2006; 27 (Suppl): 352 (XVth World Congress of Pharmoclogy, Beijing, ISTP收錄,SCI影響因子IF 1.397)
28. Kang XN, Sun CK (Corresponding Author), Fan M, Xue YN, Shao NS, Zhao J, Han DY, Shi GX. Screening of a NMDA receptor epitope from random phage display peptide library. Prog Biochem Biophys 2003, 30 (4): 599-604 (通訊作者,SCI影響因子IF 0.048)
29. Kang XN, Sun CK (Corresponding Author), Fan M, Song ZJ, Zhao J, Wang JQ, Shi GX. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic investigation of excitotoxicity-protective mechanism of monoclonal antibody against NMDAR. Prog Biochem Biophys 2003, 30 (2): 290-294(通訊作者,SCI影響因子IF 0.048)
30. Wu LX,Sun CK (Corresponding Author), Fan M . Nogo and Nogo receptor . Prog Biochem Biophys 2002, 29 (6): 834-836(通訊作者,SCI影響因子IF 0.160)
31. Sun CK, Ju G. Nitric oxide involved in epilepsy: Yes or no, what or why. Jpn J Pharmacol 1997,75(Suppl.1):89 (第五屆一氧化氮國際會議交流, ISTP收錄,SCI影響因子IF 1.210)
32. Sun CK, Ju G, Huang YG. Expression of interleukin-6 in rat hippocampal formation during kainic acid induced seizures and the roles of nitric oxide pathway. Epilepsia1997,38 (Suppl.3): 231(第22屆國際癲癇會議口頭報告, ISTP收錄,SCI影響因子IF 2.928)
33. Sun CK, Ju G, Huang YG. Implications of nitric oxide pathway in reactive gliosis within intractable seizure brain.Epilepsia1997,38(Suppl.3):189(第22屆國際癲癇會議交流,SCI影響因子IF 2.928)
35. Sun CK, Chong XQ, Huang YG. Spongiform encephalopathies in mainland China. Lancet 1996, 348:544 (Research Letter)(SCI影響因子IF 17.948)
36. Sun CK, Huang YG, Wang DN,et al. An investigation of the GluRs-NOSs-RNI/ROIs cascade mechanism during the seizures induced by kainic acid in balb/c mice. Endothelium 1995,3:s119(Abstract)(第四屆一氧化氮國際會議交流, ISTP收錄,SCI影響因子1.146)