



  • 中文名:孫照勇
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 出生日期:1983年6月
  • 職業:教師 
  • 畢業院校:日本國立熊本大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:產業創造工學 
  • 職務:四川省環境保護有機廢棄物資源化利用重點實驗室副主任 
  • 主要成就:申請國家專利30餘項 
  • 學術代表作:《油菜秸稈比例對好氧堆肥過程及產品特性的影響》 
  • 職稱:副教授
  • 研究領域:廢棄生物質能源化、肥料化 



2014.12-至今 四川大學建築與環境學院 特聘副研究員
2012.12-2014.12 四川大學建築與環境學院 博士後


2009.10-2012.9 日本國立熊本大學 產業創造工學專業 博士
2006.9-2009.7 中國農業科學院研究生院 農產品加工與貯藏專業 碩士
2002.9-2006.7 齊齊哈爾大學 食品工程專業 本科


1. 有機廢棄物資源化利用
2. 廢棄生物質能源轉化
3. 環境微生物生態


本科生 《固體廢物處理與處置》、《生物能源技術》、《認識實習》、《畢業實習》
研究生 《高級生化工程》、《環境生物技術》、《生物煉製》


1. Li Tan, Qiu-Shi Cheng, Zhao-Yong Sun*, Yue-Qin Tang, Kenji Kida. Effects of ammonium and/or sulfide on methane production from acetate or propionate using biochemical methane potential tests. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering. 127(3), 2019, 345-352.(SCI,通訊作者,IF: 2.015)
2. Xiao-Zhong Zhong, Shi-Chun Ma, Shi-Peng Wang, Ting-Ting Wang, Zhao-Yong Sun*, Yue-Qin Tang, Yu Deng, Kenji Kida. A comparative study of composting the solid fraction of dairy manure with or without bulking material: performance and microbial community dynamics. Bioresource Technology, 247,443-452,2018. (SCI,通訊作者,IF: 5.807)
3. Na Yu, Li Tan*, Zhao-Yong Sun*, Hiroto Nishimura, Shouta Takei, Yue-Qin Tang, Kenji Kida. Bioethanol from sugarcane bagasse: focused on optimum of lignin content and reduction of enzyme addition. Waste Management, 76, 404–413, 2018. (SCI, 共同通訊作者,IF: 4.723)
4. Ting-Ting Wang,Zhao-Yong Sun*, Yu-Lian Huang, Li Tan, Yue-Qin Tang, Kenji Kida. Biogas production from distilled grain waste by thermophilic dry anaerobic digestion: pretreatment of feedstock and dynamics of microbial community. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 184(2),685–702,2018. (SCI,通訊作者,IF: 1.751).
5. Na Yu, Li Tan*, Zhao-Yong Sun*, Yue-Qin Tang, Kenji Kida. Production of bio-ethanol by integrating microwave-assisted dilute sulfuric acid pretreated sugarcane bagasse slurry with molasses. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 185(1), 191–206, 2018. (SCI,共同通訊作者,IF: 1.751).
6. Ting-Ting Wang, Shi-Peng Wang, Xiao-Zhong Zhong, Zhao-Yong Sun*, Yu-Lian Huang, Li Tan, Yue-Qin Tang, Kenji Kida. Converting digested residue eluted from dry anaerobic digestion of distilled grain waste into value-added fertilizer by aerobic composting. Journal of Cleaner Production, 166, 530-536, 2017. (SCI,通訊作者,IF: 5.715).
7. Shi-Peng Wang, Xiao-Zhong Zhong, Ting-Ting Wang, Zhao-Yong Sun*, Yue-Qin Tang, Kenji Kida. Aerobic composting of distilled grain waste eluted from a Chinese spirit-making process: the effects of initial pH adjustment. Bioresource Technology, 245, 778-785,2017. (SCI,通訊作者,IF: 5.807)
8. Yu-Lian Huang, Zhao-Yong Sun*, Xiao-Zhong Zhong, Ting-Ting Wang, Li Tan, Yue-Qin Tang, Kenji Kida. Aerobic composting of digested residue eluted from dry methane fermentation to develop a zero-emission process. Waste Management, 61, 206-212, 2017. (SCI, 通訊作者,IF:4.723).
9. Zhao-Yong Sun, Kai Liu, Li Tan, Yue-Qin Tang, Kenji Kida*. Development of an efficient anaerobic co-digestion process for garbage, excreta, and septic tank sludge to create a resource recycling-oriented society. Waste Management, 61, 188-194, 2017. (SCI, 第一作者,IF:4.723).
10. 王世朋,帥文亮,王婷婷,鐘小忠,孫照勇*,湯岳琴,木田建次. 油菜秸稈比例對好氧堆肥過程及產品特性的影響.四川大學學報(自然科學版), 54(6), 1334-1340, 2017. (中文核心,通訊作者)
11. 王婷婷, 馬詩淳, 孫照勇*, 譚 力,湯岳琴, 木田建次. 酶添加對釀酒廢糟乾式厭氧消化產沼氣效果的影響. 中國沼氣, 35(5), 9-14,2017. (中文核心,通訊作者)
12. Zhao-Yong Sun, Jing Zhang, Xiao-Zhong Zhong, Li Tan, Yue-Qin Tang, Kenji Kida. Production of nitrate-rich compost from the solid fraction of dairy manure by a lab-scale composting system. Waste Management, 51, 55-64, 2016. (SCI, 第一作者,IF 4.723).
13. Zhao-Yong Sun*, Tetsuya Ura, Hirotaka Matsuura, Kenji Kida, Akinori Jyo. Dowex 1X4 and Dowex 1X8 as substitute of Diaion MA03SS in simulated moving bed chromatographic separation of sulfuric acid and sugars in concentrated sulfuric acid hydrolysates of bamboo. Separation and Purification Technology, 166, 92–101, 2016. (SCI, 第一作者&通訊作者,IF 3.091)
14. 張 晶, 孫照勇*, 鐘小忠, 黃玉蓮, 譚 力, 湯岳琴, 木田建次. 奶牛糞條垛式模擬堆肥腐熟度及微生物群落結構的變化. 套用與環境生物學報. 2016, 22(03):1-11. (中文核心,通訊作者)
15. Li Tan, Zhao-Yong Sun*, Masatoshi Takaki, Shinpei Okamoto, Yue-Qin Tang, Shigeru Morimura, Kenji Kida. Production of bioethanol from raw juice and thick juice of sugar beet by continuous ethanol fermentation with flocculating yeast strain KF-7. Biomass and Bioenergy, 81, 265-272, 2015. (SCI,通訊作者, IF 3.411)
16. Zhao-Yong Sun, Ting Wang, Li Tan, Yue-Qin Tang, Kenji Kida. Development of a more efficient process for production of fuel ethanol from bamboo. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, 2015, 38, 1033-1043. (SCI, 第一作者,IF 1.869)
17. Zhao-Yong Sun, Shojiro Yamaji, Qiu-Shi Cheng, Lu Yang, Yue-Qin Tang, Kenji Kida. Simultaneous decrease in ammonia and hydrogen sulfide inhibition during the thermophilic anaerobic digestion of protein-rich stillage bybiogas recirculation and air supply at 60◦C. Process Biochemistry, 49, 2214–2219, 2014. (SCI, 第一作者,IF 2.414)
18. Zhao-Yong Sun, Yue-Qin Tang, Shigeru Morimura, Kenji Kida. Reduction in environmental impact of sulfuric acid hydrolysis of bamboo for production of fuel ethanol. Bioresource Technology, 2013, 128, 87–93. (SCI,第一作者,IF 4.980)
19. Xia Jiang, Junpei Hayashi,Zhao-Yong Sun, Lu Yang, Hiroshi Oshibe, Noriko Osaka, Yue-Qin Tang, Kenji Kida. Improved biogas production from protein-rich distillery wastewater by decreasing ammonia inhibition. Process Biochemistry. 48, 1778–1784, 2013. (SCI,第二作者,IF 2.414)
20. Zhao-Yong Sun, Yue-Qin Tang, Tomohiro Iwanaga, Tomohiro Sho, Kenji Kida. Production of fuel ethanol from bamboo by concentrated sulfuric acid hydrolysis followed by continuous ethanol fermentation. Bioresource Technology, 2011,102, 10929-10935. (SCI,第一作者,IF 4.980)


1. 城市污泥厭氧-好氧聯合處理過程中抗生素抗性基因的歸趨和削減機理研究。國家自然科學基金青年項目,51808361,2019.1-2021.12
2. 微生物群落在生物法削減城市污泥抗生素抗性基因的作用。中國博士後基金一等資助,2018M640936,2018.7-2020.6
3. 釀酒丟糟高氮有機肥生產工藝開發與示範(重點)-子課題,四川省科技計畫實用基礎重點項目,2018JY0048,2018.1-2019.12。
4. 基於強化丙酸降解(EPAD)系統的餐廚垃圾厭氧消化工藝及酸抑制解除技術-子課題,四川省科技計畫實用基礎面上項目,2017JY0242,2017.1-2018.12。
5. 丟糟資源化利用技術開發與集成示範-子課題,四川省科技計畫實用基礎重點項目,2017JY0110,2017.1-2018.12。
6. 甲烷發酵+好氧堆肥技術耦合綜合利用城市污水處理廠剩餘污泥關鍵技術研究,成都市科技局,2016-HM01-00291-SF, 2017.1-2018.12。
7. 農作物秸稈高效兩相厭氧消化工藝開發,農業部農村可再生能源開發利用重點實驗室開放課題,2017LF2005,2017.7-2018.6.
8. 成都市餐廚垃圾調研及可研報告,企業橫向項目,18H1258,2018.12.1-2019.3.31
9. 丟糟資源化利用技術開發中試研究,企業橫向項目,17H0597, 2017.7-2018.12
10. 利用農作物秸稈生產有機肥,企業橫向項目,15H0906, 2015.10-2018.9
11. 厭氧消化系統互營丙酸氧化菌群結構和代謝特徵及抑制相應,國家自然科學基金面上項目,51678378, 2017.1-2020.12。
12. 乾式厭氧消化-堆肥化技術耦合綜合利用瀘州地區丟糟生產能源沼氣和高氮含量有機肥,瀘州市科技局,2015CDLZ-S06, 2016.1-2017.12。
13. 木糖醇生產用酵母育種和發酵技術工藝包,企業橫向項目,17H0345,2017.1-2017.12


“Bioresource Technology”“Waste Management”, “Journal of Cleaner Production”等SCI雜誌審稿人。




1. 孫照勇, 王婷婷, 鐘小忠, 湯岳琴, 木田建次. 一種釀酒廢糟乾式甲烷發酵生產能源沼氣的方法. (專利號:201710272027.X)
2. 孫照勇, 王婷婷, 鐘小忠, 湯岳琴, 木田建次. 一種提高釀酒廢糟甲烷發酵產沼氣效率的方法. (專利號:201710272519.9)
3. 孫照勇, 木田建次, 鐘小忠,譚力, 湯岳琴. 一種堆肥除臭及高氮含量有機肥生產裝置. (專利號: ZL 2016 20101525.9)
4. 孫照勇, 木田建次, 譚力, 湯岳琴. 一種利用堆肥反應器生產高硝酸根濃度有機肥的方法. (專利號:201610015349.1)
5. 孫照勇, 木田建次, 張晶, 湯岳琴. 小型堆肥化裝置. (專利號: ZL 2016 20017639.5)
6. 木田建次, 譚力, 孫照勇, 湯岳琴. 一種微通氣氣體循環式甲烷發酵裝置 (專利號:ZL 2015 20938166.8)


