



  • 中文名:姜兆能
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:人工材料特性研究
  • 任職院校:合肥工業大學


2013年3月~2014年6月: 中國電子科技集團第三十八研究所,天線設計工程師;




方向一: 計算電磁學數值方法研究(MoM、MLFMA、FDTD、FEM等);
方向二: 天線與微波器件設計與加工;
方向三: 人工材料特性研究;


1. 學術新人提升計畫B、“複雜多尺度結構電磁輻射/散射問題的精確建模與全波分析”、2019/04-2020/12,在研,主持;
2. 創客室建設計畫項目、“航模創新設計與控制模擬創客實驗室”、2018/09-2020/09,在研,主持;
3. 研究所委託項目、“電磁環境分析及防護研究”、2018/02-2018/06,已結題,第一承接人;
4. 套用科技成果培育計畫項目,JZ2017YYPY0258、“低剖面共形貼片天線設計及產業化開發”、2017/01-2018/12,已結題,主持;
5. 國家自然科學基金青年科學基金項目,61501159、“複雜電磁環境下相控陣天線電磁仿真的低秩分解技術研究”、2016/01-2018/12,已結題,主持;
6. 安徽省自然科學基金面上項目,1608085MF124、“複雜環境下埋地目標的高性能探測技術研究”、2016/07-2018/06,已結題,主持;
7. 公司橫向項目,W2016JSKF0514、“電源系統中電磁兼容問題的分析與研究”、2016/08-2018/08,已結題,主持;
8. 學術新人提升計畫A,JZ2016HGTA0686,“超寬頻小型化天線的理論設計與研究”、已結題,主持;
9. 宣城校區博士產學研啟動專項資助基金,XC2015JZBZ29,“電源系統中的電子干擾特性及其改進措施研究”、2015/12-2018/12,已結題,主持;
10. 國家重點實驗室項目,K201602、“基於數據稀疏特性的矩陣低秩分解算法研究”、2016/01-2017/12,已結題,主持;
11. 博士專項科研資助基金,JZ2014HGBZ0372,“複雜目標電磁仿真的低秩分解技術研究”、2014/10-2016/09,已結題,主持;
1.姜兆能、趙寶麗、趙曉燕、稅明月、黃英、楊明武、喬旭光、劉凡、李俊、盧笑池. “一種超寬頻微帶圓柱共形陣列天線”,發明專利,專利申請號:201810575476.6(進入實審階段)
2.姜兆能、稅明月、喬旭光、黃英、楊明武、宣曉峰、劉建、趙曉燕、劉凡、潘俊. “一種超寬頻Vivaldi圓極化相控陣天線單元”,發明專利,專利申請號:201810575732.1(進入實審階段)
3.姜兆能、盧笑池、趙寶麗、喬旭光、稅明月、黃英、張青春、劉凡、張華、潘俊. “一種超寬頻高增益共口徑陣列天線”,發明專利,專利申請號:201810576039.6(進入實審階段)
4. 姜兆能、張青春、盧笑池、楊明武、稅明月、黃英、歐陽一鳴、潘俊、喬旭光、鐘業奎. “一種超寬頻全金屬圓極化天線單元”,發明專利,專利申請號:201710434220.9(已授權)
5. 姜兆能、張青春、梁慶、稅明月、歐陽一鳴、鐘業奎、孫芳、張華、付家翰、盧笑池. “一種共形低副瓣波導縫隙陣列天線”,發明專利,專利申請號:201710294463.7(已授權)
6. 姜兆能、稅明月、張青春、楊明武、歐陽一鳴、喬旭光、楊曉雨、李曉陽、孫芳、劉凡. “一種三陷波共形全向微帶陣列天線”,發明專利,專利申請號:201710228150.1(已授權)
7. 姜兆能、稅明月、楊明武、黃英、歐陽一鳴、陳俊夫、張延孔、楊曉雨、瞿晨、李曉陽. “一種二維寬角度掃描的全金屬相控陣雷達天線單元”,發明專利,專利號:CN106129593A(已授權)
8. 姜兆能、付家翰、李冬冬、潘俊、孫欽貴、歐陽一鳴、陳昊天、顏雨晨、吳玉蘭、孫芳. “一種基於AT89C52為核心的高精度步進電機控制系統”,實用新型專利,專利申請號:201720626658.2(已授權)
9. 歐陽一鳴、孫成龍、蔣哲遠、梁華國、黃正峰、姜兆能、安鑫、易茂祥. “片上網路中針對瞬時故障和間歇性故障的高可靠鏈路容錯模組及其方法”,發明專利,專利公開號:CN105656773A(已授權)
10. 歐陽一鳴、陳靜雯、蔣哲遠、黃正峰、梁華國、姜兆能、李建華、易茂祥. “一種片上網路中基於虛擬輸出佇列機制的自適應路由器”,發明專利,專利公開號:CN105871742A(已授權)
11. 陳如山,姜兆能,樊振宏,丁大志,盛亦軍,沙侃,葉曉東,陳明.“複雜電路的矩陣分解結合新奇異值分解方法”,實用新型專利,專利號:201010622655(已授權)
1.Xiaofeng Xuan, Mingwu Yang, 姜兆能,“Extraction of Multimode S-Parameters by Using a Hybrid FDTD/SVD Technique,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. vol.67, no.3, pp: 2012-2016, Mar. 2019(SCI收錄、第一通信作者)
2.姜兆能, Xuguang Qiao, Wenfei Yin, Xiaoyan Zhao, Xiaofeng Xuan, Ting Wan, “A Well-conditioned Multilevel Directional Simply Sparse Method for Analysis of Electromagnetic Problems,” Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements. Vol.99, pp.244-247, Feb.2019(SCI收錄)
3.姜兆能, Xiaoyan Zhao, Ye Jiang, Xuguang Qiao, Quanquan Wang, “Fast Solution of Low-Frequency Problems Using Efficient Form of MLACA with Loop-Tree Basis Functions,” Accepted by ACES Journal. 2019(SCI收錄)
4.姜兆能, Hongzhi Zhao, Xiaoyan Zhao, Jian Liu, Mingyue Shui, Ting Wan, Xuguang Qiao, “Gain-Enhanced Compact Circularly Polarized Array Microstrip Antenna,” Accepted by ACES Journal. 2019(SCI收錄)
5.Chunxian Wang, 姜兆能, Mingyue Shui, Ye Jiang, Ting Wan, Xiaofeng Xuan, “An Efficient Preconditioner based on Adaptive Grouping Technique for Multi-scale Problems,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. Vol.67, no.2, pp.1289~1293, 2019 (SCI收錄、第一通信作者)
6.Wang caiping, 姜兆能, Xuguang Qiao, Ting Wan, “Efficient performance of MLSSM-MLFMA algorithm using adaptive grouping technique for electromagnetic problems,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol.66, no.1, pp.493-496, Jan.2018 (SCI收錄、第一通信作者)
7.姜兆能, Hua Chen, Ting Wan, Yiming Ouyang, Xuguang Qiao, Xiaochi Lu, “Application of multilevel directional adaptive cross approximation technique for electromagnetic problem,” Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, Vol.85, pp.111–115, 2017 (SCI收錄)
8.姜兆能, Qingchun Zhang, Liping Zha and Xiaoyu Yang, “Fast Analysis of Large-scale Problems by Modified Multilevel Compressed Block Decomposition Combined with High Order Hierarchical Basis Functions,” International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 2017 (1) :1-9 (SCI收錄)
9.姜兆能and TingWan, “An Efficient Approach Based on MLCBD Algorithm for Analysis of Electromagnetic Problems,” International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, vol. 53, no. 2, pp. 271-281, 2017(SCI收錄)
10.Quanquan Wang, Huazhong Liu, Yan Wang and 姜兆能, “Marching-on-in-Degree Time-Domain Integral Equation Solver for Transient Electromagnetic Analysis of Graphene,”Coatings 2017, 7, 170; doi:10.3390/coatings7100170., Oct. 2017(SCI收錄)
11.Zhonghua Wang, Ning An, Fei Shen, Hongping Zhou, Yongxuan Sun, 姜兆能, Yanhua Han, Yan Li, Zhongyi Guo, “Enhanced Forward Scattering of Ellipsoidal Dielectric Nanoparticles,”Nanoscale Res Lett, 2017,12: 58(SCI收錄)
12.姜兆能and TingWan, “Efficient Representation of Multilevel QR Algorithm for Analysis of Microstrip Structures,” ACES Journal, vol. 31, no. 7, pp. 777-781, 2016 (SCI收錄)
13.姜兆能,Fei Shen, Yuan Xu, Xiaoyu Yang, “Efficient Analysis of Object with Fine Structures by Combined MLSSM/MLFMA via Compressed Block Decomposition Preconditioner,” ACES Journal, vol. 31, no. 11, pp. 1303-1308, 2016 (SCI收錄)
14.TingWan and 姜兆能, “Multilevel Compressed Block Decomposition-Based Finite Element Domain Decomposition Method for the Fast Analysis of Finite Periodic Structures,” International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields., doi: 10.1002/jnm.2194, Sep. 2016 (SCI收錄、第一通信作者)
15.Shen Fei,An Ning,Tao Yifei,Zhou Hongping,姜兆能, Guo Zhongyi,“Anomalous forward scattering of gain-assisted dielectric shell coated metallic core spherical nanoparticles,”Nanophotonics, 2016(SCI收錄)
16.姜兆能, Yijun Sheng and Songge Shen,“Multilevel Fast Multipole Algorithm-based Direct Solution for Analysis of Electromagnetic Problems,”IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 59, no. 9, pp. 3491-3494, Sep. 2011(SCI收錄)
17.姜兆能, Yuan Xu, Yijun Sheng, Maomao Zhu, “Efficient Analyzing EM Scattering of Objects Above a Lossy Half Space by the Combined MLQR/MLSSM,”IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 59, no. 12, pp. 4609-4614, Dec. 2011(SCI收錄)
18.姜兆能, Yuan Xu, Rushan Chen, Zhenhong Fan, Dazhi Ding, “Efficient Matrix Filling of Multilevel Simply Sparse Method via Multilevel Fast Multipole Algorithm,”Radio Science, 46, RS5011, doi:10.1029/2010RS004549, 2011(SCI收錄)
19.姜兆能, Rushan Chen, Zhenhong Fan and Maomao Zhu, “Novel Postcompression Technique in the Matrix Decomposition Algorithm for the Analysis of Electromagnetic Problems,”Radio Science, 47, RS2003, doi:10.1029/2011RS004921, 2012 (SCI收錄)
20.姜兆能, Rushan Chen, Zhenhong Fan and Yuyuan An, “Modified Compressed Block Decomposition Preconditioner for Electromagnetic Problems,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 53, no.8, pp. 1915-1919, Aug. 2011 (SCI收錄)
21.姜兆能, Zhenhong Fan, Dazhi Ding, Rushan Chen, and K. W. Leung, “Preconditioned MDA-SVD-MLFMA for Analysis of Multi-scale Problems,” ACES Journal, vol. 25, no. 11, pp. 914-925, 2010 (SCI收錄)
22.姜兆能, Rushan Chen, Zhenhong Fan, Yuyuan An, Maomao Zhu, and K. W. Leung, “Modified Adaptive Cross Approximation Algorithm for Analysis of Electromagnetic Problems,” ACES Journal, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 160-169, 2011(SCI收錄)
23.姜兆能, Rushan Chen, Zhenhong Fan, Songge Shen and Xiaoqing Hu, “Efficient Multilevel Compressed Block Decomposition for Large-Scale Electromagnetic Problems Using Asymptotic Phasefront Extraction,” ACES Journal, vol. 26, no. 11, pp. 876-885, 2011(SCI收錄)
24.姜兆能, Xiaochi Lu, Bangbang Zhang, Wendi Sun, Yekui Zhong, Chao Mo, “Design of a Miniaturized Ultra-wideband Antenna with U-shape Slots,” The 2017 International Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Symposium in China, 2017(EI收錄)
25.姜兆能, Y. M. Ouyang, X. Y. Li, Y. P. Kan, C. Qu and J. Xiong, “Analysis and Design of a New Flower-type Circular Polarization Patch Antenna,” IEEE International Workshop on Electromagnetics, pp. 1-3,2016(EI收錄)
26.姜兆能, S. Shang, X.Q.Hu, Y. Sun, Z.H. Fan, and R. S. Chen, “Combined MDA-SVD-MLFMA for Analysis of the EM Scattering from Complex Objects,” International Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology, May 2010(EI收錄)
27.姜兆能, Maomao Zhu, Dazhi Ding, Zhenhong Fan and Rushan Chen, “Efficient Analysis of Multilayer Microstrip Structures by Matrix Decomposition Algorithm - Singular Value Decomposition,” The IEEE Electrical Design of Advanced Packaging & Systems (EDAPS), December 2011(EI收錄)
28.姜兆能, Zhiwei Liu, Maomao Zhu, Dazhi Ding, Zhenhong Fan and Rushan Chen, “Matrix Interpolation of the Adaptive Cross Approximation Matrix for Multilayer Structures Problems,” International Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology, May 2012(EI收錄)
29.稅明月,姜兆能,李曉陽,梁慶,盧笑池,劉凡, “一種新型多頻段共形微帶天線的研究與設計,” 合肥工業大學學報自然科學版, 2017 (通信作者)
30.姜兆能,李曉陽,瞿晨,孫芳,闞運鵬, “一種新型八邊形可控雙陷波天線的分析與設計,” 合肥工業大學學報自然科學版, vol.40, no.7, 2017
31.姜兆能、陳如山、陳華、丁大志、樊振宏,“多分辨預條件結合混合形式快速多極子算法分析低頻散射問題,”2009年全國微波毫米波會議論文集,May 2009
32.Zhenhong Fan, 姜兆能, Rushan Chen, Ting Wan and Kaibo Zhu, “Efficient Version of Multilevel Compressed Block Decomposition for Finite Element- Based Analysis of Electromagnetic Problems,” IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 527-532, 2012 (SCI: 000305018300005, EI: 20122415122897)(SCI收錄)
33.Ting Wan, 姜兆能 and Yijun Sheng, “Hierarchical Matrix Techniques Based on Matrix Decomposition Algorithm for the Fast Analysis of Planar Layered Structures,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 59, no. 11, pp. 4132-4141, Nov. 2011 (SCI:000296474200021, EI:20114514499414)(SCI收錄)
34.Jianjun Ding, 姜兆能 and Rushan Chen, “Multiresolution preconditioner combined with matrix decomposition - singular value decomposition algorithm for fast analysis of electromagnetic scatterers with dense discretisations,” IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, vol. 5, no. 11, pp. 1351-1358, 2011 (SCI:000294549500012, EI:20113714320997)(SCI收錄)
35.Dazhi Ding, Rongxing Niu, 姜兆能and Rushan Chen, “Application of the multilevel compressed block decomposition to electromagnetic problems analysis based on FETD method,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 56, no.3, pp. 654-660, Mar. 2014(SCI收錄)
36.Dazhi Ding, Songge Shen, 姜兆能and Rushan Chen, “The modified multilevel compressed block decomposition algorithms for analyzing the scattering of objects in half space,” International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields, vol. 27, no.1, pp. 153-163, Jan. 2014(SCI收錄)
37.Dazhi Ding, Yue Shi, 姜兆能and Rushan Chen, “Augmented EFIE with adaptive cross approximation algorithm for analysis of electromagnetic problems,”International Journal of Antennasand Propagation, vol.2013, 2013(SCI收錄)
38.Hua Chen, Zhenhong Fan, Rushan Chen, 姜兆能 and M. M. Li “Adaptive Mixed-Form Fast Multipole Method for the Analysis of Electromagnetic Scattering”, ACES Journal, vol. 25, no. 11, pp. 962-974, 2010 (SCI:000289492900007,EI:20112214012871)(SCI收錄)
39.Jiaqi Chen, Zhiwei Liu,Bin Yong,姜兆能 and Ning Cao, “A Shifted SSOR Preconditioner with Low-Rank Compression for Monostatic RCS Calculation,” ACES Journal, vol. 28, no. 9, pp. 772-779, 2013(SCI收錄)
40.Quanquan Wang, Huazhong Liu, Yan Wang and 姜兆能, “Marching-on-in-Degree Time-Domain IntegralEquation Solver for Transient ElectromagneticAnalysis of Graphene,” Coatings 2017, 7, 170; doi:10.3390/coatings7100170., Oct. 2017(SCI收錄)
41.Shen Fei,An Ning,Tao Yifei,Zhou Hongping,姜兆能, Guo Zhongyi,“Anomalous forward scattering of gain-assisted dielectric shell coated metallic core spherical nanoparticles,” Nanophotonics, 2016(SCI收錄)
42.Zhonghua Wang, Ning An, Fei Shen, Hongping Zhou, Yongxuan Sun, 姜兆能, Yanhua Han, Yan Li, Zhongyi Guo, “Enhanced Forward Scattering of Ellipsoidal Dielectric Nanoparticles,” Nanoscale Res Lett, 2017,12: 58(SCI收錄)




