



  • 書名:大學英語教程(3)(讀寫譯)學生用書(第三版)
  • 作者:高彥梅、王廣成
  • 出版社:北京大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2012年07月09日
  • 頁數:200 頁
  • 定價:35 元
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:978-7-301-20265-4




Unit 1 Part I Language Skill Part II Language in Context Text A A Fable for Tomorrow Part III Toward Productive Language Text B The Story of Clear Lake
Unit 2 Part I Language Skill Part II Language in Context Text A The Joker Part III Toward Productive Language Text B After Twenty Years
Unit 3 Part I Language Skill Part II Language in Context Text A The Company Man Part III Toward Productive Language Text B Seeing Your Way Past Interview Jitters
Unit 4 Part I Language Skill Part II Language in Context Text A My Friend, Albert Einstein Part III Toward Productive Language Text B Charles Darwin
Unit 5 Part I Language Skill Part II Language in Context Text A A Short Story about the Vietnam War Memorial Part III Toward Productive Language Text B D-Day
Unit 6 Part I Language Skill Part II Language in Context Text A The Role of the Undesirables Part III Toward Productive Language Text B The Last Frontier
Unit 7 Part I Language Skill Part II Language in Context Text A The Lessons of a Graveyard Part III Toward Productive Language Text B Yes, It Really Was Louis XVII, the Heart of the Doomed Child King Reveals
Unit 8 Part I Language Skill Part II Language in Context Text A On Friendship Part III Toward Productive Language Text B English and American Concepts of Space Appendix Vocabulary


