

中國科學院地質與地球物理研究所,研究員。1988年 畢業於中山大學地質系,獲本科學位。


  • 中文名:孫繼敏
  • 外文名:Sun Jimin
  • 出生日期:1965年11月
  • 畢業院校:中山大學
  • 職稱:博士生導師
  • 性別:男


孫繼敏,1991年 畢業於中國科學院貴陽地球化學研究所,獲碩士學位。1994年 畢業於中國科學院地質研究所,獲理學博 士學位。1999年德國馬普生物地球化學研究所博士後。
2001年獲得國家傑出青年基金。現為第四屆國際地圈-生物圈計畫“古全球變化(PAGES)”中國工作組成員,中國第四紀委員會黃土專業委員會秘書長,新世紀百千萬人才工程國家級人選,享受國務院政府特殊津貼,國際刊物 “International Journal of Geosciences”、“The Scientific World Journal” 編委。


1988年 本科畢業於中山大學地質系。
1991年 碩士畢業於中國科學院地球化學研究所
1994年 博士畢業於中國科學院地質研究所
1996年 中國科學院廣州地球化學研究所博士後
1999年 德國馬普生物地球化學研究所博士後








Jimin Sun, Qinghai Xu, Weiming Liu, Zhenqing Zhang, Lei Xue, Ping Zhao (2014). Palynological evidence for the latest Oligocene-early Miocene paleoelevation estimate in the Lunpola Basin, central Tibet. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 399, 21–30
Jimin Sun, Tongyan Lü, Yingzeng Gong, Weiguo Liu, Xu Wang, Zhijun Gong (2013). Effect of aridification on carbon isotopic variation and ecologic evolution at 5.3 Ma in the Asian interior. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 380: 1–11.
Jimin Sun, Maosheng Jiang (2013). Eocene seawater retreat from the southwest Tarim Basin and implications for early Cenozoic tectonic evolution in the Pamir Plateau. Tectonophysics 588: 27–38.
Jimin Sun, Tongyan Lü, Zhenqing Zhang, Xu Wang, Weiguo Liu (2012). Stepwise expansions of C4 biomass and enhanced seasonal precipitation and regional aridity during the Quaternary on the southern Chinese Loess Plateau. Quaternary Science Reviews 34: 57–65.
Jimin Sun, Xiangkun Zhu (2010). Temporal variations in Pb isotopes and trace element concentrations within Chinese eolian deposits during the past 8 Ma: Implications for provenance change. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 290: 438–447.
Jimin Sun, Jie Ye, Wenyu Wu, Xijun Ni, Shundong Bi, Zhenqing Zhang, Weiming Liu, Jin Meng (2010). Late Oligocene–Miocene mid-latitude aridification and wind patterns in the Asian interior. Geology 38: 515–518.
Jimin Sun, Yang Li, Zhengqing Zhang, Bihong Fu (2009), Magneostratigraphic data on the Neogene growth folding in the foreland basin of the southern Tianshan Mountains. Geology 37, 1051-1054.
Jimin Sun, Zhengqing Zhang, Liyuan Zhang (2009), New evidence on the age of the Taklimakan Desert. Geology 37, 159-162.
Jimin Sun, Zhengqing Zhang (2009), Syntectonic growth strata and implications for late Cenozoic tectonic uplift in the northern Tian Shan, China. Tectonophysics 463, 60-68.
Jimin Sun, Zhengqing Zhang (2008), Palynological evidence for the Mid-Miocene Climatic Optimum recorded in Cenozoic sediments of the Tianshan Range, northwestern China. Global and Planetary Change 64, 53-68.
Jimin Sun, Liyuan Zhang, Chenglong Deng, Rixiang Zhu (2008), Evidence for enhanced aridity in the Tarim Basin of China since 5.3 Ma. Quaternary Science Reviews 27, 1012-1023.
Jimin Sun, Sheng-hua Li, Daniel Muhs, Bo Li (2007), Loess sedimentation in Tibet: provenance, processes, and link with Quaternary glaciations. Quaternary Science Reviews 26, 2265-2280.
Jimin Sun, Qinghai Xu, Baochun Huang (2007), Late Cenozoic magnetochronology and paleoenvironmental changes in the northern foreland basin of the Tianshan Mountains. Journal of Geophysical Research 112, B04107, doi:10.1029/2006JB004653
Jimin Sun, Tungsheng Liu (2006). The age of the Taklimakan Desert. Science 312, 1621.
Jimin Sun, Xiaogang Huang (2006). Half-precessional cycles recorded in Chinese loess: response to low latitude insolation forcing during the last interglaciation. Quaternary Science Reviews 25, 1065-1072.
Jimin Sun, Shenghua Li, Peng Han, Yongye Chen (2006). Holocene environmental changes in central Inner Mongolia, based on single-aliquot-quartz optical dating and multi-proxy study of dune sands. Paleogeography Paleoclimatology Paleoecology 233, 51-62.
Jimin Sun (2005). Long-term fluvial archives in the Fen Wei Graben, central China, and their bearing on the tectonic history of the India-Asia collision system during the Quaternary. Quaternary Science Reviews 24 (10-11): 1279-1286.
Jimin Sun, Rixiangzhu, Zhisheng An (2005). Tectonic uplift in the northern Tibetan Plateau since 13.7 Ma ago inferred from molasse deposits along the Altyn Tagh Fault. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 235, 641-653.
Jimin Sun (2005), Nd and Sr isotopic variations in Chinese eolian deposits during the past 8 Ma: implications for provenance change. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 240, 454-466.
Jimin Sun, Rixiang Zhu, James Bowler, (2004). Timing of the Tianshan Mountains uplift constrained by magnetostratigraphic analysis of molasse deposits. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 219 (3-4): 239-253.
Jimin Sun (2002). Provenance of loess material and formation of loess deposits on the Chinese Loess Plateau. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 203 (3-4): 845-859.
Jimin Sun (2002). Source regions and formation of the Loess sediments on the high mountain regions of northwestern China. Quaternary Research 58 (3): 341-351.
Jimin Sun, Mingying Zhang, and Tungsheng Liu (2001). Spatial and temporal characteristics of dust storms in China and its surrounding regions, 1960-1999. Journal of Geophysical Research 106, D10, 10325-10333.
Jimin Sun (2000). Origin of eolian sand mobilization during the past 2300 years in the Mu Us Desert, China. Quaternary Research 53, 73-88.
Jimin Sun, Tungsheng Liu, and Zhenfa Lei (2000). Source regions of heavy dust fall in Beijing, China on April 16, 1998. Geophysical Research Letters 27, 2105-2108.
Jimin Sun and Tungsheng Liu (2000). Multiple origins and interpretations of the magnetic susceptibility signal in Chinese wind-blown sediments. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 180, 287-296.
Jimin Sun and Tungsheng Liu (2000). Stratigraphic evidence for the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau between ~1.1 and ~0.9 myr ago. Quaternary Research 54, 309-320.
Jimin Sun, Zhongli Ding, Dean Rokosh and Nat Rutter (1999). 580, 000 year environmental reconstruction from eolian deposits at the Mu Us Desert margin, China. Quaternary Science Reviews 18, 1351-1364.
Jimin Sun, Gongming Yin, Zhongli Ding, Tungsheng Liu and Jie Chen (1998). Thermoluminescence chronology of sand profiles in the Mu Us Desert, China. Paleogeography Paleoclimatology Paleoecology 144, 225-233.
Jimin Sun and Zhongli Ding (1998). Deposits and Soils of the Past 130, 000 Years at the Desert-Loess Transition in Northern China. Quaternary Research 50:148-156.
Jimin Sun, Zhongli Ding, Tungsheng Liu (1998). Desert distributions during the glacial maximum and climatic optimum: Example of China. Episodes 21: 28-31.
Tongyan Lü, Jimin Sun, Sheng-Hua Li, Zhijun Gong, Lei Xue (2014). Vertical variations of luminescence sensitivity of quartz grains from loess/paleosol of Luochuan section in the central Chinese Loess Plateau since the last interglacial. Quaternary Geochronology 22, 107-115.
Zhijun Gong, Jimin Sun, Tongyan Lü, Zhonghua Tian (2014). Investigating the optically stimulated luminescence dose saturation behavior for quartz grains from dune sands in China. Quaternary Geochronology 22, 137-143.
Bin Liu, Shichang Kang, Jimin Sun, Xin Wan, Yongjie Wang, Shaopeng Gao, Zhiyuan Cong (2014). Low-molecular-weight organic acids in the Tibetan Plateau: Results from one-year of precipitation samples at the SET station. Atmospheric Environment 86, 68-73.
Josh Wimpenny, Qing-Zhu Yin, Darren Tollstrup, Lie-Wen Xie, Jimin Sun (2014). Using Mg isotope ratios to trace Cenozoic weathering changes: A case study from the Chinese Loess Plateau. Chemical Geology 376, 31–43.
Zhijun Gong, Sheng-Hua Li, Jimin Sun, Lei Xue (2013). Environmental changes in Hunshandake (Otindag) sandy land revealed by optical dating and multi-proxy study of dune sands. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 76: 30–36.
Yiwei Chen, Sheng-Hua Li, Jimin Sun, Bihong Fu (2013). OSL dating of offset streams across the Altyn Tagh Fault: Channel deflection, loess deposition and implication for the slip rate. Tectonophysics 594: 182–194.
Shaoyuan Wu, Wenyu Wu, Fuchun Zhang, Jie Ye, Xijun Ni, Jimin Sun, Scott V. Edwards, Jin Meng, Chris L. Organ (2012). Molecular and Paleontological Evidence for a Post-Cretaceous Origin of Rodents. Plos One 7: 1-11.
Huaiyu He, Jimin Sun, Qiuli Li, Rixiang Zhu (2012). New age determination of the Cenozoic Lunpola Basin, central Tibet. Geological Magzine, 149: 141–145.
Li Gao, Junsheng Nie, Steven Clemens, Weiguo Liu, Jimin Sun, Roland Zech, Yongsong Huang (2012). The importance of solar insolation on the temperature variations for the past 110 kyr on the Chinese Loess Plateau. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 317–318: 128–133.
Sheng-Hua Li, Jimin Sun, Bo Li (2012). Holocene environmental changes in central Inner Mongolia revealed by luminescence dating of sediments from the Sala Us River valley. Holocene 22: 397-404.
Pilong Shi, Bihong Fu, Yoshiki Ninomiy, Jimin Sun, Yang Li (2012). Multispectral remote sensing mapping for hydrocarbon seepage-induced lithologic anomalies in the Kuqa foreland basin, south Tian Shan. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 46: 70–77.
Zhenqing Zhang, Jimin Sun* (2011). Palynological evidence for Neogene environmental change in the foreland basin of the southern Tianshan range, northwestern China. Global and Planetary Change 75, 56–66.
Tongyan Lü, Jimin Sun* (2011). Luminescence sensitivities of quartz grains from eolian deposits in northern China and their implications for provenance. Quaternary Research 76, 181–189.
Bo Li, Sheng-Hua Li, Jimin Sun (2011). Isochron dating of sand-loess-soil deposits from the Mu Us Desert margin, central China. Quaternary Geochronology 6, 556-563.
Huaiyu He, Chenglong Deng, Yongxin Pan, Tao Deng, Zhaohua Luo, Jimin Sun, Rixiang Zhu (2011). New 40Ar/39Ar dating results from the Shanwang Basin, eastern China: constraints on the age of the Shanwang Formation and associated biota. Phys. Earth Planet. Inter. 187, 66-75.
Li S.H., Sun J.M. (2006), Optical dating of Holocene dune sands from the Hulun Buir Desert, northeastern China. The Holocene 16, 457-462.
Z. L. Ding, J. M. Sun, S. L. Yang, R. X. Zhu, B. Guo, S. F. Xiong, T. S. Liu (1998). Preliminary magnetostratigraphy of a thick Red Clay-loess sequence at Lintai, the Chinese Loess Plateau. Geophysical Research Letters 25:1225-1228.
Z. L. Ding, J. M. Sun, T. S. Liu, R. X. Zhu, S. L. Yang, B. Guo (1998). Wind-blown origin of the Pliocene red clay formation in the central Loess Plateau, China. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 161:135-143.
Z. L. Ding, J. M. Sun, N. W. Rutter, D. Rokosh, and Liu, T. S. (1999). Changes in sand content of loess deposits along a north-south transect of the Chinese Loess Plateau and the implications for desert variations. Quaternary Research 52, 56-62.
Z. L.Ding, N. Rutter, T. S. Liu, J. M. Sun, J. Ren, D. Rokosh, and S. F. Xiong (1998). Correlation of Dansgaard-Oeschger cycles between Greenland ice and Chinese loess. Paleoclimates 2, 281-291.
Z. L. Ding, S. F. Xiong, J. M. Sun, S. L. Yang, Z. Y. Gu, and T. S. Liu (1999). Pedostratigraphy and paleomagnetism of a ~7.0 Ma eolian loess-red clay sequence at Lintai, Loess Plateau, north-central China and the implications for paleomonsoon evolution. Paleogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoceology 152, 49-66.
Z. L. Ding, N. W. Rutter, J. M. Sun, S. L. Yang, T. S. Liu (2000). Re-arrangement of atmospheric circulatin at about 2.6 Ma over northern China: evidence from grain size records of loess-palaeosol and red clay sequences. Quat. Sci. Rev. 19, 547-558.
Z. L. Ding, J. M. Sun, S. L. Yang, and T. S. Liu (2001). Geochemistry of the Pliocene red clay formation in the Chinese Loess Plateau and implications for its origin, source provenance and paleoclimate change. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 65, 901-913.
Li SH, Sun JM, Zhao H (2002). Optical dating of dune sands in the northeastern deserts of China. Paleogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoceology, 181(4): 419-429.
Ding, Z. L., Yang, S. L., Sun, J. M., Liu, T. S. (2001). Iron geochemistry of loess and red clay deposits in the Chinese Loess Plateau and implications for long-term Asian monsoon evolution in the last 7.0 Ma. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.185, 99-109.
Ding, Z. L., Yu, Z. W., Yang, S. L., Sun, J. M., Xiong, S. F., and Liu, T. S. (2001). Coeval changes in grain size and sedimentation rate of eolian loess, the Chinese Loess Plateau. Geophys. Res. Lett. 28, 2097-2100.
Zhu R.X., Matasova G., Kazansky A., Zykina V., Sun J.M. (2002). Rock magnetic record of the last glacial-interglacial cycle from the Kurtak loess section, southern Siberia. Geophysical Journal International 152 (2): 335-343.
Guo B, Zhu RX, Florindo F, Ding ZL, Sun JM (2002). A short, reverse polarity interval within the Jaramillo subchron: Evidence from the Jingbian section, northern Chinese Loess Plateau. Journal of Geophysical Research 107 (B6).
Rokosh CD, Rutter NW, Ding Z, Sun JM (2002). Regional lithofacies and pedofacies variations along a north to south climatic gradient during the Last Glacial period in the central Loess Plateau, China. Quaternary Science Reviews 21 (7): 811-817.
Rokosh, D., Bush, A.B.G., Rutter, N. W., Ding, Z. L., Sun, J. M. (2003). Hydrologic and geologic factors that influenced spatial variations in loess deposition in China during the last interglacial-glacial cycle: results from proxy climate and GCM analyses. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 193, 249-260.
Ding Z.L., Derbyshire E., Yang S.L., Sun J.M. and Liu T.S. (2005). Stepwise expansion of desert environment across northern China in the past 3.5 Ma and implications for monsoon evolution. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 237, 45-55.
Zhu R. X., Liu Q. S., Pan, Y. X., Deng C. L., Sun J.M. (2006). Identifying the origin of the magnetic directional anomalies recorded in the Datong loess profile, northeastern Chinese Loess Plateau. Geophys. J. Int. 164, 312-318.
Li, S.H., Chen, Y.R., Li, B., Sun, J.M., Yang, L.R. (2007). OSL dating of sediments from deserts in northern China. Quaternary Geochronology 2, 23-28.


