



  • 中文名:大學職業英語綜合教程(上)
  • 作者:劉寧、孫開來
  • 出版社:江蘇大學出版社
  • 定價:32 元
  • 開本:1/16
  • ISBN:978-7-81130-986-7
Unit 1 Are You Ready for College Life?
SECTION I Experiencing English
Part One:Practice Listening
Part TwO:Follow the Movie
Part Three:Role Play
SECTION II Embracing English
Text A What Can You Expect from College Life?
Text B HOW to Adapt to College Life?
SECTION III Grammar Focus
Parts ofSpeech(詞類)
SECTIONⅣ Applied Writing
Personal Information Form and Business Card(個人信息表與名片)
Unit 2 HOW to Make Friends?
SECTION I Experiencing English
Part 0ne:Practice Listening
Part TlwO:Follow the Movie
Part Three:Role Play
SECTION II Embracing English
Text A Friendship
Text B Friends Forever
SECTION III Grammar Focus
Sentence Elements and Basic Sentence Pattems(句子成分和基本句型)
SECTl0NⅣ Applied Writing
Note and Notice(便條與通知)
Unit 3 What’s Your Hobby?
SECTION I Experiencing English
Part One:Practice Listening
Part TWO:Follow the Movie
Part Three:Role Play
SECTION II Embracing English
TextA Types OfHobbies
Text B Hip Hop
SECTIoN III Grammar Focus
Verb Tenses(1)(動詞時態)
SECTION IV Applied Writing
English LeRer and E—mail(英文信函和電子郵件)
Unit 4 Surfing the Internet
SECTION I Experiencing English
Part One:Practice Listening
Part TwO:Follow the Movie
Part Three:Role Play
SECTION II Embracing English
Text A Cvberstepmother
Text B Internet and Education
SECTl0N III Grammar Focus
Verb Tenses(2)(動詞時態)
SECTION IV Applied Writing
Leer ofThanks and Congratulation(感謝信與祝賀信)
Unit 5 Who’S Your Idol?
SECTION I Experiencing English
Part One:Practice Listening
Part Two:Follow the Movie
Part Three:Role Play‘
SECTION II Embracing English
Text A Jared Kushner and the NYO
Text BⅥmO’S Your Hero?
SECTION III Grammar Focus
Verb Tenses(3)(動詞時態)
SECTIONⅣApplied Writing
Invitation and Reply to Invitation(邀請函與回帖)
Unit 6 Enjoying Festivals
SECTION I Experiencing English
Part 0ne:Practice Listening
Part TwO:Follow the Mvie
Part Three:Role Play
SECTION II Embracing English
Text A Chinese New Year
rext B Halloween
SECTION III Grammar Focus
Active Voice and Passive Voice(主動語態和被動語態)
SECTIONⅣApplied Writing
Unit 7 Are Y10u Fashionable?
SECTION I Experiencing English
Part One:Practice Listening
Part TwO:Follow the Movie
Part Three:Role Play
SECTION II Embracing English
Text A Men’s Accessories Go Seasonal
Text B Personal AestheticThe Latest Buzzword in Fashion
SECTION III Grammar Focus
The Subjunctive Mood(1)(虛擬語氣)
SECTIONⅣApplied Writing
IOU and Receipt(借條與收據)
Unit 8 What’s True Love?
SECTION I Experiencing English
Part One:Practice Listening
Part TwO:Follow the Movie
Part Three:Role Play
SECTION II Embracing English
Text A College Romances
Text B How to Live and Love in the 21st Century?
SECTl0N III Grammar Focus
The Subjunctive Mood(2)(虛擬語氣)
SECTION IV Applied Writing


