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  • 中文名:姚遠
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 畢業院校西南交通大學 
  • 學位/學歷:工學博士 
  • 職業:教師 
  • 專業方向:車輛工程 






[41]Yuan Yao*, Guang Li, Guosong Wu, Zhenxian Zhang & Jiayin Tang (2019) Suspension parameters optimum of high-speed train bogie for hunting stability robustness, International Journal of Rail Transportation, DOI: 10.1080/23248378.2019.1625824
[40]Yu Zhang, Kailin Zhang, Yuan Yao. Study on oil-gas separation characteristics of gearbox sealing system of high-speed electric multiple unit. Computing in Science & Engineering.2019. DOI: 10.1109/MCSE.2019.2893305(SCI)
[39]Hou yue(16級碩士研究生), Song Yadong, Wu Guosong, Luo Yun, Yao Yuan*. Simulation and experimental study on active stability of high speed trains. Computing in Science & Engineering.2019. DOI: 10.1109/MCSE.2019.2893159(SCI)
[38]Xiaoxia Zhang, Guosong Wu, Guang Li, Yuan Yao*. Actuator optimal placement studies of high-speed power bogie for active hunting stability. Vehicle system dynamics.2019,57,DOI: 10.1080/00423114.2019.1566556(A++,SCI,EI)
[37]Yuan Yao, Guang Li, Yousef Sardahib, Jian-Qiao Sun*. Stability enhancement of a high-speed train bogie using active mass inertial actuators. Vehicle system dynamics.2018,56,DOI: 10.1080/00423114.2018.1469776(A++,SCI,EI)
[36]Yuan Yao, Guosong Wu, Yousef Sardahib, Jian-Qiao Sun*. Hunting Stability Analysis of High-speed Train Bogie under the Frame Lateral Vibration Active Control. Vehicle system dynamics.2018,56:2, 297-318(A++,SCI,EI)
[35]鐘文生,汪煌,張江田,姚遠.設有擋肩的尾端圓弧接觸重載車鉤穩鉤能力研究. 鐵道學報.2018,40(4):32-35(A+,EI)
[34]Yousef Sardahi,Yuan Yao,Jian-Qiao Sun*. Multi-Objective Optimal Control of Under-Actuated Bogie System of High Speed Trains. Proceedings of the ASME 2016 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference,October 12-14, 2016, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.(A+,SCI,EI)
[33]Junguo Wang*, Guangyue He, JieZhang, Yongxiang Zhao, Yuan Yao. Nonlinear dynamics analysis of the spur gear system for railway locomotive. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing.2017(85):41-55.(A++,SCI,EI)
[32]Yuan Yao*, Yapeng Yan, Zhike Hu, Kang Chen. The Motor Active Flexible Suspension and its Dynamic Effect on the High-speed Train Bogie. Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control.2017, doi:10.1115/1.4038389(A+,SCI,EI)
[31]Guosong Wu(15級碩士研究生), Huang Wang, Yuan Yao*. Improvements for the stability of heavy-haul couplers with arc surface contact. Vehicle system dynamics.2018,56:3, 428-442. (A++,SCI,EI)
[30]Yuan Yao*, Xiaoxia Zhang, Xu Liu. The active control of the lateral movement of a motor suspended under a high-speed locomotive. Rail and Rapid Transit.2016,230(6). (A+,SCI,EI)
[25]Yuan Yao*, Shiyin ZHAO, Feixiong XIAO, Jianxin LIU. The effects of suspension parameters of wheelset driving system on the re-adhesion performance of locomotives. Vehicle system dynamics.2015,53(12):1935-1951. (A++,SCI,EI)
[24]Yuan Yao*, Xiaoxia Zhang, Hongjun Zhang. Dynamic performances of an innovative coupler used in heavy haul trains. Vehicle system dynamics.2014,52(10):1288-1303. (A++,SCI,EI)
[23]Yuan Yao*, Xu Liu, Hongjun Zhang, Shihui Luo. The stability and mechanical characteristics of heavy haul couplers with restoring bumpstop. Vehicle system dynamics.2014,52(1):26-44. (A++,SCI,EI)
[22]Yuan Yao*, Xiaoxia Zhang,Hongjun ZHANG, Shihui LUO. The stability mechanism and its application to heavy haul couplers with arc surface contact. Vehicle system dynamics.2013,51(9):1324-1341. (A++,SCI,EI)
[21]Yuan Yao*, Hongjun ZHANG, Yeming LI, Shihui LUO. The dynamics study of locomotive under saturated adhesion. Vehicle system dynamics.2011,49(8): 1321-1338. (A++,SCI,EI)
[20]Yuan Yao*, Hongjun ZHANG, Shihui LUO. The Mechanism of Drive System Flexible Suspension and Its Application in Locomotives. Transport.2015,30(1):69-79. (A+,SCI,EI)
[19]Yuan Yao*, Hongjun ZHANG, Shihui LUO. An analysis of resonance effects in locomotive drive systems experiencing wheelrail saturation adhesion. Rail and rapid transit.2014,228(1):4-15. (A+,SCI,EI)
[18]Yuan Yao*, Yun Luo, Shi-hui LUO. The theory of stick-slip vibration and its application on locomotive. 22th IAVSD symposium, Manchester, UK. 2011.8.
[17]姚遠,張開林,張紅軍,羅世輝.機車驅動系統彈性架懸的機理與套用研究[J].鐵道學報. 2013, 35(4):16-22. (EI)
[16]姚遠,張開林,羅世輝,張紅軍.驅動系統彈性架懸對機車動力學性能影響機理[J].振動工程學報. 2012, 25(5):482-487. (EI)
[15]姚遠,張紅軍,羅世輝.機車黏著極限態驅動裝置結構共振研究[J].鐵道學報. 2011, 33(10):16-22. (EI)
[14]姚遠,張紅軍,羅贇.驅動工況單輪對橫向穩定性研究[J].西南交通大學學報. 2011,46(4):826-830.(EI)
[13]姚遠,張紅軍,羅贇,金鼎昌.黏滑振動理論及其在鐵路機車中的套用[J].機械工程學報. 2010,46(12):75-82.(EI)
姚遠,張紅軍,羅贇,金鼎昌.機車打滑時輪對縱向振動研究[J].機械工程學報,2009, 45(7):199-203. (EI)
[10]姚遠,張紅軍,羅贇,李秋澤.CRH5型動車萬向軸扭轉振動研究[J].中國鐵道科學,2009,30(3):82-86. (EI)
[9]張紅軍,姚遠,李秋澤,羅贇,金鼎昌.CRH5型動車萬向軸傳動系統技術特徵分析[J].鐵道學報,2009,31(4):115-119. (EI)
[8]姚遠,張紅軍,陳康,金鼎昌.機車打滑時傳動系統的自激扭轉振動[J].西南交通大學學報,2008,43(12):762-766. (EI)
[7]姚遠,張紅軍,羅贇,金鼎昌. 機車傳動系統扭轉與輪對縱向耦合振動穩定性[J].交通運輸工程學報.2009,9(2):17-20.
[6]姚遠,張紅軍,羅贇. 輪對縱向定位誤差對高速動車運行性能的影響分析.[J].鐵道車輛.2009.26(6):8-10.
[5]姚遠,張紅軍,羅贇. 轉臂軸箱定位節點位置對機車動力學性能影響分析[J].機車電傳動,2007,33(3):27-29.
[3]姚遠,張紅軍,劉進華.高速機車軸盤制動裝置溫度場分析[J].機車電傳動, 2008, 34(1):6-10.
[2]姚遠,張紅軍,羅贇,張開林.轉向架構架柔度對構架垂向動態載荷影響的分析[J].內燃機車, 2008,34(2):7-11.




