- 中文名:孫德軍
- 畢業院校:中國科學技術大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 專業方向:流動穩定性,氣動噪聲
- 任職院校:中國科學技術大學
- 職稱:中國科學技術大學教授
- Ma DJ,Sun DJ,Yin XY. Solution of the 2d shallow water equations with source terms in surface elevation splitting form. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids,2007. (in press)
- Qin FH,Sun DJ,Yin XY. Perturbation analysis on gas in a straight micro-channel. Physics of Fluids,2007,19,027103.
- Ma DJ,Sun DJ,Yin XY. Multiplicity of steady states in cylindrical Rayleigh-Bernard convection.Physics Review E,2006,74,037302.(SCI: 089HD)
- Cai Y,Ma DJ,Sun DJ,Yin XY. The numerical simulation of two dimensional interface breakup. Progress in Natural Science,2006,16⑸: 554-558. (SCI: 068EV,EI: 06249938664)
- Ma DJ,Sun DJ,Yin XY. Axisymmetric breaking to travelling waves in the cylinder with partially heated sidewall. Chinese Physics Letter,2006,23 ⑹: 1515-1518. (SCI : 054Ⅵ)
- Ma DJ,Sun DJ,Yin XY. A global stability analysis of the wake behind a rotating circular cylinder. Chinese Physics Letter,2005,22⑻:1964-1967. (SCI: 953AY)
- Sun L,Mu M,Sun D,Yin X. Passive mechanism of decadal variation of thermohaline circulation. Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans,2005,110 (C7),C07025. (SCI: 951PM)
- Hu J,Sun D J,Hu G H,Yin X Y. Secondary instabilities of linearly heated falling films. Progress in Natural Science,2005,15⑶:205-212. (SCI: 926YC,EI:05169052976)
- Hu J,Hu G H,Sun D J,Yin X Y. Instability of liquid film flowing down a linearly heated plate. Progress in Natural Science,2003,13⑻: 568-572. (SCI: 708GJ,EI:03357616020)
- Sun DJ,Hu GH,Gao Z,Yin XY. Stability and temporal evolution of a swirling jet with centrifugally unstable azimuthal velocity. Physics of Fluids,2002,14⑾. (SCI: 603AQ,EI: 02507266796)
- Qin FH,Sun DJ,Yin XY. Discussion about the similarity of micro-scale gas flows. International Journal of Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation,2002,3(3-4): 573-576. (SCI: 574RR)
- Hu G H,Sun D J,Yin X Y,Tong B G. Studies on stability and dynamics of a swirling jet. Acta Mech. Sinica,2001,17⑶: 237-244. (SCI: 466MP,EI: 02096871541)
- Hu G H,Sun D J,Yin X Y. A numerical study of dynamics of a temporally evolving swirling jet. Physics of Fluids,2001,13⑷: 951-965. (SCI: 411KN,EI: 02096876653)
- Yin,X Y,Sun D J,Wei M J,Wu J Z. Absolute and convective instability character of slender viscous vortices. Physics of Fluids,2000,12⑸: 1062-1072. (SCI: 303VT,EI: 00055167516)
- Hu,G.H.,Sun,D.J.,Yin,X.Y.. On the topological bifurcation of flows around a rotating circular cylinder. Acta Mechanica Sinica,1997,13⑶:203-209. (SCI: YC049,EI: 98024090088)
- Hu,G.H.,Sun D.J.,Yin X.Y.,Tong,B.G.. Hopf bifurcation in wakes behind a rotating and translating circular cylinder. Physics of Fluids,1996,8⑺:1972-1974. (SCI: UU385,EI: 96083262920)