



  • 中文名:大學英語教程(4)(讀寫譯)學生用書(第三版)
  • 作者:李養龍、王慧敏
  • 出版時間:2012年7月9日
  • 出版社:北京大學出版社
  • 頁數:200 頁
  • ISBN:9787301202623
  • 定價:35 元
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝




Unit 1 Part I Language Skill Part II Language in Context Text A Extraterrestrial Life Part III Toward Productive Language Text B UFOs
Unit 2 Part I Language Skill Part II Language in Context Text A The Grizzly Part III Toward Productive Language Text B Our Disappearing Wildlife
Unit 3 Part I Language Skill Part II Language in Context Text A Why Superstitions? Part III Toward Productive Language Text B Astrology
Unit 4 Part I Language Skill Part II Language in Context Text A One Vote for This Age of Anxiety Part III Toward Productive Language Text B The Man in the Water
Unit 5 Part I Language Skill Part II Language in Context Text A Symptoms Part III Toward Productive Language Text B Cure Yourself of Unhappiness
Unit 6 Part I Language Skill Part II Language Context Text A Inspire Your Kids to Achieve Part III Toward Productive Language Text B Changing your Lifestyles
Unit 7 Part I Language Skill Part II Language in Context Text A Shadows of Darkness Part III Toward Productive Language Text B Courage Sometimes Whispers
Unit 8 Part I Language Skill Part II Language in Context Text A Why the Most Successful People in the World Fail the Most Part III Toward Productive Language Text B How to Achieve Success in Life Appendix Vocabulary
Unit 8 Part I Language Skill Part II Language in Context Text A Why the Most Successful People in the World Fail the Most Part III Toward Productive Language Text B How to Achieve Success in Life Appendix Vocabulary


