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  • 中文名:孫新超
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:森林水文學
  • 任職院校:天津大學地球系統科學學院


2016.07~,天津大學 表層地球系統科學研究院,副教授.
2016.04~2016.06,日本筑波大學 生命環境系,JSPS海外特別研究員.
2014.04~2016.03,日本筑波大學 生命環境系,博士後研究員.
2010.12~2014.03,日本筑波大學 生命環境科學研究科,理學博士.
2008.09~2010.07,中國農業大學 工學院,工學碩士.
2004.09~2008.06,河北農業大學 城鄉建設學院,工學學士.




(1) 2019.04~2020.03,Characteristics of chemical compositions of xylem sap in a pine forest under environmental changes (Grant No.: I-19-04),PI,Environmental Radioactivity Research Network Center, Japan.
(2) 2019.01~2022.12,森林植物樹幹液流氮素化學和穩定同位素組成研究,主持,國家自然科學基金面上項目.
(3) 2018.04~2019.03,Nutrient transport and water flow velocity in xylem of forest species (Project No.: I-18-2),主持,日本筑波大學同位素環境動態研究中心.
(4) 2018.01~2020.12,森林穿冠水硝酸根氮氧同位素變化機理研究,主持,國家自然科學青年基金項目.
(5) 2018.01~2022.12,森林植物氮利用關鍵過程及其對大氣氮輸入的回響 ,參加,國家自然科學重點基金項目.
(6) 2016.07~2021.06,中國北方森林和草地生態系統碳氮耦合循環與碳源匯效應研究,項目骨幹,國家重點研發計畫‘全球變化及應對’重點專項.
(7) 2016.04~2018.03,Study on rainfall interception in Japanese coniferous plantations,主持,日本學術振興會(JSPS)海外特別研究員項目.
(8) 2009.04~2015.03,Development of Innovative Technologies for Increasing in Watershed Runoff and Improving River Environment by the Management Practice of Devastated Forest Plantation,參加,日本科學技術振興機構研究項目(JST-CREST).
(1)Mengistu T. Teramage*, Yuichi Onda, Hiroaki Kato, Xinchao Sun*,2020,Impact of forest thinning on the dynamics of litterfall derived 137Cs deposits in coniferous forest floor after Fukushima accident,Chemosphere,239: 124777.
(2)Delphis F. Levia, Kazuki Nanko, Hiromasa Amasaki, Thomas W. Giambelluca, Norifumi Hotta, Shin'ichi Iida, Ryan G. Mudd, Michael A. Nullet, Naoki Sakai, Yoshinori Shinohara, Xinchao Sun, Masakazu Suzuki, Nobuaki Tanaka, Chatchai Tantasirin, Kozo Yamada,2019,Throughfall partitioning by trees,Hydrological Processes,in press.
(3)Yuping Dong, Hao Huang, Wei Song, Xinchao Sun, Min Wang, Wei Zhang, Kelin Wang, Congqiang Liu, Xueyan Liu*.,2019,Natural 13C and 15N abundance of moss-substrate systems on limestones and sandstones in a karst area of subtropical China,Catena,In press..
(4)Wei Song#, Yanli Wang#, Wen Yang, Xinchao Sun, Chaochen Hu, Yindong Tong, Xuemei Wang, Zhipeng Bai*, Xueyan Liu*,2019,Isotopic evaluation on relative contributions of major NOx sources to nitrate of PM2.5 in Beijing,Environmental Pollution,248: 183-190.
(5)Yanli Wang#, Wei Song#, Wen Yang, Xinchao Sun, Yuping Dong, Chaochen Hu, Yindong Tong, Xuemei Wang, Zhipeng Bai*, Xueyan Liu*.,2019,Influences of atmospheric pollution on the contributions of major oxidation pathways to PM2.5 nitrate formation in Beijing,Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres,In press.Sun*,2019,Dosimetric depth distribution of Fukushima?derived 137Cs in coniferous forest soil,Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry,In press.
(7)Lingling Chen, Yanhong Cao, Zhao Zhang, Xueyan Liu, Mengistu T. Teramage, Xiaoda Zhang, Xinchao Sun, *,2019,Characteristics of chemical components in the trunk xylem sap of pine trees by means of a centrifugation collection method,Plant Physiology and Biochemistry,142: 482-489.
(8)Chaochen Hu#, Yanbao Lei#, Yunhong Tan; Xinchao Sun; Hao Xu; Congqiang Liu; Xueyan Liu*,2018,Plant nitrogen and phosphorus utilization under invasive pressure in a montane ecosystem of tropical China,Journal of Ecology,107: 372-386.
(9)Xudong Zheng, Xueyan Liu*, Wei Song, Xinchao Sun, Congqiang Liu,2018,Nitrogen isotope variations of ammonium across rain events: Implications for different scavenging between ammonia and particulate ammonium,Environmental Pollution,239: 392-398.
(10)Yanhong Cao, Yi Shi, Xinchao Sun, Caiyan Lu*, Xueyan Liu*,2018,Effects of elevated ozone on the contribution of nitrogen rhizodeposition by spring wheat to different soil N pools,Plant and Soil,425: 321-333.
(11)Xinchao Sun*, Yuichi Onda, Akiko Hirata, Hiroaki Kato, Takashi Gomi, Xueyan Liu*,2018,Effect of canopy openness and meteorological factors on spatial variability of throughfall isotopic composition in a Japanese cypress plantation,Hydrological Processes,32: 1038-1049.
(12)Shin’ichi Iida*, Delphis F. Levia, Kazuki Nanko, Xinchao Sun, Takanori Shimizu, Koji Tamai, Yoshinori Shinohara,2018,Correction of canopy interception loss measurements in temperate forests: a comparison of necessary adjustments among three different rain gauges based on a dynamic calibration procedure,Journal of Hydrometeorology,in press.
(13)Xueyan Liu*, Hongwei Xiao, Huayun Xiao, Wei Song, Xinchao Sun, Xudong Zheng, Congqiang Liu, Keisuke Koba,2017,Stable isotope analyses of precipitation nitrogen sources in Guiyang, southwestern China,Environmental Pollution,230: 486-494.
(14)Yuping Dong, Xueyan Liu*, Xinchao Sun*, Wei Song, Xudong Zheng, Rui Li, Congqiang Liu,2017,Inter-species and intra-annual variations of moss nitrogen utilization: implications for nitrogen deposition assessment,Environmental Pollution,230: 506-515.
(15)Xinchao Sun*, Yuichi Onda, Hiroaki Kato, Takashi Gomi, Xueyan Liu*,2017,Estimation of throughfall with changing stand structures for Japanese cypress and cedar plantations,Forest Ecology and Management,402: 145-156.
(16)Manuel López-Vicente*, Xinchao Sun, Yuichi Onda, Hiroaki Kato, Takashi Gomi, Marino Hiraoka,2017,Effect of tree thinning and skid trails on hydrological connectivity in two Japanese forestry catchments,Geomorphology,292:104-114.
(17)Baolu Yang, Yuichi Onda*, Yoshihiro Ohmori, Hitoshi Sekimoto, Toru Fujiwara, Yoshifumi Wakiyama, Kazuya Yoshimura, Junko Takahashi, Xinchao Sun,2017,Effect of topsoil removal and selective countermeasures on radiocesium accumulation in rice plants in Fukushima paddy field,Science of The Total Environment,603-604:49-56.
(18)Tsutomu Yamanaka*, Takeo Kimura, Xinchao Sun, Hiroaki Kato, Yuichi Onda,2017,Comparing root water uptake profile estimations from an isotope-calibrated mechanistic model and a mixing model,Hydrological Research Letters,11:161-167.
(19)Xinchao Sun*, Yuichi Onda, Kyoichi Otsuki, Hiroaki Kato, Takashi Gomi, Xueyan Liu*,2017,Change in evapotranspiration partitioning after thinning in a Japanese cypress plantation,Trees - Structure and Function,31: 1411-1421.
(20)Xinchao Sun*, Yuichi Onda, Kyoichi Otsuki, Hiroaki Kato, Takashi Gomi.,2016,The effect of strip thinning on forest floor evaporation in a Japanese cypress plantation,Agricultural and Forest Meteorology,216: 48-57.
(21)Nicolas Loffredo*, Xinchao Sun, Yuichi Onda.,2016,DHPT 1.0: New software for automatic analysis of canopy closure from under-exposed and over-exposed digital hemispherical photograph,Computers and Electronics in Agriculture,125: 39-47.
(22)Xinchao Sun*, Yuichi Onda, Stefani Chiara, Hiroaki Kato, Takashi Gomi.,2015,The effect of strip thinning on spatial and temporal variability of throughfall in a Japanese cypress plantation,Hydrological Processes,29: 5058-5070.
(23)Xinchao Sun*, Yuichi Onda, Hiroaki Kato, Takashi Gomi, Hikaru Komatsu.,2015,Effect of strip thinning on rainfall interception in a Japanese cypress plantation,Journal of Hydrology,525: 607-618.
(24)Xinchao Sun*, Yuichi Onda, Kyoichi Otsuki, Hiroaki Kato, Akiko Hirata, Takashi Gomi,2014,The effect of strip thinning on tree transpiration in a Japanese cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa Endl.) plantation,Agricultural and Forest Meteorology,,197: 123-135.
(25)Xinchao Sun*, Yuichi Onda, Hiroaki Kato, Kyoichi Otsuki, Takashi Gomi,2014,Partitioning of the total evapotranspiration in a Japanese cypress plantation during the growing season,Ecohydrology,7: 1042-1053.
(26)Xinchao Sun*, Yuichi Onda, Hiroaki Kato,2014,Incident rainfall partitioning and canopy interception modeling for an abandoned Japanese cypress stand,Journal of Forest Research,19:317-328.




