
孫秋芹,教授,博士生導師,IEEE Senior Member,IET Chartered Engineer (Ceng,皇家特許工程師),中國電機工程學會高級會員、中國電工技術學會高級會員、IEEE PES智慧型電網與新技術委員會-電工裝備與新材料分委會常務理事,長沙市新能源裝備產業鏈工業科技特派員。


  • 中文名:孫秋芹
  • 畢業院校:英國利物浦大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:電氣工程
  • 任職院校:湖南大學


2017.12-至今 湖南大學,副教授,博士生導師
2014.7-2017.12 湖南大學,助理教授
2014.6-2015.6 英國利物浦大學,Honorary Research Fellow(合作導師:Joseph Yan)
2012.9-2014.3 國網江蘇省電力科學研究院,工程師
2006.9-2012.7 山東大學,博士
2002.9-2006.6 重慶大學,學士


主要從事電力系統過電壓、電力設備絕緣設計、電力大數據、智慧型電網與新能源方面的研究工作。近年來主持國家自然科學基金面上項目、青年基金、中國博士後基金、湖南省自然科學基金、中央高校科研項目等縱向項目6項,主持國家電網公司等企業委託項目16項。曾參與英國利物浦大學科研基金、國家自然科學基金面上項目、青年基金,國家電網公司重點科技項目、山東省電力集團重大科研專項等課題十餘項。在Physics of Plasma, IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, 中國電機工程學報等重要期刊上發表SCI/EI論文約70篇,其中國際SCI期刊論文近50篇。出版專著1本,參與制定2項電力行業標準,2項團體標準,轉讓發明專利2項。擔任 IEEE/IET/Elservier/中國電機工程學報/電工技術學報等約二十個國內外雜誌審稿人。國家自然科學基金函評專家,北京等多個省/直轄市自然科學基金評審專家。國家電網/南方電網多個省級電網公司項目評審專家。國際SCI期刊Energies 客座編輯,SCI期刊Mathematical Problems in Engineering-Academic Editor。IEEE IAEERO, IEEE ICET 等國際會議分會場主席,多個國際會議的組委會成員等。







李慶民, 孫秋芹, 張 黎, 等. 潛供電弧物理特性與抑制技術[M]. 科學出版社, 2018


[1] Parameter Estimation of Extended Free-Burning Electric Arc within 1 kA, Physics of Plasmas,25 052117(2018)
[2] Investigation on Volt-Ampere Characteristics of Secondary Arc burning in Atmospheric Air, Physics of Plasmas,25 093513(2018)
[3] Investigation on the Geometrical Characteristics of Secondary Arc by Image Edge Detection, IEEE Trans. Plasma Science,vol. 46. no. 6, pp. 2016 - 2025, 2018
[4] Influences of Grading Capacitor of Multiple-Break Circuit Breaker on the Extinction of Secondary Arc-A New Method for Reducing Dead Time, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, vol. 11, no.8, pp.1954-1965, 2017
[5] Investigation on the input impedance of oscilloscope on the accuracy of switching overvoltage measuring system, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, vol. 10, no. 10, pp. 2496-2503, 2016
[6] Characteristics of secondary ac arc column motion near power transmission line insulator string, IEEE Trans. Power Del., vol. 29. no. 5, pp. 2324-2331, 2014
[7] Adsorption Mechanism of Cu-doped SnO2 (110) Surface toward H2, Journal of Nanomaterials, pp. 1-9, 2016
[8] A novel UHF Minkowski fractal antenna for partial discharge detection, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 59, pp.1812-1819, 2017
[9] A Hybrid RVM–ANFIS Algorithm for Transformer Fault Diagnosis, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, vol. 11, no. 14, pp. 3637-3643, 2017
[10] SOFC Detector for Portable Gas Chromatography: High sensitivity Detection of Dissolved Gases in Transformer Oil, IEEE Trans. Dielectrical & Electrical Insulation, vol. 24. no. 5, pp. 2854 - 2863, 2017
[11] Identifying electric shock in human body via alpha dispersion, IEEE Trans. Power Del.,vol. 33. no. 3, pp.1107 - 1114, 2018
[12] An Online Monitoring System for Oil Immersed Power Transformer Based on SnO2 GC Detector with a New Quantification Approach, IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 17. no. 20, pp.6662-6671, 2017
[13] Application of Polycrystalline SnO2 Sensor Chromatographic System to Detect Dissolved Gases in Transformer Oil, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, vol. 267. no. 15, pp.636-646, 2018
[14] Characteristics of Very Fast Transient Currents in Ultra-High Power System with Hybrid Active Power Compensation , International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy System, vol. 103, pp.587-592, 2018
[15] Influences of secondary arc-based grading capacitor of multi-break circuit breaker on the transient stablity of power system, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy System , vol. 107, pp.577-588, 2019
[16] The Effects of voltage form, pressure, and adsorbent on the SF6 decomposition characteristics under DC corona discharge, IET Science, Measurment & Technology, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 486-493, 2020
[17] A novel adaptive single-phase reclosure scheme based on improved variational mode decomposition and energy entropy, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy System, vol. 118, 105771, 2020
[18] Three-dimensional modeling on lightning induced overvoltage for photovoltaic arrays installed on mountain, Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 288, 2021
[19] Surge analysis for lightning strike on overhead lines of wind farm, Electric Power Systems Research, vol. 194, 2021
[20] Influence of extended grading capacitor for suppressing secondary arc on the transient recovery voltage of multi‐break circuit breaker, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 2127-2136, 2021.
[21] Surface Charge Inversion Method on Cylindrical Insulators Based on Surface Potentials Measured Online, IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 192-197, 2021.
[22] Motion behaviour of metallic particle under diverging conducting electrode considering the random collision and reflection, IET Science, Measurement & Technology, vol.14, no.10, pp.870-879, 2020.
[23] Identification of ultra-high-frequency PD signals in gas-insulated switchgear based on moment features considering electromagnetic mode, High Voltage, vol.5, no.6, pp.688-696, 2020.
[24] Theoretical study by density functional theory calculations of decomposition processes and primary products of C5F10O with moisture content, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, vol.53, no.48, pp.485204, 2020.
[25] Pareto-optimal design of UHF antenna using modified non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II, IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, vol.14, no.12, pp.1404-1410, 2020.
[26] Effects of voltage forms, pressure, and adsorbent on the SF6 decomposition characteristics under corona discharge, IET Science, Measurement & Technology, vol.14, no.4, pp.486-493, 2020.
[27] Influence mechanism of pressure on SF6 decomposition characteristics under AC corona discharge, IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, vol.26, no.6, pp.1989-1997, 2019.
[28] Service restoration for distribution network with DGs based on stochastic response surface method, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, vol.107, pp.557-568, 2019.
[29] Theoretical study of the chemical decomposition mechanism and model of Sulfur hexafluorid (SF6) under corona discharge, Journal of Fluorine Chemistry, vol.220, pp.61-68, 2019.
[30] Characteristics of tin oxide chromatographic detector for dissolved gases analysis of transformer oil, IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp.94012-94020, 2019.
[31] Simulation of positive streamers in atmospheric air by a macroscopic model with a new branching criterion, IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, vol. 25, no. 6, pp. 2112-2121, 2018.
[32] Internal UHF antenna for partial discharge detection in GIS, IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, vol.12, no.14, pp.2184-2190, 2018.
[33] Branching characteristics of positive streamers in nitrogen-oxygen gas mixtures, IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, vol.25, no.3, pp.1128-1134, 2018.
[34] Effect of Surface Charges on Flashover Voltage-An Examination Considering Charge Decay Rates, IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, vol.28, no.3, pp.1053-1060, 2021.
[35] Thermal network modeling of tunnel cable considering circumferential heat transfer and tunnel curvature, Electric Power Systems Research, vol. 196, Article no. 107190, 2021
[36] Effect of extended grading capacitor on the interrupting performance of multi-break circuit breaker during out-of-step faults, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy System, vol. 136, 107616, 2022
[37] Investigation on induced voltage of photovoltaic system on complex terrain, Electric Power Systems Research, vol. 201, 107549, 2021
[38] Investigation on reignition probability of switching overvoltage caused by vacuum circuit breaker in offshore wind farms, IEEE Trans. Power Del. (in Press)
[39] Numerical simulation of the positive streamer propagation in N2 under nanosecond pulse voltage, IEEE Trans. Plasma Science (in Press)
[40] Investigation on overvoltage caused by vacuum circuit breaker switching off shunt reactor in offshore wind farms, High Voltage (Accept)
..... 等等


[1] 中國電機工程學會高壓年會優秀論文獎,2011年
[2] 山東省優秀畢業生,2012年
[3] 中國電機工程學會高壓年會優秀論文獎,2015年
[4] 中國電工技術學會科技進步三等獎,2017年
[5] The 19th Asian Conference on Electrical Discharge (ACED), Outstanding Poster Award, 2018
[6] 新疆烏魯木齊自治區科技進步三等獎,2019年
[7] 《電網技術》 優秀審稿專家
[8] IEEE IAEERO Young Presentation Award,指導老師,2021年
[9] “中國電機工程學會杯”全國大學生電工數學建模競賽二等獎,指導老師,2021年


