- 中文名:孫艷菲
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:· 宗教社會學、政治社會學· 歷史社會學· 質性研究方法
- 職稱:副教授,百人計畫研究員
- 任職院校:浙江大學
孫硯菲現任浙江大學社會學系副教授,百人計畫研究員。她於2010年取得芝加哥大學社會學博士學位,曾在哥倫比亞大學Society of Fellows任博士後研究員, 並在哈佛大學和芝加哥大學擔任客座教授。
Sun, Yanfei. 8/11/2019. “Competition and Isomorphism: Institutional Changes of Buddhist Organizations in Three Chinese Societies,” Regular Session on Organization, American Sociological Association, New York.
Sun, Yanfei. 7/20/2019. “Research and Writing Using Qualitative Methods.” Sichuan Province Academy of Social Science. Chengdu.
Sun, Yanfei. 7/18/2019. “Competition and Isomorphism: Institutional Changes of Buddhist Organizations in Three Chinese Societies.” Chinese Political Sociological Workshop. Beijing.
Sun, Yanfei. 6/14/2019. “Beyond Nation-States: Pathways and Pitfalls.' Sociology Department Colloquium. Zhejiang University.
Sun, Yanfei. 5/19/2019. “Beyond Nation-States: Pathways and Pitfalls.' Shanghai Jiaotong University.
Sun, Yanfei. 4/25/2019. “Religious Toleration in Premodern Empires.” Carlos III University, Madrid.
Sun, Yanfei. 3/22/2019. “The Current State of Popular Religion, Daoism and Confucianism in PRC.” Reception of Review of Religion in Chinese Society, Association for Asian Studies annual conference.
Sun, Yanfei. 3/22/2019. “Institutional Changes of Buddhist Organizations in Three Chinese Societies.” Panel on Association for Asian Studies annual conference.
Sun, Yanfei. 3/12/2019. “Religious Toleration in Premodern Empires.” Chinese Religion Seminar. Harvard University。
Sun, Yanfei. 12/18/2018. “Premodern Empires and Religious Toleration.” LLG Cultural Development Centre, Malaysia.
Sun, Yanfei. 12/10/2018. “Competition and Isomorphism.” Leeds University.
Sun, Yanfei. 12/7/2018. “Competition and Isomorphism: Institutional Changes of Buddhist Organizations in Three Chinese Societies.” Conference on Competition and Social Change, the School of Social and Political Science and the Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities at the University of Edinburgh.
Sun, Yanfei. 11/29/2018. “Premodern Empire and Their Religious Toleration.” Political Science Department, Shanghai Jiaotong University
Sun, Yanfei. 11/27/2018. “Premodern Empires and Their Religious Toleration.” Political Science Department, Renmin University.
Sun, Yanfei. 7/19/2018. 'Beyond Nation-States: Pathways and Pitfalls.' The Eighth Chinese Political Sociology Workshop, Beijing, University of Chicago and Renmin University, Beijing.
Sun, Yanfei. 7/10/2018. 'Pre-modern Empires and Religious Toleration.' Dunhuang Academy China.
Sun, Yanfei. 2/9/2018. “When Incumbent Faces Challenger: The Isomorphic Moment of Chinese Buddhism.” Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan.
Sun, Yanfei. 2/8/2018. “Twists of Fate: Growth Trajectories of Catholicism and Protestantism in Modern China Compared.” Global Asia Research Center, College of Social Science. National Taiwan University.
Sun, Yanfei. 2/6/2018. “Zero-sum Evangelism and Religious Policy of Pre-modern Empires.” Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taiwan.
Sun, Yanfei. 11/25/2017. “Empires and Religious Toleration.” Forum for Female Sociologists, Nanjing University.
Sun, Yanfei. 10/18/2017. “Twists of Fate: Growth Trajectories of Catholicism and Protestantism in Modern China Compared.” Sociology Department, Tsinghua University.
Sun, Yanfei. 7/31/2017. “Empires and Religious Toleration.” Zhejiang University Institute for Advance Study of Humanities and Social Sciences.
Sun, Yanfei. 7/20/2017. “Empires and Religious Toleration.” The Seventh Chinese Political Sociology Workshop, Beijing, University of Chicago and Renmin University, Beijing.
Sun, Yanfei. 6/13/2017. “Twists of Fate: Growth Trajectories of Catholicism and Protestantism in Modern China Compared.” Religious Diversity Colloquium, Max Planck Institute. Gottingen.
Sun, Yanfei. 5/17/2017. “Twists of Fate: Growth Trajectories of Catholicism and Protestantism in Modern China Compared.” Institute of East Asian Studies, University of Duisburg-Essen.
Sun, Yanfei. 9/12/2016. “The Rise of Protestantism in Post-Mao China.” Sociology's Seminar Series, University of Edinburgh.
Sun, Yanfei. 9/6/2016. “The Rise of Protestantism in Post-Mao China.” Invited talk at the SAXO Institute, University of Copenhagen.
Sun, Yanfei. 8/20/2016. “Twists of Fate: Growth Trajectories of Catholicism and Protestantism in Modern China Compared.” Annual Conference of Association for the Study of Religion, Seattle, WA.
Sun, Yanfei. 2/22/2016. “The Rise of Protestant Christianity in Post-Mao China.” Fairbank Center, Harvard University.
Sun, Yanfei. 1/19/2016. “Christianity in Contemporary China.” Santa Barbara University.
Sun, Yanfei. 7/19/2015.' Religious Ecology as a Concept and Analytical Approach.' Conference on Social Scientific Study of Religion in China, Renmin University, Beijing.
Sun, Yanfei. 9/26/2014. “Paradox of Secularism: How did the Communist State Promote Protestant Christianity in China.” Conference on Secularism: Ideas, Ideologies, and Institutional Practices. Graduate Institute, Geneva.
Sun, Yanfei. 7/19/2014. “Ruptures and Continuities: The Religion Policy Regime from Late Imperial China to Post-Mao China.” The Fourth Chinese Political Sociology Workshop, Beijing, University of Chicago and Renmin University, Beijing.
Sun, Yanfei. 5/15/2014. “Jingkong and Buddhist Modernity: A Master of Contradiction.” Conference on Buddhism in Modern China: Between Resistance, Secularization and New Religiosities, University of Gottingen, Germany.
Sun, Yanfei. 4/16/2013. “The Rise of Protestant Christianity in Post-Mao China: Religious Institutions in Sociopolitical Context.” Comparative Research Workshop, Yale University.
Sun, Yanfei. 10/26/2012. “The Rise of the Jingkong Buddhist Movement in China: 1984–2008,” A Conference on Religion and Politics in Greater China, Oregon State University.
Sun, Yanfei. 9/20/2012. “Dancing with the State: The Rise of Protestant Christianity in China,” Society of Fellows Luncheon Talk Series. The Heyman Center, Columbia University.
Sun, Yanfei. 8/19/2012. “Putting Institutional Features in Structural Context: The Rise of Protestant Christianity in Post-Mao China,” American Sociological Association Annual Conference, Denver, Colorado.
Sun, Yanfei. 8/18/2012. “Popular Religion in Southeast China: Feminization, Bifurcation and Buddhification,” Association for the Sociology of Religion Annual Conference, Denver, Colorado.
Sun, Yanfei. 7/19/2012. “Patterns of Change of the Native Religious Ecology: Colonialism, Nationalist Movement, and the Spread of Protestantism.” The Second Chinese Political Sociology Workshop, Beijing, University of Chicago and Renmin University, Beijing.
Sun, Yanfei. 7/15/2012. “Chinese Buddhism under the Influence of Jingkong.” Workshop Emergence(s) Study on Buddhism in Contemporary China: Fields, Methods, and Sources. Xiamen, China.
Sun, Yanfei. 7/1/2012. “Popular Religion in Zhejiang, Southeast China: Feminization, Bifurcation and Buddhification.” Workshop on Religious Revival and Public Life in the Lower Yangzi Region, Boston University and Fudan University, Shanghai.
Sun, Yanfei. 4/6/2012. “Dance with the State: The Rise of Protestant Christianity in Post-Mao China.” Conference on Development and Social Change in Contemporary China, University of Chicago.
Sun, Yanfei. 8/20/2011. “Religious Dynamics in a Fragmented Authoritarian State: Explaining the Jingkong Buddhist Movement.” American Sociological Association Annual Conference, Las Vegas.
Sun, Yanfei. 8/19/2011. “Grey Zone and Fuzzy Boundary: New Developments of the Post-Mao Chinese Buddhism and the Fragmented Authoritarian Regime.” North American Chinese Sociologists Association Annual Conference, Las Vegas.
Sun, Yanfei. 07/19/2011. “State, Society and Religion: The Emergence of a New Religious Ecology in Post-Mao China.” The First Chinese Political Sociology Workshop, University of Chicago Beijing Center and Renmin University, Beijing.
Sun, Yanfei. 01/14/2011. “From Religious Market to Religious Ecology.” Conference in Honor of Martin Riesebrodt “Comparing Religions: On Theory and Method,” Divinity School, University of Chicago.
· 宗教社會學、政治社會學
· 歷史社會學
· 質性研究方法
Sun, Yanfei. 2019. “Reversal of Fortune: Growth Trajectories of Catholicism and Protestantism in Modern China.” Theory and Society, February.
孫硯菲. 2019.《擴張零和思維與前現代帝國的宗教寬容》,《社會學研究》,第二期,96–122頁。
孫硯菲. 2018. 《命運反轉:天主教與基督新教在中國發展軌跡之比較》,《清華社會學評論》, 第10期, 54–60頁。
Sun, Yanfei. 2017. “The Rise of Protestantism in Post-Mao China: State and Religion in Historical Perspective.” American Journal of Sociology 122 (6): 1664–1725.
Lin, Fen, Yanfei Sun, and Hongxing Yang. 2015. “How Are Chinese Students Ideologically Divided? A Survey of Chinese College Students’ Political Self-Identification.” Pacific Affairs 88 (1): 51–74.
Sun, Yanfei. 2014. “Popular Religion in Zhejiang, Southeast China: Feminization, Bifurcation and Buddhification.” Modern China 40: 455–87.
孫硯菲. 2014.《千年未有之變局: 近代中國宗教生態格局的變遷》. 《學海》第 2期,11–25頁。
Yanfei Sun. 2011. “The Chinese Buddhist Ecology in Post-Mao China: Contours, Types and Dynamics.” Social Compass 58 (4): 498–510.
Sun, Yanfei and Dingxin Zhao. 2019. “Religious Toleration in Pre-Modern Empires,” in States and Nations, Power and Civility: Hallsian Perspectives, edited by Francesco Duina. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Sun, Yanfei. 2017. “Jingkong: From a Universal Saint to a Sectarian Saint.” Pp. 394–418 In The Making of Saints in Modern China, edited by Vincent Goossaert, Zhe Ji, and David Ownby. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
孫硯菲. 2015.《民間宗教發展的三大趨勢》,《江南地區的宗教與公共生活》,第70–93頁, Robert Weller、范麗珠主編. 上海人民出版社。
Weller, Robert and Yanfei Sun. 2010. “Religion: The Dynamics of Religious Growth and Change in China.” Pp. 29–50 in China Today, China Tomorrow, edited by Joseph Fewsmith. Lanham, MD: Roman and Littlefield.
Sun, Yanfei and Dingxin Zhao. 2008. “Environmental Campaigns.” Pp. 144–62 in Popular Protest in China, edited by Kevin O’Brien. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Sun, Yanfei and Dingxin Zhao. 2007. “Multifaceted State and Fragmented Society: Dynamics of Environmental Movement in China.” Pp. 111–60 in Discontented Miracle: Growth, Conflict, and Institutional Adaptations in China, edited by Dali Yang. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing.
Sun, Yanfei and Maria Tysiachniouk. 2007. “Caged by Boundaries? NGO Cooperation at the Sino-Russian Border.” Pp. 171–94 in China’s Embedded Activism: Opportunities and Constraints of a Social Movement, edited by Peter Ho and Richard Edmond. London, New York: Routledge.
Sun, Yanfei. 2012. “Falun Gong,” in The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social and Political Movements, edited by David Snow, Donatella della Porta, Bert Klandermans, Doug McAdam. Wiley-Blackwell.
Book review of The Souls of China: The Return of Religion After Mao by Ian Johnson (2017, Pantheon), Journal of Chinese Religions.
2018, 46(2): 206–208.
Book review of Falun Gong by Benjamin Penny (2012, University of Chicago Press), Nova Religio, 2014, 18: 110–112.
2017年在American Journal of Sociology 發表的 “The Rise of Protestantism in Post-Mao China: State and Religion in Historical Perspective”一文獲科學研究宗教學會(The Society for the Scientific Study of Religion) 2018年度最佳論文獎(Distinguished Article Award)