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套用英語寫作教程 主編:王莉 吳亞萍
主 編:
王莉 河源職業技術學院
吳亞萍 海口經濟學院
廖茂珍 廣州華立科技職業學院
謝艷艷 廣幾才殃樂州城建職業學院
黃燕妮 中山大學
李小岸 廣東教育學院
陳希娟 江西科技大學
王 劼 湖北師範學院
白歡 廣東交通職業技術學院
劉小晨 廣州華夏職業學院 林繼玲 惠州經濟職業技術學院
本教程是基於河源職業技術學院實行的“職業教育能力改革”基礎上的一次嘗斷廈試。本教程以最新的高職教育理念為依據,圍繞兩條主線:駝旬府旬第一條主線為在學完本教程後,學生能完成一部“自編英文情景劇本或微型小說”的創作,作品中涵蓋所有要求的英文寫作文體。第二條主線為:觀看經典的戀記估英語情景劇 《走遍美國》,其有助於學生進行劇本的創造性創作。
l 看一看,做一做
l 想一想
l 導入故事
l 知識聚焦
Ø XX寫作要求
Ø XX寫作技巧
Ø 即興創作
Ø 寫作診所
Ø 原創發表
Ø 佳作欣賞
Ø 課後創作
在教程的編寫過程中,我們要特別感謝河源職業技術學院的2位外籍教師Paul 和 Wade先生,感謝他們對本教程進行的英文校對工作。和恥促河源職業技術學院的各個部門對教程的立項及編寫給予了多方面的支持,對此我們深表感謝。同時,我們參考了相關的書籍及網站,對這些作者及編者,我們也一同深表感謝。
編 者
This book consists of 12 Acts and 22 specific tasks dealing with both practical English writing and four common writing types. The basic structure of the book is as follows:
l Watch and Do
l Think Tank
l Lead-in story
l Knowledge Focus
Ø Requirements for x x Writing
Ø Techniques for xx Writing
Ø Improvised Writing
Ø Writing Clinic
Ø Original Writing Show
Ø Excellent Writing Appreciation
The Practical English Writing Course is designed for the learners of English of Higher Vocational Education. It will be found suitable for the learners of English of Normal School as well as self-taught ones serving both as a coursebook and a handbook.
This book is a tentative attempt originating from the Reform of Teaching Comptetence in Higher Vocational Education carried out in Heyuan Polytechnic. The book is guided based on the latest Higher Vocational ideas centering around two main lines: the first line is, after learning the course, to complete A SELF-COMPOSED ENGLISH SITUATIONAL SCRIPT or MINI-NOVEL, including all kinds of English writing required;The second line is, to wacth the classical situational English learning video, Family Album U.S.A., which contributes to the learners’ creative script writing in class.
鄒聯芳 廣東教育學院
編 者
This book consists of 12 Acts and 22 specific tasks dealing with both practical English writing and four common writing types. The basic structure of the book is as follows:
l Watch and Do
l Think Tank
l Lead-in story
l Knowledge Focus
Ø Requirements for x x Writing
Ø Techniques for xx Writing
Ø Improvised Writing
Ø Writing Clinic
Ø Original Writing Show
Ø Excellent Writing Appreciation
The Practical English Writing Course is designed for the learners of English of Higher Vocational Education. It will be found suitable for the learners of English of Normal School as well as self-taught ones serving both as a coursebook and a handbook.
This book is a tentative attempt originating from the Reform of Teaching Comptetence in Higher Vocational Education carried out in Heyuan Polytechnic. The book is guided based on the latest Higher Vocational ideas centering around two main lines: the first line is, after learning the course, to complete A SELF-COMPOSED ENGLISH SITUATIONAL SCRIPT or MINI-NOVEL, including all kinds of English writing required;The second line is, to wacth the classical situational English learning video, Family Album U.S.A., which contributes to the learners’ creative script writing in class.
鄒聯芳 廣東教育學院


