孟金陵:男,教授,農學博士,博導,作物遺傳改良國家重點實驗室固定研究人員,湖北省遺傳學會常務理事。1976年畢業於華中農業大學農學系,1981年獲碩士學位,1984年獲博士學位。曾受國家留學基金和英國皇家學會資助、赴澳大利亞、英國和阿根廷開展油菜和大豆的分子標記合作研究。在國內長期從事以油菜發育生物學、分子生物學和生物技術研究。先後開展了油菜組織培養,油菜重要農藝性狀的分子標記圖譜定位,油菜與擬南芥基因組比較作圖,油菜基因克隆和轉基因等研究。培育了高含油量油菜新品系,定位了油菜細胞質雄性不育恢復基因、硼高效基因和油菜抗菌核病QTLs,在油菜中發展了In planta 轉基因方法,開展了用擬南芥DNA晶片研究油菜抗逆功能基因表達的研究。曾應邀在第8、第9屆國際油菜大會和第13屆國際十字花科植物遺傳學大會上作綜述報告和專題報告。承擔過國家自然科學基金項目多項、國家攻關課題多項、948引進項目、國家863項目和教育部博士點基金等。現承擔國家科技部863項目“分子標記輔助油菜聚合育種和開拓基因組間雜種優勢”,國家自然科學基金項目“植物人工染色體的構建”,國家教育部博士點基金項目“油菜基因組間雜種優勢分析”和歐盟-中國合作項目“Establishment of an Integrated Marker System for Oilseed Rape Breeding”。培養的研究生多在國家一級學報和SCI源刊上發表論文。
1. Wang N, Wang Y, Tian F, King GJ, Zhang C, Long Y, Shi L, Jinling Meng, 2008, A functional genomics resource for Brassica napus: development of an EMS mutagenized population and discovery of FAE1 point mutations by TILLING, New Phytologist (in press).
2. Zhao H, Shi L, Duan X, Xu F, Wang Y, Meng J, 2008, Mapping and validation of chromosome regions conferring a new boron-efficient locus in Brassica napus, Mol Breeding, 22:495–506
3. Chen X, Li M, Shi J, Fu D, Qian W, Zou J, Zhang C, Meng J, 2008, Gene expression profiles associated with intersubgenomic heterosis in Brassica napus, Theor Appl Genet (On line).
4. Long Y, Zhang C, Meng J, 2008, Challenges for QTL analysis in crops, J Crop Sci Biotech 11 (1): 7 -12.
5. Zeng C, Han Y, Shi L, Peng L, Wang Y, Xu F, Meng J, 2008, Genetic analysis of the physiological responses to low boron stress in Arabidopsis thaliana,Plant, Cell and Environment, 31, 112–122.
6. Zeng C, Xu F, Wang Y, Hu C, Meng J, 2007, Physiological basis of QTLs for boron efficiency in Arabidopsis thaliana, Plant Soil, 296:187–196.
7. Long Y, Shi J, Qiu D, Li R, Zhang C, Wang J, Hou J, Zhao J, Shi L, Choi SR, Park Beom-Seok, Lim YP, Meng J, 2007, Flowering time QTL analysis of oilseed Brassica in multiple environments and genome-wide alignment with Arabidopsis, Genetics, 177, 2433-2444.
8. Zeng C, Xu F, Wang Y, Hu C, Meng J, 2007, Physiological basis of QTLs for boron efficiency in Arabidopsis thaliana, Plant Soil, 296:187–196.
9. Zhao J, Wang J, An L, Doerge R W, Chen Z J, Grau C R, Meng J, Osborn T C, 2007, Analysis of gene expression profiles in response to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum in Brassica napus, Planta, 227: 13-24.
10. Kwon S J, Kim D H, Lim M H, Long Y, Meng J, Lim K B, Kim J A, Kim J S, Jin M, Kim H I, Ahn S N, Wessler S R, Yang T J, Park B S, 2007, Terminal repeat retrotransposon in miniature (TRIM) as DNA markers in Brassica relatives, Mol Genet Genomics 278: 361-370.
11. Qian W, Sass O, Meng J, Li M, Frauen M, Jung C, 2007, Heterotic patterns in rapeseed (Brassica napus L.): I. Crosses between spring and Chinese semi-winter lines, Theor Appl Genet, 115: 24-37.
12. Jiang Y, Tian E, Li R, Chen L, Meng J, 2007 Genetic diversity of Brassica carinata with emphasizing on the interspecific crossability with B. rapa, Plant Breeding, 126: 487-491.
13. Zhang C, Long Y, Feng J, Meng J, 2007, Transcriptional regulation of plant genes and it’s significance in biology, Hereditas (Beijing) 29: 793-799..
14. Li M, Liu J, Wang Y, Yu L, Meng J, 2007, ,Production of partial new-typed Brassica napus by introgression of genomic components from B. rapa and B. carinata, Journal of Genetics and Genomics, 5: 460-468.
15. Li M, Zhang Z, Qian W, Meng J, 2007, Genetic diversity of Brassica species revealed by amplified fragment length polymorphism and simple sequence repeat markers, Hort Environ Biotechnol, 48(1): 9-15.