



  • 書名:大學英語教程5
  • 作者:孫秋丹
  • 出版社:北京大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2005年5月1日
  • 頁數:242 頁
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:9787301066638;7301066636


本書設計基本原則,主題型循環原則,課文主題為組織單元學習的核心,聽說讀寫譯的材料在同一主題的統籌下,主題辭彙和語言表達反覆呈現,特殊印證,強化語言學習的記憶和保持度,促成長期記憶,培養學生聽說讀寫譯的綜合運用能力。聽說訓練先導與真實原則糠坑悼拘,以聽說學習活動為先導紙才趨,實在姜辨斷霉采編英語國家大學生針對 各單元主題的對話,真實地道,對我國大學生的聽說訓練具有很強的趣味拜妹射性和針對性。聽說材料與課文主密切相關,匪匪整實現聽說讀寫譯的主題循環原鑽酷斷則。自主性練習設計捉甩原則,注重學生自主對語言信息處理的多樣性,增加旨在鼓勵學生自主生成語言表達的主觀構成型題型。教師參考書中編入每單元的參考教案和教學建議及說明,並提供儘可能詳細有參考資料。


Unit 1
Part Ⅰ Communicative Practice
Part Ⅱ Vocabulary in Context
Part Ⅲ Reading Experience
Text A Who's Educated? Who Knoews?
Part Ⅳ
Text B Human Intelligence Isn's What We Think It Is
Unit 2
Part Ⅰ Communicative Practice
Part Ⅱ Vocabulary in Context
Part Ⅲ Reading Experience
Text A How We Listen to Music
Part Ⅳ
Text B The Sound of Music:Enough Already
Unit 3
Part Ⅰ Communicative Practice
Part Ⅱ Vocabulary in Context
Part Ⅲ Reading Experience
Text A Nature
Part Ⅳ
Text B Meditation on the Moon
Unit 4
Part Ⅰ Communicative Practice
Part Ⅱ Vocabulary in Context
Part Ⅲ Reading Experience
Text A Discovering the Self
Part Ⅳ
Text B On Keeping a Notebook
Unit 5
Part Ⅰ Communicative Practice
Part Ⅱ Vocabulary in Context
Part Ⅲ Reading Experience
Text A At High Pressure
Part Ⅳ
Text B Mr. Know-All
Unit 6
Part Ⅰ Communicative Practice
Part Ⅱ Vocabulary in Context
Part Ⅲ Reading Experience
Text A Kew Gardens
Part Ⅳ
Text B Living Like Weasels
Unit 7
Part Ⅰ Communicative Practice
Part Ⅱ Vocabulary in Context
Part Ⅲ Reading Experience
Text A The Scientific Aesthetics
Part Ⅳ
Text B The Reach of the Imagination
Unit 8
Part Ⅰ Communicative Practice
Part Ⅱ Vocabulary in Context
Part Ⅲ Reading Experience
Text A The Misery of Silence
Part Ⅳ
Text B Birds of Passage
Part Ⅱ Vocabulary in Context
Part Ⅲ Reading Experience
Text A At High Pressure
Part Ⅳ
Text B Mr. Know-All
Unit 6
Part Ⅰ Communicative Practice
Part Ⅱ Vocabulary in Context
Part Ⅲ Reading Experience
Text A Kew Gardens
Part Ⅳ
Text B Living Like Weasels
Unit 7
Part Ⅰ Communicative Practice
Part Ⅱ Vocabulary in Context
Part Ⅲ Reading Experience
Text A The Scientific Aesthetics
Part Ⅳ
Text B The Reach of the Imagination
Unit 8
Part Ⅰ Communicative Practice
Part Ⅱ Vocabulary in Context
Part Ⅲ Reading Experience
Text A The Misery of Silence
Part Ⅳ
Text B Birds of Passage


