研究方向: 主要從事癌症表觀基因組、癌症的表觀遺傳調控和DNA損傷修復的關係的研究以及與表觀遺傳調控、DNA損傷修復有關的癌症藥物的設計和篩選。
- 中文名:孫英麗
- 職業:研究員
- 職 務:博士生導師
- 性別:女

2002-2010年哈佛大學醫學院Dana Farber癌症研究所先後從事助理研究員和講師工作;
4. 針對腫瘤細胞DNA損傷修復通路的藥物設計和篩選。
[1] Sun Y., Jiang XF. and Price BD. (2010) Tip60: Connecting chromatin to DNA damage signaling. Cell Cycle 9 (5) (Review).
[2] Sun Y., Jiang XF., Xu Y., Ayrapetov MK Wheststine J., and Price BD. (2009) Histone H3 methylation links DNA damage detection to activation of the tumour suppressor Tip60. Nat. Cell. Bio. 11(11)1376-1382.
[3] Kim K., Pollard JM., Norris AJ., McDonald JT., Sun Y., Micewicz E.,Pettijohn K., Damoiseaux R., Iwamoto KS., Sayre JW., Price BD., Gatti RA. and McBride WH. (2009) High throughput screening identifies two classes of antibiotics as radioprotectors: tetracyclines and fluoroquinolones. Clinical Cancer Research 15:7238-7245.
[4] Sun Y., Xu Y., Roy K., and Price BD. (2007) Identification of a novel ATM acetylation site required for activation of ATM’s kinase activity. Mol. Cell. Biol. 27(24): 8502-8509.
[5] Fernandes N., Sun Y., Price BD. (2007) Activation of ATM kinase activity by retinoic acid is required for differentiation of SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells. J. Biol. Chem. 282: 16577-16584.
[6] Sun Y., Jiang XF., Chen S., Roy K. and Price BD. (2006) The FATC domain of PIKK proteins are functionally equivalent and participate in the Tip60-dependent activation of DNA-PKcs and ATM. J. Biol. Chem. 281:15741-15746.
[7] Sun Y., Chen S., Jiang XF. and Price BD. (2006) . Inhibition of histone acetyltransferase (HAT) activity by anacardic acid sensitizes tumor cells to ionizing radiation. FEBS Lett. 580(18): 4353-4356.
[8] Sun Y., Jiang, X., Chen, S., Fernandes N., Price, BD. (2005) A role for the Tip60 histone acetyltransferase in the acetylation and activation of ATM. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 102: 13182-13187.
[9] Fernandes N*, Sun Y*, Chen S, Paul P, Shaw RJ, Cantley LC, Price BD. (2004) DNA-damage induced association of ATM with its target proteins requires a protein interaction domain in the N-terminus of ATM. J. Biol.Chem. 280: 15158-15164
[10] Sun Y. Cytochrome c release mediated apoptosis pathway and tumor metastasis (2002) Mol. Biol. Cell. 13(S): 21.
[11] Sun Y., Chen DY. and Gao CM. (2000) Existence of NuMA proteins in the nuclear matrix of tetrahymena. Acta Zoological Sinica 46(1): 104-107.
[12] Sun Y., Dai YR. and Zhai Z.-H. (2000) Study on programmed cell death in tobacco protoplasts and it's mechanism. Chinese Science Bulletin.44(19): 2075-2080.
[13] Sun Y., Zhu HZ, Zhou J., Dai YR. and Zhai ZH. (1999) Menadione-induced apoptosis and the degradation of lamin like proteins in tobacco protoplasts. Cell Mol. Life Sci. 55:300-306.
[14] Sun Y., Zhao Y., Hong X. and Zhai ZH. (1999) Cytochrome c release and caspase activation in menadione-induced apoptosis in plants. FEBS Lett. 462: 317-321.
[15] Sun Y., Zhao Y., Liu CX. and Zhai ZH. (1999) Apoptosis of mouse liver nuclei induced in the cytosol of carrot cells. Acta Botanica Sinica. 41: 379-383.
[16] Sun Y., Zhu S., Zhao Y. and Zhai ZH. (1999) Activation of apoptosis-related DNase in tobacco protoplasts. In: Investigation on cell modulation: Signal transduction, apoptosis and gene expression. X-S Ye et al. Eds. Med Press. Beijing pp 214-218.
[17] Sun Y., Zhao Y., Wang J. and Zhai Z.-H. (1998) Distribution of NuMA-like proteins and it's changes during cell cycle in plant cells. Acta Botanica. Sinica. 41(3): 235-240.
[18] Zhao Y, Sun Y, Jiang ZF, Zhai ZH. (1999) Induction of mouse nuclei apoptosis in cytosol of carrot cells. Chinese Science Bulletin. 44(16):1497-1502.
[19] Jiang ZF, Zhu S, Sun Y, Zhai ZH. (1999) Induction of apoptosis in purified animal and plant nuclei by xenopus egg extracts. Cell Research 9:79-90.
[20] Zhao Y., Jiang Z.F., Sun Y. and Zhai ZH. (1999) Apoptosis of mouse liver nuclei induced in cytosol of carrot cells. (1999) FEBS Letts. 448:197-200.
[21] Sun Y., Zhao Y., Wang J. and Zhai ZH. (1999) Distribution of NuMA-like proteins and it's changes during cell cycle in plant cells. Acta Botanica Sinica. 41: 235-240.
[22] Wang J., Sun Y. and Zhai ZH. (1997) Study on morphological structure and protein component NuMA of nuclear matrix of plant cells. Acta Biol. Exp. Scinica. 30: 417-422.
[23] Zhao D., Zhao Y., Chen D., Sun Y. and Zhai ZH. (1997) Study on homological analysis of intermediate filament proteins. Acta Sci. Nat. Uni. Pek. 34(2-3): 324-330.