- 中文名:奇異夏孢銹
- 拉丁學名:Boletus citrifragrans Chiu et Zang sp. nov.
編號 | NFG-83-12 |
中文菌名 | 奇異夏孢銹 |
定名人 | 王雲章 莊劍雲 |
Nomencla | Chiu Weifan Zang Mu |
發表文章 | 中國鏽菌新種 |
Article | A Tentative Subdivision and Two New Species of Boletus from Yunnan, China |
作者 | 王雲章 莊劍雲 李濱 |
Author | Zang Mu |
作者單位 | 中國科學院微生物研究 所真菌地衣系統學開放實驗室, 北京 100080 |
摘要 | 本文報告鏽菌新種10種, 其中7種采自福建省武夷 山區, 3種采自武夷山區, 3種采自東北大、小興安嶺、長 白山等地。它們是 Coleosporium Choerospondiatis 寄 生在羊矢果(南酸棗) [Choerospondias axillaris (Roxb.) Burtt et Hill] 上, Coleosporium Myripoidis 寄生在螞蚱腿子 (Myripnoisdioica Bunge) 上 ;Coleosporium serratulae 寄生在麻花頭 (Serratula sp.) 上, Puccinia centellaeasiaticae 寄生在亞洲積 雪草 [Centella asiatica (L.) Urban]上, Puccinia fukienensis 寄生在高竿珍珠茅 [Scleria terrestris (L.)] 上,Aecidium hollboeliae 寄生在五葉瓜藤 (Holboellia fargesii reaub.) 上, Aecidium metaplexis 寄生在蘿摩 [Metaplexis japonica (Thunb.) Makinoakino] 上, Aecidium neolitseae 寄生 在密葉新木姜 [Neolitsea confertifolia(Henmsl.) Merr.] 上, Uredo iridis-ruthenicae 寄生在紫苞鳶尾 [Iris ruthenica Ker-Gawl.] 上, Uredo prodigiosa 寄 生在垂條懸鉤子(Rubns relexus Ker-Gawl.) 上. 以上 10個新標本保藏在中國科學院微生物研究所真菌研究室 . |
Abstract | The Yunnan Boletes have been divided into the following sections: Sect. truncati, Sect. piperati, Sect. Boleti (including Subsections calopodes, Luridi, Reticulati and Bolrti published by R.Singer,A.H. Smith and H.D. Thiers et al.), Sect. Pseudoboleti and Sect. Squamuistipites Zeng sect. nov. Key to the above sections is presented.Chinese and Latin diagnoses for the two new species are given.Boletus citrifragrans Chiu et Zang is similar to boletus impolitus Fr. in many respects, but is distinguished by the following features: its context color unchanging when bruisedand it tsates much of fragrancn of citrus, and larger basidiocarps (pileus15-25cm broad, stiles 10-15cm long, 3-5cm thick). It is a famous edible boletes and popular in western Yunnan, N.W.Yunnan and South eastern Xizang (Tibet). The distribution area of this species seems to be limited to the Eastern Himalaya, often abundantly from 1900-4000M alt., inFagaceae woods, especially Castanopsis hystrix forest. Sometimes it is known from the South eastern Xizang (Tibet), in the tabies, forests, 3700-4000m alt. The fungus stipes are not reticulate but roughened to fibrillose scales in the section squamulistipes zang sect. nov. and the type species boletus squamulistipes Zang thesecharacteristics also can be found in Sect. Pseudoboleti and Sect. Peudoleccinum, but theyare easily distinguished. However, Boletus squamulistipes zang has conkpicuous scales onthe stipe base still when mature and recognized by the deep brownish fruitbody. Probaby, this species is so uncommon in the monsoon forest,especially under the lithocarpus. |
關鍵字 | 鞘銹, 柄銹, 春孢銹, 夏孢銹 |
期刊 | 真菌學報 2(1):4-11, 1983 |
Publication | Acta Myclogica Sinica (Chinese;English Abstract), 2(1):pp.12-17, 1983 |
分享省市 | 福 建省浦城縣 |
Place | Baoshan City, Yunnan Province, China |
採集地 | 坑 口地區垂條懸鉤子植物上帶有褐色小病斑的葉片 |
Environment | The specimen collected on soil of Castanopsis hystrix forest at Hou Mountain (Houshan) |
生態環境 | 亞熱帶濕潤高山植被 |
寄主 | 垂條懸屬植物垂條懸鉤子 |
Habitat | subtropical alpine mixed neddle-leaf and broad-leaf forest |
Host | rotten wood of Castanopsis hystrix (HK. f. et Thoms), birch or fir |
採集人 | 莊劍雲 |
Isolation Person | Zeng Xiaolian |
保存單位 | 中國科學院微生物研究真菌標本室, 北京 100080 |
Preservation Unit | Herbaria of Kunming Institute of Botany, The Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650091, Yunnan Province, China |
Note | The species is a taste edible mushroom |
備註 | 該菌是觀賞植物垂條懸鉤子病害的病原菌. |