



  • 書名:大學英語教程快速閱讀3
  • ISBN:9787560087894
  • 頁數:163頁
  • 出版社:外語教學與研究出版社
  • 出版時間:第1版 (2009年7月1日)
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:16
  • 正文語種:英語, 簡體中文
  • 條形碼:9787560087894
  • 尺寸:25.6 x 18.4 x 0.4 cm
  • 重量:358 g


《大學英語教程快速閱讀3》分15個單元,每單元含Text A,Text B,Text C共三篇快速閱讀材料及習題,每篇材料基本控制在700-1200詞。所編題型與大學英語四級考試快速閱讀部分題型要求一致,難度相當,遵循了“考核學生通過快速閱讀獲取文章主旨大意或中心思想的能力”和“考核學生利用各種提示,如數字、大寫單詞、段首或句首詞等快速查找特定信息的能力”兩大原則。Text A可供教師在課堂組織學生限時閱讀,Text B和Text C可供學生課後同步訓練。書末附有課文中相關文化背景知識註解及習題答案。


Unit 1
Text A "My Morale Has Fallen, and It Can't Get up!"
Text B Just Say "Thank You".
Text C Being Approachable, Creative and Adaptable
Unit 2
Text A How to Deal with the Many Forms of Career Panic
Text B All of Our Dreams Have Come True
Text C Playing It Safe
Unit 3
Text A Independence
Text B A Pearl of Great Value
Text C I Couldn't Let My Teacher Down
Unit 4
Text A Dink Families
Text B Conversations with Bob: Harmony
Text C Making a Difference, Against All Odds
Unit 5
Text A Wills-and-Kate Romance Ends
Text B How to Be a Tourist, When You Live in NYC
Text C Table Manners
Unit 6
Text A A Letter to My Son, on Starting Out in Life
Text B How Honest Communication Can Save Your Marriage
Text C Beating the Bushes for a Bargain Ticket
Unit 7
Text A Summer Plans
Text B Can Palin Escape the Parent Trap?
Text C Stay-at-Home Scholars
Unit 8
Text A Interview with Anita Shreve
Text B Head of the Troops
Text C Edinburgh Tourist Information
Unit 9
Text A We're Raising Children, Not Flowers!
Text B Immigrants' Children Find Better Lives
Text C Is Shyness Holding You Back?
Unit 10
Text A Twelve Keys for Building Trust
Text B How to Visualize Your Success
Text C The Lowest of the Low
Unit 11
Text A To Tune Up Your Senses
Text B Seven Tips to Survive the Downtimes
Text C Stuck on the Couch
Unit 12
Text A Easy Ways to Avoid an Argument
Text B Six Ways to Find the Perfect Job for You
Text C Seven Secrets of Success
Unit 13
Text A Teaching Kids to Control Anger
Text B Less Isolation, Less Violent Students
Text C Six Keys to Quick Learning
Unit 14
Text A The Magic Power of Sleep
Text B Indian On-Line Marriage Broker Claims Bringing 100,000 Couples to Altar
Text C What If You Said Hello to Everyone in Your Path for a Month?
Unit 15
Text A Crazy Oil Prices Fuel Alternative Opportunities
Text B Hope and Fear in Motown
Text C Crash Master


