2017年2月24日, 國際期刊Cell Research以昆明理工大學靈長類轉化醫學研究院為第一及通訊作者單位線上發表了昆明理工大學靈長類轉化醫學研究院譚韜、季維智課題組、中國農科院深圳農業基因組研究所高飛課題組,以及同濟大學孫毅課題組合作完成的研究論文“De novo DNA methylation during monkey pre-implantation embryogenesis”。論文首次揭示了靈長類動物早期著床前胚胎髮育中的DNA再甲基化過程,並表明DNA甲基化酶和去甲基化酶的時空特異性表達是造成這一現象的潛在機制。該工作修正了之前一直認為的哺乳動物早期著床前胚胎髮育只存在去甲基化過程而不存在再甲基化過程的認識。該項研究為重新認識靈長類早期胚胎髮育的DNA甲基化重編程及生殖受精事件提供了新的思路。
2017年5月18日,國際頂級期刊Cell發表了昆明理工大學靈長類轉化醫學研究院季維智、陳永昌團隊和同濟大學醫學院孫毅團隊合作運用TALEN技術開展瑞特綜合徵(Rett syndrome,RTT)食蟹猴模型的研究成果。該研究論文的題目為“Modeling Rett Syndrome Using TALEN-Edited MECP2 Mutant CynomolgusMonkeys”。為建立RTT猴模型,昆明理工大學靈長類轉化醫學研究院和同濟大學醫學院的研究人員從2012年開始,經過一年多的研究,於2014年初在世界上首次成功編輯了靈長類MECP2基因。本次研究是首次利用非人靈長類對RTT從行為模式、病理髮生及其機制進行的較系統研究,不僅證明非人靈長類在神經系統疾病研究上較嚙齒類有無法比擬的優勢,而且對未來更深入地開展RTT發病機理研究和治療將產生深刻影響。
1. Zheng P, Si W, Bavister BD, Yang JF, Ding CH, Ji WZ 2003 17-b estradiol and progesterone improve in vitro cytoplasmic maturation of oocytes from unstimulated prepubertal and adult rhesus monkeys. Human Reproduction (Accepted).
2. Li YH, Si W, Zhang XZ, Dinnyes A, Ji WZ, 2003 Effect of amino acids on cryopreservation of cynomolgus monkey (Macaca fascicularis) sperm. Am. J. Primatol.59: 159-165.
3. Ma J, Wang H, Su L, Ji WZ. 2002 Inhibition of endogenous gene expresison by dsRNA and it's application. Progress in Natural Science 12(11):1125-1131.
4. Ma J, Zhou HL, Su L, Ji WZ 2002 Effects of exogenous double-stranded RNA on the basonuclin gene expression in mouse oocytes. Science in China (Series C) 45: 593-603.
5. Zheng P, Bavister BD, Ji WZ 2002 Amino acid requirements for maturation of rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta) oocytes in culture. Reproduction 124:515-522.
6. Li XL, Su L, Li YH, Ji WZ Dinnyes A 2002 Vitrification of Yunnan yellow cattle ooctes: work in progress. Theriogenology 58, 1253-1260.
7. He YM, Pei YJ, Zou RJ, Ji WZ 2001 Changes of urinary conjugates and gonadotropin excretion in the menstrual cycle and pregnancy in the Yunnan snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus bieti). Am. J. Primatol. 55: 223-232.
8. Zheng P, Wang H, Bavister BD, Ji WZ. 2001 Maturation of rhesus monkey oocytes in chemically defined culture media and their functional assessment by in vitro fertilization and embryo development. Human Reprod. 16:300-305.
9. Zheng P, Bavister BD, Ji WZ. 2001 Glucose is a necessary energy substrate and sufficient to support cytoplasmic maturation of oocytes from unstimulated adult rhesus monkeys. Mol. Reprod. Develop 58:348-355.
10. Si W, Tang XH, He XC, Zheng P, Bavister BD, Ji WZ, 2000 Cryopreservation of rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta) spermatozoa and their functional assessment by in vitro fertilization. Cryobiology 41:232-240.
11. Ji WZ, Bavister BD. 2000 The zona-free embryo development from one cell to blastocyst in hamster. Theriogeology. 54:827-834.
12. Zhou HL, McKiernan SH, Ji WZ, Bavister BD. 2000 Effect of antibiotics on hamster 1-cell embryo development in vitro. Theriogeology. 54:999-1006.
13. Zheng P, Si W, Wang H, Zou RJ, Bavister BD, Ji WZ. 2001 Effect of age and breeding season on the developmental capacity of oocytes from unstimulated and Follicle-stimulating hormone stimulated rhesus monkeys. Biol. Reprod. 64: 1417-1421.