

大般涅槃經(梵Mahāparinirvāna-sūtra)漢語拼音Daboniepanjing 佛教經典。亦稱《大本涅槃經》或《大涅槃經》,簡稱《涅槃經》。北涼曇無讖譯,共40卷。


  • 中文名:大般涅□經
  • 類別:大般涅□經
  • 其他:大般涅□經
Mah□parinirv□□a-□□tra佛教經典。亦稱《大本涅□經》或《大涅□經》, 簡稱《涅□經》。北涼曇無讖譯。40卷。 譯本 相傳在曇無讖譯出前,東漢支婁迦讖譯有《梵 般泥洹經》2卷,三國魏安法賢譯有《大般涅□經》2卷, 吳支謙譯有《大般泥洹經》2卷,均早佚。異譯本有東晉 法顯與佛陀跋陀羅譯《大般泥洹經》(為《大般涅□經》 初分異譯)6卷,相當於曇無讖譯本的前10卷。南朝宋慧 嚴、慧觀與謝靈運等以曇無讖譯本為主,並依法顯等譯 《大般泥洹經》增加品目,從原本壽命品分出經敘、純 陀、哀嘆、長壽等4品,由如來性品分出四相、四依、邪 正、四諦、四倒、如來性、文字、鳥喻、月喻、菩薩等 10品,改為25品36卷,亦名《大般涅□經》。世稱此為 “南本涅□”,而以原曇無讖所譯為“北本涅□”。藏 譯《大般涅□經》全譯本是根據漢譯大本的重譯。此外, 還有根據梵文譯出的《大般涅□經》。此經大本和小本 的梵文殘篇在日本、中亞等地都有發現,並已刊行。《南 本大般涅□經》還全被譯成英文。關於此經出現的年代, 一般認為是在法顯譯出之前,即3~4世紀之間(另說2~ 3世紀之間),正當印度笈多王朝興起,佛教受到排斥的 時期。產生的地點在今克什米爾地區。  內容  全經分壽命、金剛身、名字功德、如來性、 一切大眾所問、現病、聖行、梵行、嬰兒行、光明遍照 高貴德王菩薩、師子吼菩薩、迦葉菩薩、□陳如等13品, 主要闡述佛身常住不滅,涅□常樂我淨,一切眾生悉有佛 性,一闡提和聲聞、辟支佛均得成佛等大乘佛教思想。其 理論與部派佛教中的大眾部義理頗有契合之處,與《般 若經》、《妙法蓮華經》的重要思想也有一致的地方。 此經還常常引用《華嚴經》的某些義理,兩者思想相通。 經中還引用佛陀所說;“我般涅□七百歲後,是魔波旬漸當沮壞我之正法”,這反映了笈多王朝復興婆羅門教、 排斥佛教的歷史背景。  影響 此經在印度本土似乎不很流傳,傳入中國後, 影響卻甚大。自法顯譯出6卷《泥洹經》後,道生剖析經 旨,倡“一闡提人皆得成佛”說,引起舊學守文之徒的 激烈反對。曇無讖譯大本涅□經傳至建康,經中也講到 “一闡提”可以成佛,證明道生說的正確,被稱為“孤 明先發”。後道生在廬山大講《涅□經》,主張頓悟,聽 者甚眾,成為中國最初的涅□師。其同學慧觀則依《涅 □經》而主張漸悟。從此道生、慧觀並為涅□學派中兩 大系。此後南北方均陸續出現不少涅□師,盛行講習,競 作註疏。梁武帝蕭衍親講此經,著《涅□講疏》、《涅 □義疏》等,分贈扶南、百濟,並撰《斷酒肉文》,廣 集僧尼於華林殿前,令光宅寺法雲宣講,為中國僧尼素 食之先河。由於此經提到半字、滿字,以牛乳五味等比 喻佛說法的深淺、先後,遂有教相判釋之說出。首先慧 觀立二教(頓教、漸教)五時(三乘別教、三乘通教、抑 揚教、同歸教、常住教),以《涅□經》為最完善的經 教。道生則主張佛所說法不出四種法輪(善淨法輪、方 便法輪、真實法輪、無餘法輪),也把《涅□經》看成是 佛說的最高階段。後僧亮、僧眾等也都配合《涅□經》 五味,以區分如來一代教法。隋智□也以此經義,立五 時教(華嚴時、阿含時、方等時、般若時、法華涅□時) 和天台四教(藏、通、別、圓),以《涅□經》為“第 五時教”和“圓教”。由於各家教判提高了《涅□經》 的地位,講習此經之風盛極一時。  註疏 現存的有印度世親著、北魏達磨菩提譯《涅 □論》1卷;陳真諦譯《涅□經本有今無偈論》1卷;梁 寶亮等撰《大般涅□經集解》71卷;隋慧遠撰《涅□經 義記》10卷,吉藏撰《涅□經游意》1卷,灌頂撰《涅□ 經玄義》2卷、《涅□經疏》33卷;唐法寶撰《涅□經略 疏》15卷,道暹《大涅□經玄義文句》2卷、《大涅□經 疏私記》9卷,行滿《涅□經疏私記》12卷;宋智圓《涅 □經治定疏科》10卷、《涅□玄義發源機要》4卷、《涅 □經疏三德指歸》20卷;清淨挺撰《涅□經末後句》1卷; 新羅元曉撰《涅□經宗要》1卷等。 (田光烈) Mah □ parinirv □ □ a-□ □ tra Buddhist classics. Also known as "Big BenNirvana□ by" or "big Nirvana □Jing", referred to as "nirvana □Classic." Northern Liang-tan no prophecy translation. 40 volumes. According to legend, the dark clouds without translation prophecy translated before the Eastern Han Dynasty Lokaksema translated as "the VaticanBanni Huan Jing", volume 2,SanGuoweiSecurityAct-yin, who has translated the "big as Nirvana □ Jing", volume 2, Wu Zhi Qian, who has translated the "big Ban Nihuan by "2 volumes, both early Yi. There are different translations of the EasternJinFa Xian and the Buddha Ba Tuoluo translation of "big Banni Huan Jing" (for "big as Nirvana □ The" translation of the beginning of differentiation) 6 volumes, equivalent to tan without prophecy translation of the first 10 volumes. Southern Song Hui Yan, Hui Kuan, and Xie Lingyun, etc. in order to tan without prophecy-based translation and translation of the law and soobvious"big Banni Huan Jing" to increase the type and separate theitemsfrom the original life expectancy by Syria, pure Tuo, lamented, longevity, etc. 4 items, Tathagata been produced by the separation of four-phase, four-under, Xie Zheng, Four Noble Truths, four down, Tathagata nature, writing, bird metaphor on metaphor, the Buddha of 10 items, 25 items changed to 36 volumes, Yiming "big as Nirvana □ Classic. "WorldBankcalls this "the South Nirvana □", and no prophecy of the original tan translated as "North of the Nirvana □". Tibetan translation of the "big as Nirvana □ The" all translation is based on Translation volumes retranslation. In addition, according to Sanskrit translated the "big as Nirvana □ Classic." By Big Ben and the small fragments of Sanskrit in Japan, Central Asia and other places are found, and have print and publish. "South of the Big-like nirvana □ The" also all been translated into English. On this era emerged, generally consideredto betranslated in French before the obvious, that is, between 3 to 4 centuries (also said that between 2 to 3 centuries), while the rise of India's Gupta dynasty, Buddhism exclusion period. Sites generated in this Kashmir. The contents of sub-life, King Kong body, the name of merit, Tathagata nature, and all the public has asked, is disease,Sunnah, FanXing, baby line, a bright Bianzhao noble German King Bodhisattva, Shi Zihou Buddha, Kasyapa Buddha, □ Chan As of 13 products, mainly expounds the Buddha body residence immortal, nirvana □ Sheung Lok I Net, all sentient beings have Buddha-nature note, a Icchantika and Shengwen, Bi Zhifo both Mahayana Buddhism had become a Buddha and so on. Its theory and school of Buddhism inthe massof the Department, the Department of argumentation quite fit with the "Prajnaparamita Sutra", "Lotus Sutra" idea is also the same place. This often quoted by the "Sutra," some of the teachings of the ideological similarities between the two. The Buddha said, was also cited; "I like Nirvana □ after the age of 700, is bad ju Mobo Xun gradually when I shall root out," This reflects the revival of Brahmanism Gupta dynasty, to exclude the historical background of Buddhism. Affect this through the local community in India did not seem very popular, came toChina, the implications are very big. Since Fa Xian translated six volumes, "Nirvana sutra", theTaoof Health analyzed by the purpose and advocated "a Icchantika person Chieh-te Buddha", which led the old learning Shou-wen of the fierce opposition from believers.TanNirvana □ No prophecy translated by the spread Jiankang Big Ben, after also spoke of "a Icchantika" can become a Buddha to prove that Dawson said is correct, known as the "lone out pre-emptive." After the Tao was born in Lushan speak about the "Nirvana □ After" and advocated insight, the listener is very public, becoming the firstChineseNirvana □ division. Hui Kuan, depending upon their students, "nirvana □ After" The idea of getting enlightenment. Since then, Tao-sheng, Hui Kuan, Nirvana □ for the two schools in the Department. Since then there have been many North and South were gradually Nirvana □ division, popular lectures, competing for zhushu. LiangdiEmperorXiao Yan pro-talk this through, the "nirvana □ say Shu", "nirvana □ Yi Shu" and so on, he gave copies to Funan, Baekje, and essays "off wine and meat culture", critical mass ofmonksand nuns in front of palace Waring, Temple Law cloudopticalhouse to make propaganda for the Chinese vegetarian Buddhist monks and nuns of the first of its kind. Because of this by reference to half-word, full word, in order to milk the depth of flavors and other metaphors Foshuo Fa, successively Hence the interpretation of the teaching phase out sub-contractors. First, Li-Hui Kuan, two to teach (Dayton teaching, gradually taught) 5:00 (Triyana do not teach, Triyana Michinori, circumflex teach, Tonggui teaching, resident teaching) in order to "nirvana □ by" as the most perfect by teaching. Dawson is not advocating the Law of four Falun Fosuo Shui (Goodnet Falun, Falun convenient, real Falun, it demonstrated by Falun), or the "Nirvana □ After" as the Buddha said that the highest stage. After the monk Liang, monks, are also with the "Nirvana □ The" flavors, to distinguish Tathagata generation teachings. SUI □ is fond of Jingyi, Li 5:00 to teach (Huayan, the Agama, the parties, etc., Wisdom, the France and China, when Nirvana □) and the roof 4 to teach (in Tibetan, pass, do not round) in order to "Nirvana □ After" as a "fifth time to teach" and "round to teach." As a result of tutoring sentenced to increase the "nirvana □ The" status, workshops prospered in this by the wind. Zhushu existing Bank of India, pro-a, translation of the Northern Wei Buddha Dharma, "Nirvana □ Theory",Volume 1; Chen translation of the true meaning of "nirvana □ by this there is today no mechanics or theory", Volume 1; Liangbao Liang Deng Zhuan "big as Nirvana □ The set solution of "71 volumes; Sui Hui Yuan essays," Nirvana Sutra □ recorded "10 volumes, Kichizo essays," Nirvana □ The tour is intended "Volume 1, Anointment essays," Nirvana □ by Yuen-yi, "two volumes," nirvana □ Jing Shu "33 volumes;Tangmagic essays, "Nirvana □ After a little sparse," 15 volumes, Road, Siam "big Nirvana □ textual meaning by the mysterious" two volumes, the "big nirvana □ recorded by the private dredging," Vol 9, line full of "nirvana □ recorded by the private dredging," 12 volumes ; SONG Zhi-Yuan, "nirvana □ rule set by the sparse branches," 10 volumes, "nirvana □ Xuan Yi originated confidential," four volumes, "nirvana □ owned by the sparse 3 refers to Germany," 20 volumes; clean quite essays, "nirvana □ After the sentence by the end of "Volume 1;NewLuo Xiao Zhuan," Nirvana □ Tsunemune to "a roll and so on. (Tian Guanglie)


