奧盧大學(英語:University of Oulu),是芬蘭北部城市奧盧的一所知名綜合性公立大學,芬蘭第二大學府,LAOTSE成員學校。奧盧大學是一所充滿活力的科學和教育基地,現有學生14,500名學生和3100名教職員工。學校的目標是改進芬蘭北部的教育制度,以建設高水平的國際科學大學,而且達到國家級水平。
- 中文名:奧盧大學
- 英文名:University of Oulu
- 簡稱:Oulun yliopisto
- 校訓:A safer future and better world with science
- 創辦時間:1958年
- 所屬地區:芬蘭奧盧省
- 類別:公立大學
- 學校類型:綜合
- 學校屬性:國家級
- 主要院系:醫學院,生化與分子醫學院,理學院,信息技術與電子工程學院,人文學院,教育學院,商學院,教育學院
- 現任校長:Jouko Niinimäki
- 知名校友:尤哈·西皮萊,馬爾蒂·阿赫蒂薩里
- 所在城市:奧盧
- 學生人數:17000人
![奧盧大學 奧盧大學](/img/5/7ea/nBnauATO3I2Y1czYhJTNzATNyUGM2cTMllTOxADM2IWOzUDZzQmNzU2Y0EzLtVGdp9yYpB3LltWahJ2Lt92YuUHZpFmYuMmczdWbp9yL6MHc0RHa.jpg)
- Department of Anaesthesiology
- Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- Department of Dermatology and Venereology
- Department of Surgery
- Department of Otolaryngology
- Department of Pediatrics
- Department of Neurosurgery
- Department of Neurology
- Department of Clinical Genetics
- Department of Psychiatry
- Department of Ophthalmology
- Department of Internal Medicine
- Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
- Department of Oncology and Radiotherapy
- Department of Nursing Science and Health Administration
- Department of Public Health Science and General Practice
- Primary Teacher Education
- Intercultural Teacher Education
- Technology Oriented Primary Teacher Education
- Arts and Crafts Oriented Primary Teacher Education
- Early Childhood Educ