國際SSCI期刊 Land 編委
Xuesong Kong, Mengxue Fu, Xiang Zhao*, Jing Wang, Ping Jiang.Ecological effects of land-use change on two sides of the Hu Huanyong Line inChina. Land Use Policy, 2022, 113:105895. (ESI熱點論文)
Yue Dong, Peng Cheng, Xuesong Kong*. Spatially explicit restructuring of ruralsettlements: A dual-scale coupling approach.Journal of Rural Studies, 2022, 94: 239-249.
Zhihan Wang, Xuesong Kong*, Peng Cheng. Spatiotemporal evolution of national development zonesand their impact on urban land growth in China. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2022, 32(8): 1451-1470.
Peng Cheng, Houtian Tang, Feifei Lin, Xuesong Kong*. Bibliometrics of thenexus between food security and carbon emissions: hotspots and trends. Environmental Science and Pollution Research,2022, 30: 25981-25998.
Peng Cheng, Yiyu Qin, Siyang Zhu, Xuesong Kong*. Ecological Disturbanceof Rural Settlement Expansion: Evidence from Nantong, Eastern China. Land, 2022, 11(10): 1741.
Xuesong Kong, Zhengzi Zhou, Limin Jiao*. Hotspots of land-usechange in global biodiversity hotspots. Resources,Conservation and Recycling, 2021, 174: 105770.
Xuesong Kong, Dianfeng Liu*, Yasi Tian, Yaolin Liu.Multi-objective spatial reconstruction of rural settlements consideringintervillage social connections. Journalof Rural Studies, 2021, 84: 254-264. (ESI高被引論文)
Peng Cheng, Houtian Tang, Siyang Zhu, Ping Jiang,Jing Wang, Xuesong Kong*, Ke Liu.Distance to river basin affects residents’ willingness to pay for ecosystemservices: Evidence from the Xijiang river basin in China. Ecological Indicators, 2021, 126: 107691.
Yajing Li, Xuesong Kong*, Zhiqing Zhu. Multiscale analysis of the correlation patterns betweenthe urban population and construction land in China. Sustainable Cities and Society, 2020, 61: 102326.
Zhiqing Zhu, Xuesong Kong*, Yajing Li Identifying the static and dynamic relationships betweenrural population and settlements in Jiangsu Province, China. Chinese Geographical Science, 2020,30(5): 810-823.
Siyang Zhu, Xuesong Kong*, Ping Jiang. Identification of the human-land relationship involvedin the urbanization of rural settlements in Wuhan city circle, China. Journal of Rural Studies, 2020, 77:75-83.
Zhifeng Jin, Jing Wang*, Xuesong Kong*. Combining habitat area and fragmentation change forecological disturbance assessment in Jiangsu Province, China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research,2020, 27: 20817-20830.
Chaohui Yin, Xuesong Kong*, Yaolin Liu, Jing Wang, Zhen Wang. Spatiotemporal changes inecologically functional land in China: A quantity-quality coupled perspective, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 238:1-10.
Dianfeng Liu, Xuesong Kong*, Boyuan, Zhou, Yasi Tian, Yaolin Liu, Hua, Wang. Spatial optimizationof rural settlement relocation by incorporating inter‐village socialconnections under future policy scenarios. Transactionsin GIS, 2019: 23, 688-704.
Yajie Zhang, Yang Fu, Xuesong Kong*, Feng Zhang. Prefecture-level city shrinkage on theregional dimension in China: Spatiotemporal change and internal relations. Sustainable Cities and Society, 2019, 47:1-10.
Xuesong Kong*, Yaolin Liu, Ping Jiang, Yasi Tian, Yafeng Zou. Anovel framework for rural homestead land transfer under collective ownership inChina. Land Use Policy, 2018: 78, 138-146.
Yasi Tian, XuesongKong*, Yaolin Liu. Combining weighted daily life circles and landsuitability for rural settlement reconstruction. Habitat International, 2018: 76, 1-9.
Yasi Tian, XuesongKong*, Yaolin Liu, Haofeng Wang. Restructuring rural settlements based onan analysis of inter-village social connections: A case in Hubei Province,Central China. Habitat International,2016, 57: 121-131.
Jiaxing Cui, Xuesong Kong*, Yanfang Liu, Shaochen Wang. Spatio-temporal variation ofagricultural land consolidation in China: case study of Huangshi, HubeiProvince. Journal of Maps, 2016,12(S1): 493-497.
Xuesong Kong, Shixiang Feng, Xu Zhang*, Yan Li. Effects ofbilesalts and divalentcation sontheadsorption of norfloxacin by agriculturalsoils. Journal of Environmental Sciences,2014, 26(4): 846-854.
Xuesong Kong, Yaolin Liu*, Xingjian Liu, Yiyun Chen, DianfengLiu. Thematic maps for land consolidation planning in Hubei Province, China. Journal of Maps, 2014, 10(1): 26-34.
Yaolin Liu, Xuesong Kong*, Yanfang Liu, Yiyun Chen. Simulating the conversion of ruralsettlements to town land based on multi-agent systems and cellular automata. PLoS One, 2013, 8(11): e79300.
孔雪松, 府夢雪, 孫建偉, 等. 中國森林鄉村的多尺度分異特徵與分區最佳化. 地理研究, 2022, 41(7): 2051-2064.
孔雪松, 蔣獻佳, 程鵬. 基於街道尺度結構特徵的人口與建設用地時空耦合分析. 華中農業大學學報(社會科學版), 2022, (2): 158-166.
武藝傑, 孔雪松. 江蘇省“生態-農業-建設”用地空間格局模擬及發展模式選擇. 自然資源遙感, 2022, 34(1): 238-248.
孔雪松, 陳俊勵, 王靜, 等. 耦合土地利用格局與過程變化的生態干擾評價——以長三角地區為例. 地理科學, 2021, 41(11): 2031-2041.
孔雪松*, 陳俊勵, 劉殿鋒, 等. 農村宅基地退出潛力空間分異與分層協同分區: 以湖北宜城市為例. 資源科學, 2021, 43(7): 1322-1334.
李亞靜, 孔雪松*, 何建華, 等. 湖北省鄉村地域功能評價與轉向特徵分析. 中國土地科學, 2021, 35(3): 80-88.
陳翠芳, 孔雪松*, 朱思陽, 等. 基於脫鉤模型的湖北省鄉村人—耕—居變化關聯模式分析. 地理與地理信息科學, 2021, 37(1): 59-65.
陳曉麗, 朱思陽, 孔雪松*, 等. 湖北省鄉村人—地—業時空耦合的狀態與動態特徵. 中國農業資源與區劃, 2021, 42(10): 31-38.
孔雪松*, 朱芷晴, 劉殿鋒. 江蘇省鄉村聚落演化的多尺度特徵與空間關聯性分析. 農業工程學報, 2020, 36(12): 247-256.
孔雪松*, 朱思陽, 金志豐. 國土空間用途管制剛性與彈性的互動邏輯及最佳化路徑. 規劃師, 2020, 36(11): 11-15.
孔雪松*, 蔣獻佳, 劉葉, 等. 國土空間開發強度與資源環境承載時空耦合及規劃啟示——以江蘇省為例. 中國土地科學, 2020, 34(6): 10-17.
金丹, 孔雪松*. 湖北省城鎮化發展質量評價與空間關聯性分析. 長江流域資源與環境, 2020, 29(10): 2146-2154.
孔雪松, 王靜*, 金志豐, 等. 面向鄉村振興的農村土地整治轉型與創新思考. 中國土地科學, 2019, 33(5): 95-102.
孔雪松*, 謝世嬌, 朱思陽, 等. 湖北省人口—土地—產業城鎮化的時空分異與動態耦合分析. 經濟地理, 2019, 39(4): 93-100.
陶榮, 孔雪松*, 陳翠芳, 等. “二調”以來湖北省耕地變化的時空特徵及其驅動因子識別. 水土保持研究, 2019, 26(6): 290-295.
孔雪松, 劉耀林*, 劉殿鋒. 地理國情綜合區劃體系:維度、指標與套用. 地理與地理信息科學, 2018, 34(6): 1-6.
孫建偉, 孔雪松*, 田雅絲, 等. 基於空間組合特徵的農村居民點重構方向識別. 地理科學, 2017, 37 (5): 748- 755.
彭金金, 孔雪松*, 劉耀林, 等. 基於智慧型體模型的農村居民點空間最佳化配置. 地理與地理信息科學, 2016, 32(5): 52-58.
孔雪松*, 金璐璐, 郄昱, 等. 基於點軸理論的農村居民點布局最佳化. 農業工程學報, 2014, 30(8): 192-200.
孔雪松, 劉耀林*, 鄧宣凱, 等. 村鎮農村居民點用地適宜性評價與整治分區規劃. 農業工程學報, 2012, 28(18): 215-222.
孔雪松*, 劉艷芳, 常旭. 基於GIS的城鎮用地空間演化與景觀特徵分析. 經濟地理, 2012, 32(4): 67-71.
孔雪松*, 劉艷芳, 常旭. 武漢城市圈典型城鎮耕地資源時空演變特徵. 世界地理研究, 2012, 21(1): 66-71.
劉艷芳, 孔雪松*, 鄒亞鋒. 不同農村居民點整理模式下的耕地潛力評價模型. 武漢大學學報: 信息科學版, 2011, 36(9): 1124-1128.
孔雪松, 劉艷芳. 3S智慧型化旅遊規劃信息系統構建. 測繪科學, 2010, 35(5): 193-195.
孔雪松, 劉艷芳*, 鄒亞鋒, 等. 基於農戶意願的農村居民點整理潛力測算與最佳化. 農業工程學報, 2010, 26(8): 296-301.
孔雪松, 劉艷芳, 譚傳鳳. 嘉魚縣土地利用結構與效益變化的耦合效應分析. 資源科學, 2009, 31(7): 1095-1011.
孔雪松. 鄉村聚落空間重構:動態模擬與智慧型最佳化,科學出版社,2022.
孔雪松, 劉耀林, 王靜. 土地資源管理專業人才培養的雙層驅動與改革路徑. 中國地質教育, 2019, 2: 11-15.
孔雪松, 劉艷芳, 何建華. 面向土地資源管理專業的經濟地理學教學情境設計. 實驗技術與管理, 2016, 33(12): 214-217.
KongXuesong, Liu Yaolin, Jiang Ping, Zhao Xiang. Double-layerdomain-oriented intelligent optimal allocation method for rural residentialareas. 2021104004 (國際發明專利).
孔雪松, 朱芷晴, 王靜, 趙翔, 劉殿鋒. 一種顧及多維特徵的漸進式鄉村聚落整治分區方法. ZL202011208523.7.
劉耀林, 孔雪松, 劉艷芳, 劉殿鋒. 一種村鎮網路節點輻射域導向的農村居民點整治分區方法. ZL201410227946.1.
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中國農業工程學會第二屆特別優秀論文獎(入選2篇,農業工程學報Google Scholar高被引論文),2016