- 中文名:婦女研究論叢英文集粹
- 作者: 譚琳,陳瀾燕[主編]
- 類別:社會學類圖書
- 出版社:中國書籍出版社
- 出版時間:2015年12月
- 開本:16 開
- ISBN:9787506852296
This reader includes twenty articles and research reports that embody the most significantopinions, reflections, and research on women' s development and gender equality published inCollection of Women' s Studies, the flagship journal of women' s and gender studies in China. Itprovides a comprehensive understanding of the academic development of the discipline and itspriority research concerns, including its close ties to public policy since 1995. Moreover, itendeavors to introduce to an international audience the changes that have taken place in the fieldas researchers strive to draw attention to the realities of Chinese women' s situation and theirefforts to move towards emancipation and equality.
Tan Lin and Chen Lanyan
The Third National Survey on Chinese Women's Status: Key Data Report
Research Team of the Third National Survey on Chinese Women's Status
Trans. Wang Guoyuan
Growth of Senior Women Personnel in Science and Strategy for Their
Development: Report of Qualitative Research in Five Provinces
Project Team of the Research on the Growth of Senior Women Personnel and
Related Policy Recommendations Trans. Wang Guoyuan
Women's Role and Status in Seientifie Experiments from a Gender Perspective
Song Lin Trans. Zhou Yuan
Son Preferenee and Imbalanced Sex Ratio at Birth (SRB) : A Theoretical
Framework Based on a Perspeetive of Demand
Yang Juhua Trans. Fan Ni
Son Preferenee and Patriarchal Systems: Gender Analysis of the Imbalance in
Sex Ratio at Birth in China
Li Huiying Trans. Zhu Hong
The Gendered Agenda of University Organizational Culture~A Case Study
of a Research-Based University
Wang Jun Trans. Chen Lanyan
Agriculture-Tourism" Change in Fields and Practice of Gender-Based
Division of Labor among Ethnic Minorities
Zhao Qiaoyan Trans. Zhu Hong
Developing Legislation to Prevent Domestic Violence and Promote Social
Harmony. A Forum
All Translated by Chen Lanyan
Rethinking the Crime of Whoring with an Underage Girl: From a Perspective
of International Covenants
Zhao Hejun
Focusing on Quotas, Transcending Numbers: A Comparison of Quota Systems
for Women's Political Participation in China and India
Min Dongchao Trans. Ge Lunhong
"Participatory Gender Budget": Wenling's Quest
C, uo Xiajuan Li~ Xiaomin Trans. Zhu Hong
"Returning Home" Willingly or "Being Sent Home" Unwillingly? Debates
on "Women-Returning-Home" in Marketization and Transformation of
Ideologies in China
Song Shaopeng Trans. Zheng Jiaran
Why do Women and Men Agree or Oppose Equal Retirement Age? --An
Empirical Study of the Factors Influencing the Choice of Retirement Age
Retirement Age Research Team Liu Bohong C-uo Li Hao Rui
Understanding the Complexity of Family Patriarchy in a Traditional Chinese
Society A Marital Life-Course Perspective
Zuo Jiping
Dynamics of Satisfaction of Gender Relations in Migrant Families: A Case
Study in Beijing
Zhang Chuanhong Li Xiaoyun Trans. Niu Jianlin
Sexuality, Gender and Women Empowerment: A Study of Leaders of Women's
Embroidery Groups after the Earthquakes in Sichuan
Pei Yuxin Trans. Xiao Reng
Gender Specificity, Body Practice and Risky Health Behavior
Lin Xiaoshan Trans. Du Zhiru Zhu Huili
A Summary of 2010 CWRS Annual Conference as the Forum of "Beijingq-15"
Zhang Yongying Li Ya 'ni Li Haiyan Trans. Zhang Xinyuan i
Localization of Research on Women's Health in China over the Past Twenty Years
Xiao Yang Trans. Xue Ying
Progress of Women's/Gender Studies in China Based on the Collection of
Women's Studies : Analysis of the Changes in the Columns, Themes and
Contents of the Journal over the Past 20 Years
J iang Xiuhua Trans. Zheng J iaran