



  • 書名:大學英語快速閱讀高手
  • 頁數:157頁
  • 出版社:蘇州大學出版社
  • 裝幀:平裝


正文語種: 英語
開本: 16
ISBN: 9787811375367
條形碼: 9787811375367
尺寸: 22.8 x 18 x 0.8 cm
重量: 259 g




Unit One Energy
Passage 1 Energy
Passage 2 Solar Energy
Passage3 Fossil Fuels——Coal, Oil and Natural
Passage 4 Saving Energy
Unit Two Environmental Protection
Passage 1 A New Foundation for Energy and Environment
Passage 2 Climate Change Proposal Would Revolutionize Value of Forests
Passage 3 Copenhagen's Surprising Gain for Climate
Passage 4 Why the White Wilderness Needs Our Care
Unit Three Health
Passage 1 20 Ways to Get Healthier for Free
Passage 2 Want a Restful Sleep? Eat These Foods
Passage 3 Top 8 Medical Breakthroughs
Passage 4 Is Canned and Frozen Produce as Healthy as Fresh?
Unit Four Geography and Population
Passage 1 Waves
Passage 2 Geography Redux: Where You Live Is What You Are
Passage 3 Population Growth Steady in Recent Years
Passage 4 Population and the Environment: the Global Challenge
Unit Five Art and Literature
Passage 1 Biography of Walt Disney
Passage 2 What's Holding You Back?——How to Get Started as an Artist
Passage 3 How a Book Club Changed My Life
Passage 4 In E-Book Era, You Can't Even Judge a Cover
Unit Six Religion
Passage 1 Knock on Wood: Superstitions and Their Origins
Passage 2 Top Churches to Visit in Rome
Passage 3 Taoist Symbol for Harmony and Balance, Confucius for Cultivating Personal Development
Passage 4 An Introduction to Philosophy of Religion——Comparative Religion
Unit Seven Politics
Passage 1 UK Faces Election with a Difference
Passage 2 Obama, Russian President Sign Arms Treaty
Passage 3 Ex-Foreign Minister Says She's Kyrgyzstan's Interim Leader
Passage 4 Explainer: What Are the Protests in Thai land about?
Unit Eight Terrorism
Passage 1 Defiance Is the Best Response to Terrorism
Passage 2 Measures to Prevent and Combat Terrorism
Passage 3 What Makes Chechen Women So Dangerous?
Passage 4 Nuclear Terrorism Is Most Urgent Threat


