

《女性的勝利——勞倫斯〈虹〉中女性形象研究》主要通過文本分析的方法,研究了戴維·赫伯特·勞倫斯小說《虹》中女子在性愛、家庭權力、性格以及視野四個方面對她們男人的超越與勝利,認為這些都表明了作者對女性的讚賞,以及對父權社會、工業化的隱性批判。 此外,《女性的勝利——勞倫斯〈虹〉中女性形象研究》還研究了勞倫斯對小說中男性人物湯姆、威爾、安東和厄秀拉舅舅湯姆矛盾的態度。 一方面,勞倫斯對這些男子的不足之處、弱點進行了批評;另一方面,他對他們寄予了同情。《女性的勝利——勞倫斯〈虹〉中女性形象研究》揭示了隱藏在小說中人物對新生活的追尋,在追尋、探索的過程中,他們不同程度地從各方面實現了夢想,獲得了滿足,這也顯示了勞倫斯對父權社會及工業化隱性批評的複雜心理。


  • 書名:女性的勝利:勞倫斯《虹》中女性形象研究
  • 作者:陳文玉
  • 出版日期:2014年9月1日
  • 語種:簡體中文, 英語
  • ISBN:9787568002899
  • 外文名:The Triumph of Women
  • 出版社:華中科技大學出版社
  • 頁數:126頁
  • 開本:16
  • 品牌:華中科技大學出版社


Chapter 1Lawrence’s Perception of Women(23)
1.1Feminist Movement’s Impact(25)
1.2Love Experience’s Impact(29)
Chapter 2The Triumph over Men in Sexuality(31)
2.1Lydia’s Triumph over Tom(33)
2.2Anna’s Triumph over Will(34)
2.3Ursula’s Triumph over Skrebensky(37)
Chapter 3The Triumph of Women in Domestic Power(43)
3.1Unnamed Brangwen Women’s Triumph over Men
3.2Lydia’s Triumph over Tom(45)
3.3Anna’s Triumph over Will(47)
Chapter 4Women as Victors in Character(59)
4.1Lydia’s Unconventional Character(59)
4.2Anna’s Powerful Character(60)
4.3Ursula’s Unyielding Character(63)
Chapter 5Women’s Outlook Far beyond Men(69)
5.1Anonymous Brangwen Women’s Aspiration(69)
5.2Lydia’s Wider Outlook(71)
5.3Anna’s Further Outlook(72)
5.4Ursula’s Profound Outlook(73)
Chapter 6Lawrence’s Ambivalent Attitude towards Men(97)
6.1Ambivalent Attitude towards Tom(98)
6.2Ambivalent Attitude towards Will(106)
6.3Ambivalent Attitude towards Skrebensky(111)
6.4Ambivalent Attitude towards Uncle Tom(113)


The book mainly draws on textual analysis and examines Lawrence’s representation of women’s triumph over men in sexuality, domestic power and character and outlook in The Rainbow. It holds that Lawrence’s treatment of these topics indicates his eulogy of women and his implicit criticism of the patriarchal society and industrialization.
The book focuses on an interpretation of Anna’s childbirth and being a mother, arguing that her identity as a mother indicates her turning from explicit struggle to implicit struggle and her continuous battle against her man and the patriarchal society. When critics examine Anna, they play down her part in the fiction and use a few words with the same idea that she is indulged in sexual love and giving birth to several children, giving up the quest. On the contrary, I argue that Anna, in effect, does not give up the struggle. She quests for a new life, and childbirth and being a mother is a kind of creation, and she gains her fulfillment to some extent through the implicit struggle.
It discusses Ursula’s sexuality and outlook as well. In the sexual encounter, she is assertive, confident and initiative and has the corrosive power and destroys Anton Skrebensky both in body and soul. Outlook is investigated from her quest for love, knowledge and the unknown which shows that she is more profound, deeper and wider than the male in outlook.
Culturally, women’s sexuality, childbirth and motherhood were marginalized as well as their domestic power, character and outlook. Women were described as passive, inferior and dependent and being dominated image in the patriarchal society by Lawrence’s literary forefathers and his contemporaries. On the contrary, Lawrence’s views and their views are opposed on these issues. His treatment of these topics indicates his eulogistic perception of women. What’s more, it explores Lawrence’s ambivalent attitude towards men—Tom, Will and Anton and Ursula’s uncle. On the one hand, Lawrence criticizes the men for their inadequacy; on the other hand, he shows his sympathy for the men. The book reveals the characters’ quest for a new life which is implied in the fiction and their fulfilled achievement from various aspects at different extent and Lawrence’s complexity of implicit criticism of the patriarchal society.


