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  • 中文名:姜言
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 出生地:浙江寧波
  • 出生日期:1988年9月10日
  • 畢業院校:西南交通大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:橋樑與隧道工程


2019.07-至今 西南大學,工程技術學院,講師;
2018.02-2019.06 西南交通大學,土木工程學院,橋樑與隧道工程,碩博連讀;
2017.02-2018.02 獲得國家留學基金委資助在美國德克薩斯理工大學訪學;
2013.09-2017.02 西南交通大學,土木工程學院,橋樑與隧道工程,碩博連讀;
2008.09-2012.06 重慶交通大學,土木工程學院,橋樑工程,本科。


1. 數據處理與時頻分析;
2. 基於人工智慧算法的高速鐵路風速預測以及風電場風能預測;
3. 平穩、非平穩以及非高斯風場模擬;
4. 風資源評估及結構風荷載特性;
5. 風致疲勞及相應的可靠性研究。


[1] Jiang, Y, Huang G*. "Short-term wind speed prediction: Hybrid of ensemble empirical mode decomposition, feature selection and error correction." Energy Conversion and Management 144 (2017): 340-350. (中科院1區、JCR Q1區 Top期刊, SCI);
[2] Jiang, Y, Huang G*, Peng X, Li Y, Yang, Q. "A novel wind speed prediction method: Hybrid of correlation-aided DWT, LSSVM and GARCH." Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 174 (2018), 28-38. (JCR Q1區, SCI);
[3] Jiang Y, Huang G*, Yang Q, Zhang C, Yan Z. "A novel probabilistic wind speed prediction approach using real time refined variational model decomposition and conditional kernel density estimation." Energy Conversion and Management, 185 (2019): 758-773 (中科院1區、JCR Q1區 Top期刊, SCI);
[4] Huang G(導師), Jiang Y, Peng L*, Solari G, Liao H, Li M. "Characteristics of Intense Wind in Mountain Area Based on Field Measurement." Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 190 (2019): 166-182. (JCR Q1區SCI);
[5] Jiang Y, Zhao N, Peng L*, Liu S. "A new hybrid framework for probabilistic wind speed prediction using deep feature selection and multi-error modification." Energy Conversion and Management, 199 (2019): 111981. (中科院1區、JCR Q1區 Top期刊, SCI);
[6] Jiang Y, Liu S, Peng L *, Zhao N. "A novel wind speed prediction method based on robust local mean decomposition, group method of data handling and conditional kernel density estimation", Energy Conversion and Management, 200 (2019): 112099. (中科院1區、JCR Q1區 Top期刊, SCI);
[7] Jiang Y, Zhao N, Peng L*, Zhao L, Liu M. "Simulation of stationary wind field based on adaptive interpolation-enhanced scheme." Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 195 (2019): 104001. (JCR Q1區, SCI);
[8] Jiang Y, Liu S*, Zhao N*, Xin J, Wu B. "Short-term wind speed prediction using time varying filter-based empirical mode decomposition and group method of data handling-based hybrid model." Energy Conversion and Management, 220 (2020): 113076. (中科院1區、JCR Q1區 Top期刊, SCI);
[9] Liu M, Peng L*, Huang G*, Yang Q, Jiang Y. "Simulation of stationary non-Gaussian multivariate wind pressures using moment-based piecewise Hermite polynomial model." Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 196 (2020): 104041. (JCR Q1區, SCI);


