孫泉華,男,博士,中國科學院力學研究所研究員、博士生導師,百人計畫。 美國航空航天協會(AIAA)高級會員,美國機械工程師協會(ASME)會員。AIAA Journal, Computers & Fluids, Journal of Computational Physics, Journal of Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer 等國際學術期刊和基金會的審稿人,中國空氣動力學學會理事,《 Theoretical & Applied Mechanics Letters》編委。
Rackham Predoctoral Fellowship, University of Michigan, 2002
Student Award, International Symposia on Rarefied Gas Dynamics, 2000, 2002
1. 1999-2003, MURI project of AFOSR on micro scale aircraft
2. 2003-2004, NASA project on turbulent oxygen mixing experiment
3. 2003-2005, AFOSR project on nonequilibrium plasma system
4. 2005, AFOSR project on Monte Carlo modeling of collisions
5. 2005-2006, AFRL project on CFD tool for MHD applications
6. 2007- 中國科學院百人計畫項目,863項目, 自然科學基金項目等
1. C. Cai, Q. Sun, I.D. Boyd, Gas flows in microchannels and microtubes, J. Fluid Mech., 589, 305-314 (2007).
2. C. Cai, I.D. Boyd, Q. Sun, Free molecular flows between two plates equipped with pumps, J. Thermophysics & Heat Transfer, 21(1), 95-104 (2007).
3. Q. Sun, C. Cai, I.D., Boyd, J.H. Clemmons, J.H. Hecht, Computational analysis of high-altitude ionization gauge flight measurements, J. Spacecraft & Rockets, 43(1), 186-193 (2006).
4. Y. Suzuki, S. Yamamoto, B. vanLeer, Q. Sun, I.D. Boyd, Application of the 10-moment model to MEMS flows, CFD 2004, edited by Groth C. & Zingg D.W., 529-534 (2006).
5. Q. Sun, I.D. Boyd, Evaluation of macroscopic properties in the direct simulation Monte Carlo method, J. Thermophysics & Heat Transfer, 19(3), 329-335 (2005).
6. Q. Sun, I.D. Boyd, Modeling gas nucleation and condensation using the direct simulation Monte Carlo method, AIAA 2005-4831 (2005).
7. Q. Sun, I.D. Boyd, Theoretical development of the information preservation method for strongly nonequilibrium gas flows, AIAA 2005-4828 (2005).
8. I.D. Boyd, Q. Sun, C. Cai, K.E. Tatum, Particle simulation of Hall thruster plumes in the 12V vacuum chamber, IEPC-2005-138 (2005).
9. Q. Sun, I.D. Boyd, G.V. Candler, A hybrid continuum/particle approach for modeling rarefied gas flows, J. Comput. Phys., 194(1), 256-277 (2004).
10. Q. Sun, I.D. Boyd, Flat-plate aerodynamics at very low Reynolds number, J. Fluid Mech., 502, 199-206 (2004).
11. A.J. Christlieb, W.N.G. Hitchon, I.D. Boyd, Q. Sun, Kinetic description of flow past a micro-plate, J. Comput. Phys., 195(2), 508-527 (2004).
12. Q. Sun, I.D. Boyd, Drag on a flat plate in low-Reynolds-number gas flows, AIAA J., 42(6), 1066-1072 (2004).
13. Q. Sun, I.D. Boyd, K.E. Tatum, Particle simulation of gas expansion and condensation in supersonic jets, AIAA 2004-2587 (2004).
14. Q. Sun, I.D. Boyd, Simulation of gas flow over micro-scale airfoils using a hybrid continuum-particle approach, AIAA 2003-4014 (2003).
15. A.J., Christlieb, W.N. Hitchon, Q. Sun, I.D. Boyd, Application of the transition probability matrix method to high Knudsen number flow past a micro-plate, in Rarefied Gas Dynamics, edited by Ketsdever A.D. & Muntz E.P., 768-775 (2003).
16. W-L Wang, Q. Sun, I.D. Boyd, Assessment of a hybrid method for hypersonic flows, in Rarefied Gas Dynamics, edited by Ketsdever A.D. & Muntz E.P., 923-930 (2003).
17. Q. Sun, I.D. Boyd, G.V. Candler, Numerical simulation of gas flow over micro-scale airfoils, J. Thermophysics & Heat Transfer, 16(2), 171-179 (2002).
18. Q. Sun, I.D. Boyd, A direct simulation method for subsonic, micro-scale gas flows, J. Comput. Phys. 179(2), 400-425 (2002).
19. W-L Wang, Q. Sun, I.D. Boyd, Towards development of a hybrid DSMC-CFD method for simulating hypersonic interacting flows, AIAA 2002-3099 (2002).
20. Q. Sun, I.D. Boyd, J. Fan, Development of an information preservation method for subsonic, micro-scale gas flows, in Rarefied Gas Dynamics, edited by Bartel T.J. & Gallis M.A., 547-553 (2001).
21. I.D. Boyd, Q. Sun, Particle simulation of micro-scale gas flows, AIAA-01-0876 (2001).
22. Q. Sun, I.D., Boyd, J. Fan, Development of particle methods for computing MEMS gas flows, MEMS-Vol. 2, ASME 2000, 563-569 (2000). 23. P. Vijayakumar, Q. Sun, I.D. Boyd, Vibratoinal-translational energy exchange models for the direct simulation Monte Carlo method, Phys. of Fluids, 11(8), 2117-2126 (1999).
24. S.F. Gimelshein, I.D. Boyd, Q. Sun, M.S. Ivanov, DSMC modeling of vibration-translation energy transfer in hypersonic rarefied flows, AIAA 99-3451 (1999).