

姚佳烽,博士,副教授,碩士生導師日本學術振興會(JSPS)研究員,日本千葉大學客座研究員,江蘇省留學回國創新創業人才,南京留學人員科技創新人才,國際工業過程層析成像學會 (ISIPT)會員,IEEE會員,中國航空學會會員,中國生物醫學工程學會會員。2011年在南京理工大學取得碩士學位,同年獲得國家公派(CSC)資助赴日本留學,於2014年9月在熊本大學取得工學博士學位。2014年10月至2016年9月任日本學術振興會(JSPS)外國人特別研究員,在千葉大學從事博士後研究。2016年10月進入南京航空航天大學機電學院任教。




  • 中文名:姚佳烽
  • 國籍中國
  • 畢業院校:日本熊本大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:生物醫學感測與檢測、多相流機理及套用、微流控
  • 任職院校:南京航空航天大學機電學院


1. 生物醫學感測與檢測
2. 多相流機理及套用
3. 微流控



2011.10—2014.09 博 士 日本熊本大學
2008.09—2011.03 碩 士 南京理工大學


2016.10—至今 講師南京航空航天大學
2017.07—至今 客座研究員 千葉大學(日本)
2014.10—2016.09 JSPS研究員 千葉大學(日本)







[1] 國家自然科學基金面上項目,62071224,腫瘤細胞精準電阻抗檢測方法研究,2021-01至2024-12,主持;
[2] 國家自然科學基金委員會與英國皇家學會合作交流項目,IEC\NSFC\181213,面向腫瘤細胞檢測的微尺度電阻抗譜成像方法研究,2019.6—2020.7,主持;
[3] 國家自然科學基金欠記挨青年項目,51706098,腫瘤細胞微尺度電阻抗成像檢測與免標記高速分離方法研究,2018-01至2020-12, 主持;
[4] 江蘇省自然科學基金,BK20170792,多電極陣列微流路內腫瘤精姜慨細胞電阻抗成像檢測及免標記分離方法研究, 2017-07至2020-06, 主持;
[5] 江蘇省科技成果轉化專項,KFA19695,自動除塵的視覺引導智慧型作業機器人系統研發與產騙拒踏她業化,2018-04至2021-03,主持;
[6] 江蘇省留學回國人員創新創業計畫,新型高效工業除塵器研發及產業化,2019-05至2020-04,主持;
[7] 南京留學人員科技創新項目擇優資助,MCA19009,腫瘤細胞高速檢測與分離微流控晶片只汽充研諒殼妹發,2019-01至2020-01, 主持;
[8] 產學研企業委託項目(1005-KFA19323),5G物聯無線通信與智慧型配電監控系統開發,2019-04至2021-03,主持;
[9] 產學研企業委託項目(KFA18685),基於氣固兩相流數值仿真的新型高效工業除塵器研發,2018-05至2020-04,主持;
[10] 日本學術振興會外籍特別研究計畫(JSPS Fellow),P14363,基於電化學阻抗譜法(EIS)微細管道內特異流動細胞的4D高速檢測與分離,2014-10至2016-09,主持。


[1] J. Yao, M. Sugawara, H. Obara, T. Mizutani, M. Takei, Distinct Motion of GFP-tagged Histone Expressing Cells under AC Electrokinetics in Electrode-multilayered Microfluidic Device, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, 11(6), 1450-1458, 2017. (JCR Q1)
[2] J. Yao, H. Chen, J. Huang, J. Li, Z. Xu, J. Jia, M. Takei, Development of a Wearable Electrical Impedance Tomographic Sensor for Gesture Recognition with Machine Learning, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2019. (JCR Q1)
[3] J. Yao, M. Takei, Application of Process Tomography to Multiphase Flow Measurement in Industrial and Biomedical Fields - A Review, IEEE Sensors Journal, 17(24), 8196-8205, 2017. (JCR Q1)
[4] J. Yao, Jingshi Huang, Yijia Zhang, Jianping Li, Tong Zhao, Hongtao Wu, Effect of an Anti-Mixing Cover on the Back-Flow in the Separation Chamber of a Cyclone Separator, IEEE Access, 7, 108504-108512, 2019. (JCR Q1)
[5] J. Yao, H. Obara, A. Sapkota, M. Takei, Development of Three-dimensional Integrated Microchannel-Electrode System to Understand the Particles' Movement with Electrokinetics, Biomicrofluidics, 10(2), 024105, 2016. (JCR Q1)
[6] J. Yao, T. Kodera, H. Obara, M. Sugawara, M. Takei, Spatial Concentration Distribution Analysis of Cells in Electrode-Multilayered Microchannel by Dielectric Property Measurement, Biomicrofluidics, 9(4), 044129, 2015. (JCR Q1)
[7] J. Yao, G. Zhu, T. Zhao, M. Takei, Microfluidic Device Embedding Electrodes for Dielectrophoretic Manipulation of Cells - A Review, Electrophoresis, 2018. (JCR Q2)
[8] 姚佳烽,姜祝鵬,趙桐,王昊,陳柏,吳洪濤,多電極陣列微流控晶片內細胞介電泳運動分析,分析化學,47(2): 221-228, 2019.(SCI)
[9] J. Yao, A. Sapkota, H. Konno, H. Obara, M. Sugawara, M. Takei, Non-invasive Measurement of Particle Size and Concentration in Liquid-Solid Mixture by Estimating Electrical Equivalent Circuit of Electrical Double Layer, Particulate Science and Technology, 34(5), 517-525, 2016.
[10] J. Yao, M. Yu, T. Zhao, A. Kawahara, M. Sadatomi, Investigation of CO2 Absorption Performance in a Gas-liquid Two-phase Flow Atomizer on the Basis of a Gas Diffusion Model, Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering, 41(4): 645-656, 2017.
[11] J. Yao, S. Furusawa, A. Kawahara, M. Sadatomi, Influence of Geometries on Spray Characteristics of a Prefilming Twin-fluid Atomizer with Orifice, Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering, 38(3), 391-404, 2014.
[12] J. Yao, Z. Wang, M. Yu, Y. Wang, B. Chen, H. Wu, Numerical Analysis of the Gas-particle Two-phase flow in a Multistep Dust Collector, Current Science, 2019.
[13] 姚佳烽,劉夏移,徐梓菲,趙桐,陳柏,吳洪濤,基於微流控晶片的生物細胞電阻抗成像檢測技術,機械工程學報,55(2), 1-9, 2019.
[14] 姚佳烽,李比古,陳懷瑾,面向手勢識別的電阻抗成像系統開發,感測器與微系統,1-10,2019.
[15] 姚佳烽,姜祝鵬,徐梓菲,劉夏移,陳柏,吳洪濤,基於電化學阻抗譜(EIS)的生物細胞檢測方法,生物化工, 2, 1-6, 2018.
[16] J. Yao, K. Tanaka, A. Kawahara, M. Sadatomi, Performance Evaluation of an Air Assisted Atomizer with Liquid Siphon, Journal of Applied Sciences, Asian Network for Scientific Information, 13(22), 4985-4993, 2013.
[17] J. Yao, K. Tanaka, A. Kawahara, M. Sadatomi, Geometrical Effects on Spray Performance of a Special Twin-fluid Atomizer without Water Power and its CO2 Absorption Capacity, Japanese Journal of Multiphase Flow, 27(5), 511-520, 2013.
[18] J. Yao, E. Sakurai, S. Furusawa, A. Kawahara, M. Sadatomi, Expansion of Mist Jet Generated by a Special Twin-fluid Atomizer for CO2 Capture, WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences, 80, 495-506, 2013.
[19] N. Sato, J. Yao*, M. Sugawara, M. Takei, Numerical Study of Particles-fluid Two-phase Flow under AC Electrokinetics in Electrode-multilayered Microfluidic Device, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 66(2), 453-463, 2019. (JCR Q1)
[20] N. Sato, J. Yao*, D. Kawashima, M. Takei, Numerical Study of Enhancement of Positive Dielectrophoresis Particle Trapping in Electrode-multilayered Microfluidic Device, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2019. (JCR Q1)
[21] X. Liu, J. Yao*, Y. Cui, T. Zhao, H. Obara, M. Takei, Image Reconstruction under Contact Impedance Effect in Micro Electrical Impedance Tomography Sensors, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, 12(3), 623-631, 2018. (JCR Q1)
[22] Z. Jiang, J. Yao*, L. Wang, H. Wu, J. Huang, T. Zhao, M. Takei, Development of A Portable Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy System for Bio-detection, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2019. (JCR Q1)
[23] Z. Xu, J. Yao*, Z. Wang, Y. Liu, H. Wang, B. Chen, H. Wu, Development of a Portable Electrical Impedance Tomography System for Biomedical Applications, IEEE Sensors Journal, 8(19), 8117-8124, 2018. (JCR Q1)
[24] G. Zhu, J. Yao*, S. Wu, X. Zhang, Actuation of adaptive liquid microlens in microfluidic devices - A Review, Electrophoresis, 2018. (JCR Q2)
[25] Tong Zhao, J. Yao*, K. Liu, M. Takei, Investigation of particle inertial migration in high particle concentration suspension flow by multi-electrodes sensing and Eulerian-Lagrangian simulation in a square microchannel, Biomicrofluidics, 10(2), 024120, 2016. (JCR Q1)


[1]J. Yao, M. Takei, Chapter 13, Micro Sensors for Cell and Blood Imaging (Imaging Sensors,主編:楊五強,曼徹斯特大學), 2019.
[2]姚佳烽,武居昌宏, Chapter 4,浮游細胞の電気的特徴量の計測(Book:細胞の特性計測・操作と応用,主編:新井史人,福田敏男,名古屋大學), 2016年,株式會社コロナ社, ISBN:978-4-339-07261-7.


[1] 姚佳烽,徐梓菲,王崢,朱玉川,陳柏,吳洪濤,一種霧化噴嘴,專利號:201710545211.7,2017. (已授權)
[2] 姚佳烽,王崢,姜祝鵬,簡易家庭實用型土豆切片機,專利號:201710804658.1,2017. (已授權)
[3] 姚佳烽,姜祝鵬,徐梓菲,陳柏,吳洪濤,一種基於電阻抗成像可視化檢測的慣性分離微流控晶片,專利號:201710826305.1,2017.
[4] 姚佳烽,李比古,徐梓菲,王浩,陳柏,吳洪濤,一種用於電阻抗檢測的攜帶型手環,201810479325.0, 2018.
[5] 姚佳烽,陳懷瑾,張益嘉,王力,陳柏,吳洪濤,一種基於FPGA的攜帶型電阻抗成像系統,2019.
[6] 姚佳烽,鄭逸童,王力,一種醫用霧化裝置,2019.
[7] 姚佳烽,姜祝鵬,王力, 劉凱,陳柏,吳洪濤,一種攜帶型掃頻電阻抗測量系統,2019.


2014 日本學術振興會(JSPS)科學基金;
2013 江蘇省科技進步三等獎, TY-1000型液壓自動壓磚機(20130316),第6獲獎人。
[6] 江蘇省留學回國人員創新創業計畫,新型高效工業除塵器研發及產業化,2019-05至2020-04,主持;
[7] 南京留學人員科技創新項目擇優資助,MCA19009,腫瘤細胞高速檢測與分離微流控晶片研發,2019-01至2020-01, 主持;
[8] 產學研企業委託項目(1005-KFA19323),5G物聯無線通信與智慧型配電監控系統開發,2019-04至2021-03,主持;
[9] 產學研企業委託項目(KFA18685),基於氣固兩相流數值仿真的新型高效工業除塵器研發,2018-05至2020-04,主持;
[10] 日本學術振興會外籍特別研究計畫(JSPS Fellow),P14363,基於電化學阻抗譜法(EIS)微細管道內特異流動細胞的4D高速檢測與分離,2014-10至2016-09,主持。


[1] J. Yao, M. Sugawara, H. Obara, T. Mizutani, M. Takei, Distinct Motion of GFP-tagged Histone Expressing Cells under AC Electrokinetics in Electrode-multilayered Microfluidic Device, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, 11(6), 1450-1458, 2017. (JCR Q1)
[2] J. Yao, H. Chen, J. Huang, J. Li, Z. Xu, J. Jia, M. Takei, Development of a Wearable Electrical Impedance Tomographic Sensor for Gesture Recognition with Machine Learning, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2019. (JCR Q1)
[3] J. Yao, M. Takei, Application of Process Tomography to Multiphase Flow Measurement in Industrial and Biomedical Fields - A Review, IEEE Sensors Journal, 17(24), 8196-8205, 2017. (JCR Q1)
[4] J. Yao, Jingshi Huang, Yijia Zhang, Jianping Li, Tong Zhao, Hongtao Wu, Effect of an Anti-Mixing Cover on the Back-Flow in the Separation Chamber of a Cyclone Separator, IEEE Access, 7, 108504-108512, 2019. (JCR Q1)
[5] J. Yao, H. Obara, A. Sapkota, M. Takei, Development of Three-dimensional Integrated Microchannel-Electrode System to Understand the Particles' Movement with Electrokinetics, Biomicrofluidics, 10(2), 024105, 2016. (JCR Q1)
[6] J. Yao, T. Kodera, H. Obara, M. Sugawara, M. Takei, Spatial Concentration Distribution Analysis of Cells in Electrode-Multilayered Microchannel by Dielectric Property Measurement, Biomicrofluidics, 9(4), 044129, 2015. (JCR Q1)
[7] J. Yao, G. Zhu, T. Zhao, M. Takei, Microfluidic Device Embedding Electrodes for Dielectrophoretic Manipulation of Cells - A Review, Electrophoresis, 2018. (JCR Q2)
[8] 姚佳烽,姜祝鵬,趙桐,王昊,陳柏,吳洪濤,多電極陣列微流控晶片內細胞介電泳運動分析,分析化學,47(2): 221-228, 2019.(SCI)
[9] J. Yao, A. Sapkota, H. Konno, H. Obara, M. Sugawara, M. Takei, Non-invasive Measurement of Particle Size and Concentration in Liquid-Solid Mixture by Estimating Electrical Equivalent Circuit of Electrical Double Layer, Particulate Science and Technology, 34(5), 517-525, 2016.
[10] J. Yao, M. Yu, T. Zhao, A. Kawahara, M. Sadatomi, Investigation of CO2 Absorption Performance in a Gas-liquid Two-phase Flow Atomizer on the Basis of a Gas Diffusion Model, Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering, 41(4): 645-656, 2017.
[11] J. Yao, S. Furusawa, A. Kawahara, M. Sadatomi, Influence of Geometries on Spray Characteristics of a Prefilming Twin-fluid Atomizer with Orifice, Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering, 38(3), 391-404, 2014.
[12] J. Yao, Z. Wang, M. Yu, Y. Wang, B. Chen, H. Wu, Numerical Analysis of the Gas-particle Two-phase flow in a Multistep Dust Collector, Current Science, 2019.
[13] 姚佳烽,劉夏移,徐梓菲,趙桐,陳柏,吳洪濤,基於微流控晶片的生物細胞電阻抗成像檢測技術,機械工程學報,55(2), 1-9, 2019.
[14] 姚佳烽,李比古,陳懷瑾,面向手勢識別的電阻抗成像系統開發,感測器與微系統,1-10,2019.
[15] 姚佳烽,姜祝鵬,徐梓菲,劉夏移,陳柏,吳洪濤,基於電化學阻抗譜(EIS)的生物細胞檢測方法,生物化工, 2, 1-6, 2018.
[16] J. Yao, K. Tanaka, A. Kawahara, M. Sadatomi, Performance Evaluation of an Air Assisted Atomizer with Liquid Siphon, Journal of Applied Sciences, Asian Network for Scientific Information, 13(22), 4985-4993, 2013.
[17] J. Yao, K. Tanaka, A. Kawahara, M. Sadatomi, Geometrical Effects on Spray Performance of a Special Twin-fluid Atomizer without Water Power and its CO2 Absorption Capacity, Japanese Journal of Multiphase Flow, 27(5), 511-520, 2013.
[18] J. Yao, E. Sakurai, S. Furusawa, A. Kawahara, M. Sadatomi, Expansion of Mist Jet Generated by a Special Twin-fluid Atomizer for CO2 Capture, WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences, 80, 495-506, 2013.
[19] N. Sato, J. Yao*, M. Sugawara, M. Takei, Numerical Study of Particles-fluid Two-phase Flow under AC Electrokinetics in Electrode-multilayered Microfluidic Device, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 66(2), 453-463, 2019. (JCR Q1)
[20] N. Sato, J. Yao*, D. Kawashima, M. Takei, Numerical Study of Enhancement of Positive Dielectrophoresis Particle Trapping in Electrode-multilayered Microfluidic Device, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2019. (JCR Q1)
[21] X. Liu, J. Yao*, Y. Cui, T. Zhao, H. Obara, M. Takei, Image Reconstruction under Contact Impedance Effect in Micro Electrical Impedance Tomography Sensors, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, 12(3), 623-631, 2018. (JCR Q1)
[22] Z. Jiang, J. Yao*, L. Wang, H. Wu, J. Huang, T. Zhao, M. Takei, Development of A Portable Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy System for Bio-detection, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2019. (JCR Q1)
[23] Z. Xu, J. Yao*, Z. Wang, Y. Liu, H. Wang, B. Chen, H. Wu, Development of a Portable Electrical Impedance Tomography System for Biomedical Applications, IEEE Sensors Journal, 8(19), 8117-8124, 2018. (JCR Q1)
[24] G. Zhu, J. Yao*, S. Wu, X. Zhang, Actuation of adaptive liquid microlens in microfluidic devices - A Review, Electrophoresis, 2018. (JCR Q2)
[25] Tong Zhao, J. Yao*, K. Liu, M. Takei, Investigation of particle inertial migration in high particle concentration suspension flow by multi-electrodes sensing and Eulerian-Lagrangian simulation in a square microchannel, Biomicrofluidics, 10(2), 024120, 2016. (JCR Q1)


[1]J. Yao, M. Takei, Chapter 13, Micro Sensors for Cell and Blood Imaging (Imaging Sensors,主編:楊五強,曼徹斯特大學), 2019.
[2]姚佳烽,武居昌宏, Chapter 4,浮游細胞の電気的特徴量の計測(Book:細胞の特性計測・操作と応用,主編:新井史人,福田敏男,名古屋大學), 2016年,株式會社コロナ社, ISBN:978-4-339-07261-7.


[1] 姚佳烽,徐梓菲,王崢,朱玉川,陳柏,吳洪濤,一種霧化噴嘴,專利號:201710545211.7,2017. (已授權)
[2] 姚佳烽,王崢,姜祝鵬,簡易家庭實用型土豆切片機,專利號:201710804658.1,2017. (已授權)
[3] 姚佳烽,姜祝鵬,徐梓菲,陳柏,吳洪濤,一種基於電阻抗成像可視化檢測的慣性分離微流控晶片,專利號:201710826305.1,2017.
[4] 姚佳烽,李比古,徐梓菲,王浩,陳柏,吳洪濤,一種用於電阻抗檢測的攜帶型手環,201810479325.0, 2018.
[5] 姚佳烽,陳懷瑾,張益嘉,王力,陳柏,吳洪濤,一種基於FPGA的攜帶型電阻抗成像系統,2019.
[6] 姚佳烽,鄭逸童,王力,一種醫用霧化裝置,2019.
[7] 姚佳烽,姜祝鵬,王力, 劉凱,陳柏,吳洪濤,一種攜帶型掃頻電阻抗測量系統,2019.


2014 日本學術振興會(JSPS)科學基金;
2013 江蘇省科技進步三等獎, TY-1000型液壓自動壓磚機(20130316),第6獲獎人。


