



  • 中文名:姜晨醒
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:高速離心泵減振降噪,仿生技術在離心泵中的套用,流固耦合
  • 職稱:動力工程及工程熱物理講師


2005.09–2009.07 西安交通大學,能源與動力工程學院,能源與動力工程專業,本科。
2009.09–2011.07 哈爾濱工業大學,能源科學與工程學院,流體機械及工程專業,碩士研究生。
2011.09–2015.07 哈爾濱工業大學,能源科學與工程學院,工程熱物理專業,博士研究生。
2015.09–至今 哈爾濱工程大學,動力與能源工程學院,講師。
2015.09–至今 哈爾濱工程大學,動力與能源工程學院,博士後。
2016.09–2017.09 北海道大學(日本),機械宇宙工學部,非常勤研究員。
《Applied Thermal Engineering》、《Advances in Mechanical Engineering》、《Applied Mathematical Modelling》、《哈爾濱工程大學學報》、《物理學前沿》等期刊審稿人。




1. 國家自然科學基金項目(青年),2019.1-2021.12,項目負責人
2. 中國博士後科學基金特別資助項目,2018.1-2019.12,項目負責人。
3. 中國博士後科學基金面上項目,2015.9-2017.9,項目負責人。
1. 2018. 07, ASME 5th Joint US-European Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting (FEDSM2018), Numerical study on transient dynamics in a centrifugal pump considering clearance flow. Oral Presentation, Montreal, Canada.
2. 2018. 04, 3rd Chinese International Turbomachinery Conference (CITC2018), Research on dynamic performances in a centrifugal pump influenced by U-groove-structure surface. Oral Presentation, Chongqing, China.
3. 2017.11, 14th Asian International Conference on Fluid Machinery (AICFM2017),Study of dynamic performances in a centrifugal pump influenced by bionic non-smooth surface. Oral Presentation, Zhenjiang, China.
4. 2017.06, Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2017: Turbomachinery Conference and Exposition (GT2017), Numerical simulation of dynamic flow characteristics in a centrifugal water pump considering shaft torsional vibration. Oral Presentation, Charlotte, USA.
5. 2016.12, 8th International Symposium on Multiphase Flow, Heat Mass Transfer and Energy Conversion (ISMF2016), The evolution of cavitation and time-frequency characteristics of pressure fluctuation during centrifugal pump startup process. Oral Presentation. Chengdu, China.
6. 2016.09, The Japan Society of Fluid Mechanics (JSFM2016), Unified model for non-equilibrium fluid interface of chemical reaction and phase change. Nagoya, Japan.
7. 2015.09, 7th International Conference on Vibration Engineering (ICVE2015), Effect of surfactant additives on vibration and performance characteristics in a centrifugal pump. Oral Presentation, Shanghai, China.
8. 2014.11, 中國工程熱物理學會-多相流學術會議, 圓柱體垂直入射減阻溶液形成超空泡數值模擬研究. 分會報告, 中國西安.
9. 2014.10, International Symposium on Cavitation and Multiphase Flows (ISCM2014), Numerical study of water entry supercavitating flow around a vertical circular cylinder influenced by turbulent drag-reducing additives. Oral Presentation, Beijing, China.
10. 2012.10, 7th International Symposium on Multiphase Flow, Heat Mass Transfer and Energy Conversion (ISMF2012), Numerical study of natural supercavitation influenced by turbulent drag-reducing additives. Oral Presentation, Xi'an, China.
11. 2011.10, World Congress on Engineering and Technology (CET2011), Numerical simulation for natural supercavitation in drag-reducing solution. Oral Presentation, Shanghai, China.
12. 2011.08, 中國力學大會-2011暨錢學森誕辰100周年紀念大會, 減阻溶液中通氣超空泡數值模擬研究. 分會報告, 中國哈爾濱.
1. Chen-Xing Jiang, Shu-Lei Li, Feng-Chen Li and Wan-You Li. Numerical study on axisymmetric ventilated supercavitation influenced by drag-reduction additives. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2017, Vol. 115 pp. 62-76.
2. Chen-Xing Jiang, Zhi-Jun Shuai, Xiang-Yuan Zhang, Wan-You Li and Feng-Chen Li. Numerical study on the transient behavior of water-entry supercavitating flow around a cylindrical projectile influenced by turbulent drag-reducing additives. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2016, Vol. 104 pp. 450-460.
3. Chen-Xing Jiang, Zhi-Jun Shuai, Xiang-Yuan Zhang, Wan-You Li and Feng-Chen Li. Numerical Study on evolution of axisymmetric natural supercavitation influenced by turbulent drag-reducing additives. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2016, Vol. 107 pp. 797-803.
4. Chen-Xing Jiang and Feng-Chen Li. Experimental study on the characteristics of ventilated cavitation around an underwater navigating body influenced by turbulent drag-reducing additives. Science China-Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 2015, Vol. 58 pp. 594703.
5. Chen-Xing Jiang and Feng-Chen Li. Experimental and numerical study of water entry supercavity influenced by turbulent drag-reducing additives. Advances in Mechanical Engineering. 2014, Vol. 2014 pp. 280643.
6. Chen-Xing Jiang and Feng-Chen Li. Numerical study of natural supercavitation influenced by rheological properties of turbulent drag-reducing additives. Advances in Mechanical Engineering. 2014, Vol. 2014 pp. 275316.


2015年 哈爾濱工業大學優秀博士畢業生
2018年 國防科學技術進步獎 一等
2017年 海洋工程科學技術獎 一等


