

本社最新引進的《大學新英語》系列教材是馳名全球的美國麥格勞-希爾教育出版集團(McGraw-Hill Education)專為非英語國家英語學習者設計編寫出版的,目前在國際英語教學界已經廣泛運用,教學效果甚佳。 作者布拉斯特基於語言教學與文化傳播有機結合的全新理念,將語言知識與套用和綜合文化信息融為一爐的原則貫穿始終,改變了單純學習語言的傳統外語教學觀念和方法。讀者通過學習這套教材,不僅可以打下較為堅實的英語閱讀及寫作技能的基礎,同時可以充分領略當今世界繽紛多彩的文化風景。 《大學新英語聽說教程》共分三冊,另有一至三冊的教師用書各一冊及配套磁帶。 《大學新英語聽說教程》材料取自報刊、教科書、廣播、訪談和課堂講座等,語言源於生活且實用。


  • 書名:大學新英語聽說教程
  • 作者:布拉斯
  • 出版日期:2001年12月1日
  • 語種:英語
  • ISBN:7810803220
  • 外文名:Quest Listening and Speaking in the Academic World Book 2
  • 出版社:上海外語教育出版社
  • 頁數:274頁
  • 開本:16
  • 品牌:上海外語教育
Visual Tour
Summary of Listening and Speaking Skills
Unit 1
Chapter One
Doing Business Internationally
Part One: Introduction: The Ways of the World
Part Two: Everyday English: Doing Business Overseas
Part Three: The Mechanics of Listening and Speaking
Part Four: Broadcast English: Global Business Ethics
Part Five: Academic English: Ethics and Doing
Business Internationally
Chapter Two
International Economy
Part One: Introduction: Welfare-to-Work in San Francisco
Part Two: Everyday English: Help for the Poor(Interview)
Part Three: The Mechanics of Listening and Speaking
Part Four: Broadcast English: Welfare Systems in Russia, Canada, and Germany
Part Five: Academic English: Social Welfare in Sweden and France
Unit 2
Chapter Three
Themes and Purposes
Part One: Introduction: Art andArtists
Part Two: Everyday English: You Ca//That Art?
Part Three: The Mechanics of Listening and Speaking
Part Four: Broadcast English: The Art of George Segal
Part Five: Academic English: Pop Art
Chapter Four
Ancient Greek Art
Part One: Introduction: Ancient Greek Art and Civilization
Part Two: Everyday English: Greek Pottery
Part Three: The Mechanics of Listening and Speaking
Part Four: Broadcast English: Ancient Greek Statues
Part Five: Academic English: Ancient Greek Art
Unit 3
Chapter Five
States of Consciousness
Part One: Introduction: What Do Your Dreams Mean?
Part Two: Everyday English: Do You
Remember Your Dreams ? (Interview)
Part Three: The Mechanics of Listening and Speaking
Part Four: Broadcast English: Why Do We Sleep?
Part Five: Academic English: Sleep and Dreaming
Chapter Six
Abnormal Psychology
Part One: Introduction: What Is Abnormal Behavior?
Part Two: Everyday English: WhatAre You Afraid of? (Interview)
Part Three: The Mechanics of Listening and Speaking
Part Four: Broadcast English: What Is Paranoia?
Part Five: Academic English: Anxiety Disorders
Unit 4
Health: Medicine and Drugs
Chapter Seven
Addictive Substances
Part One: Introduction: Addictive Substances on Campus
Part Two: Everyday English: Secondhand Smoke
Part Three: The Mechanics of Listening and Speaking
Part Four: Broadcast English: Smoking as a "Gateway" Drug
Part Five: Academic English: Nicotine Addiction
Chapter Eight
Secrets of Good Health
Part One: Introducuon:Americans and Health
Part Two: Everyday English: Tips for Good Health (Interview)
Part Three: The Mechanics of Listening and Speaking
Part Four: Broadcast English: Improving Public Health in Russia
Part Five: Academic English: What Is Good Health?
Instructions for Information Gap
Appendix One: Common Irregular Verbs


