近期發表的主要論文: [1]A Fractal Model for Oil Transport in Tight Porous Media. Transport in Porous Media, v 121, n 3, p 725-739, 2018 [2]裂縫壓力衰竭對緻密儲層基質-裂縫間非穩態竄流規律的影響.科技導報,36(13):65-72,2018 [3]裂縫性低滲透碳酸鹽岩儲層酸壓改造油井動態壓力特徵.天然氣地球科學,29(04):586-596,2018 [4]Analytical model for pressure and rate analysis of multi-fractured horizontal wells in tight gas reservoirs. Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology, p 1-14, 2018 [5]Pressure transient analysis of multi-fractured horizontal wells in tight oil reservoirs with consideration of stress sensitivity. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 11(11): 285, 2018 [6]The heat and mass transfer characteristics of superheated steam coupled with non-condensing gases in horizontal wells with multi-point injection technique. Energy, v 143, p 995-1005, 2018 [7]A numerical model for predicting distributions of pressure and temperature of superheated steam in multi-point injection horizontal wells. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, v 121, p 282-289, 2018 [8]Exploitation of heavy oil by supercritical CO2: Effect analysis of supercritical CO2on H2O at superheated state in integral joint tubing and annuli. Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology, 2018 [9]The flow and heat transfer characteristics of superheated steam in offshore wells and analysis of superheated steam performance[J]. Computers & Chemical Engineering,100: 80-93,2017 [10]Analytical model for production performance analysis of multi-fractured horizontal well in tight oil reservoirs [J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 158: 380-397, 2017 [11]底水油藏水平井水脊形態影響因素[J].油氣地質與採收率,2017,24(05):70-77. [12]緻密油藏體積壓裂水平井不穩定壓力分析[J].水動力學研究與進展(A輯),2017,32(04):491-501. [13]Analytical method for performance evaluation of fractured horizontal wells in tight reservoirs[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering,33:419-426, 2016 [14]Potential of carbon dioxide miscible injections into the H-26 reservoir[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering,34:1085-1095, 2016 [15]An improved model for the prediction of liquid loading in gas wells[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering,32:198-204,2016 [16]隨機生長四參數生成孔隙模型及其分形描述[J]. 天然氣與石油,34(3):64-68,2016. [17]裂縫性緻密油藏非穩態竄流規律[J]. 斷塊油氣田,23(3):329-333,2016. [18]The CO2 storage and EOR evaluation in Daqing Oilfield[J]. Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology, v 6, n 2, p 251-259, 2016 [19]Multifractal Description of Fractures in Tight Reservoir Based on Fracture Image[C]. Advances in Engineering Research,40(1):255-260,2015. [20]A new evaluation model for fractured horizontal wells in tight reservoirs[C]. Advances in Engineering Research,40(1):405-410,2015. [21]緻密氣藏壓裂水平井參數最佳化與評價模型,斷塊油氣田,22(06):790-793,2015. [22]利用壓汞資料計算複雜斷塊油藏油水相對滲透率曲線,斷塊油氣田,22(05):606-609,2015. [23]Seepage features of high-velocity non-Darcy flow in highly productive reservoirs. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 27(3),1732-1738,2015
社會與學術兼職: [1] SPE會員 [2]《International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer》, 《Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering》,《Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering》,《Transport in Porous Media》,《Special Topics and Reviews in Porous Media》和《Petroleum Science》等審稿人 [3]《石油學報》,《中國石油大學學報》和《石油鑽探技術》等審稿人