大學物理實驗 | 2版(2013年科學出版社出版的圖書)

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《大學物理實驗 | 2版》是2013年科學出版社出版的圖書,作者是鄭建洲。


  • 中文名:大學物理實驗 | 2版
  • 作者:鄭建洲
  • 出版時間:2013年1月
  • 出版社:科學出版社
  • ISBN:9787030364050 




第1章 緒論Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 大學物理實驗課的意義Section 1.1 Meaning of college physical experiments
1.2 物理實驗課的教學目的Section 1.2 Teaching purpose of physics experiments
1.3 如何學好物理實驗課Section 1.3 How to learn physics experiments
1.4 基本測量方法和實驗方法Section 1.4 Basic measurement methods and experiment methods
1.5 基本實驗操作技術Section 1.5 Basic experiment operating technology
第2章 誤差理論基礎知識與實驗數據處理Chapter 2 Basic Knowledge of Error Theory and Experiment Data Processing
2.1 引言Section 2.1 Introduction
2.2 基本概念Section 2.2 Basic concepts
2.3 直接測量結果不確定度評定Section 2.3 Evaluation uncertainty of direct measurement
2.4 間接測量結果不確定度評定Section 2.4 Evaluation of indirect measurement uncertainty
2.5 有效數字及其運算法則Section 2.5 Significant figures and corresponding algorithm
2.6 物理實驗數據處理的基本方法Section 2.6 Basic methods of data processing in physics experiments
2.7 計算機仿真和輔助實驗Section 2.7 Computer simulation and assistant experiments
第3章 基礎性實驗Chapter 3 Fundamental Physics Experiment
實驗3.1 基本測量Experiment 3.1 Fundamental technology of measuring
實驗3.2 固體密度的測量Experiment 3.2 Solid density measuring
實驗3.3 切變模量的測量Experiment 3.3 Measurement of shear modulus
實驗3.4 透鏡焦距的測量Experiment 3.4 Determining focus of thin lens
實驗3.5 液體電導率的測量Experiment 3.5 Measurement of liquid conductivity
實驗3.6 惠斯通電橋Experiment 3.6 Determining resistance using a Wheatstone bridge
實驗3.7 伏安法測電阻Experiment 3.7 Resistance measurement with voltammetry
實驗3.8 非線性電阻的伏安特性Experiment 3.8 Volt-ampere characteristic of nonlinear resistance
實驗3.9 轉動慣量的測量Experiment 3.9 Measurement of rotational inertia
實驗3.10 電子示波器的使用Experiment 3.10 Operating electronic oscillograph
實驗3.11 望遠鏡與顯微鏡的組裝Experiment 3.11 Assemblage of telescope and microscope
第4章 綜合性設計性實驗Chapter 4 Comprehensive and Designing Physics Experiments
4.1 預備知識Section 4.1 Preliminary knowledge of comprehensive and designing physics experiments
實驗4.2 楊氏模量的測定(拉伸法)Experiment 4.2 Determining Young module(Tensile way)
實驗4.3 楊氏模量的測定(彎梁法)Experiment 4.3 Measurement of Young modulus(curved beam method)
實驗4.4 電錶的改裝與校正Experiment 4.4 Refitting and calibrating ammeters
實驗4.5 磁阻感測器與地磁場測量實驗Experiment 4.5 Magnetic resistive sensor and measurement of geomagnetic field
實驗4.6 電勢差計的使用及校表Experiment 4.6 Operating potentiometer and calibrating ammeters
實驗4.7 電橋法測中、低值電阻Experiment 4.7 Determining resistance of median and low using a electric bridge
實驗4.8 霍爾效應實驗Experiment 4.8 Hall effect experiment
實驗4.9 分光計的調整與折射率的測定Experiment 4.9 Adjustment of spectrometers and measurement of refractive index
實驗4.10 楊氏雙縫干涉Experiment 4.10 Yang’s double-slit interference
實驗4.11 勞埃德鏡干涉Experiment 4.11 Lloyd’s mirror interference
實驗4.12 牛頓環實驗Experiment 4.12 Newton’s rings experiment
實驗4.13 邁克耳孫干涉儀的調節和使用Experiment 4.13 Adjustment and application of Michelson interferometer
實驗4.14 夫琅禾費單縫衍射Experiment 4.14 Fraunhofer single slit diffraction
實驗4.15 夫琅禾費圓孔衍射Experiment 4.15 Fraunhofer round-hole diffraction
實驗4.16 用分光計測光柵參數Experiment 4.16 Measurement of grating parameter using spectrometer
實驗4.17 阿貝成像原理和空間濾波Experiment 4.17 Abbe imaging principle and spatial filtering
實驗4.18 照相技術Experiment 4.18 Photography technology
實驗4.19 導熱係數的測量Experiment 4.19 Determining thermal conductivity
第5章 研究性實驗基本概念Chapter 5 Basic Concept of Investigating Physics Experiments
5.1 研究性實驗的預備知識Section 5.1 Preparation knowledge of researching experiments
5.2 物理實驗課程論文的寫作要求Section 5.2 Physical experiment course paper writing requirements
第6章 研究性實驗Chapter 6 Researching Experiments
實驗6.1 固體聲速測量Experiment 6.1 Determining the velocity of sound in solids
實驗6.2 磁阻效應的測量Experiment 6.2 Measuring magneto-resistor effect
實驗6.3 氫、氘原子光譜實驗Experiment 6.3 Hydrogen Deuterium atom spectrum experiment
實驗6.4 固體線膨脹係數的測定方法一Experiment 6.4 Determining the line expansion coefficient of solids method one
實驗6.5 固體線膨脹係數的測定方法二Experiment 6.5 Determining the line expansion coefficient of solids method two
實驗6.6 磁性液體表觀密度的測量Experiment 6.6 Determining apparent density of magnetic liquids
實驗6.7 測溫電橋的電路設計、安裝與使用Experiment 6.7 Designing and assembling and operating temperature-measuring bridges
實驗6.8 萬用表的設計和組裝Experiment 6.8 Designing and assembling of multimeter
實驗6.9 用電視顯微油滴儀測電子電荷Experiment 6.9 Determining electron charge using a Millikan oil-drop apparatus
實驗6.10 偏振光的研究Experiment 6.10 Study of polarized light
實驗6.11 光速的測量Experiment 6.11 Determining the velocity of light
實驗6.12 光敏感測器光電特性Experiment 6.12 Photoelectric properties of photosensitive sensors
實驗6.14 弗蘭克-赫茲實驗Experiment 6.14 Frank-Hertz experiment
實驗6.15 全息照相Experiment 6.15 Holography
實驗6.16 音頻信號光纖傳輸技術實驗Experiment 6.16 Fiber transmission technology experiment in digital voice frequency
實驗6.17 pn 結溫度-電壓特性的測定及數字溫度計的設計Experiment 6.17 Measurement of temperature and voltage in pn junction and design of digital therm
實驗6.18 太陽能電池基本特性的測量Experiment 6.18 Determining the characteristic of the solar cell
實驗6.19 晶體的電光效應實驗Experiment 6.19 Electro-optic effect experimental on crystals
附錄F.1 電磁學實驗基本知識Appendix F.1 Elementary knowledge of electromagnetic experiment
附錄F.2 光學實驗基本常識Appendix F.2 Elementary knowledge of optical experiment
附錄F.4 一些常用的物理數據表Appendix F.4 Some frequent physical data sheet


