

《大學基礎英語教程學生用書》是北京大學出版社於2008年出版的一本圖書。作者是彭漪 何偉。


  • 書名:大學基礎英語教程學生用書
  • 作者:彭漪 何偉
  • 出版日期:2008年7月1日
  • 語種:英語, 簡體中文
  • ISBN:9787301134597
  • 外文名:Essential Collgee Ehglish
  • 出版社:北京大學出版社
  • 頁數:256頁
  • 開本:16
  • 品牌:北京大學出版社




Unit One Foreign Language Learning
Text A Learn a Foreign Language
TextB 5 GreatReasonstoLearn aForeignLanguage
Crammarin FoCUS Tcnse

Unit Two College Life
Text A Wlat to Expect from College Life
Text B College Talk
Grammar in Focus The Voice

Unit Three Love and Friendship
Text A Unconditional Love
Text B The Story of Kyle
Grammar in Focus Modal Verbs

Unit Four Lifestyle and Health
TextA SmallChangesYieldBigBenefits
TextB EasyWaystoLoseWeight
Grammar in Focus Non.finite Verbs:Infinitives
Test One

Unit Five Sports and Sportsmanship
Text A She Was NOt Born to Walk
TextB MyOlympic Story
Grammar in Focus Non·finite Verbs:Participles

Unit Six Success against Adversity
Text A A Tale ofTwo Hands
Text B A Violin with Three Strings
Grammar in Focus Non.finite Verbs:Gerunds

Unit Seven Art and Architecture
Text A An Impossible Bridge
Text B Tlle Pritzker Prize, the Nobel of Architecture
Grammar in Focus The Comparative Degree

Unit Eight Journey through Life
Text A The TwO Roads
TextB RunthroughtheRain
Grammar in Focus Conjunctions and Clauses
Test TWO

Unit Nine Speaking in Public
TextA WelcomingRemarksbyBillGates
Text B The Queen'S Speech on Diana'S Death
Grammar in Focus Attributive Clauses

Unit Ten
Moral Values
Text A The Praying Hands
TextB MoralValuesinAmerica
Grammar in Focus Reference and Concord

Unit Eleven Cultural Differences
TextA AmericanCustoms andEtiquette
Text B Chinese Business Culture and EtiqueRe
Grammar in Focus The Subjunctive Mood

Unit Twelve Different Words.Difierent Worlds
Text A How Do Men and Women Think Differently?
Text B How Do Men and Women Speak Differently?
GrammarinFocus Inversion
Test Three


Those are the"Big Ones".and I don't have to tell you how important they are,but this article is about the "Little Ones".They don't have the publicity of the larger steps,but they're every bit as important. In no particular order,here are the small steps I'd love for you to start taking.Ideally,you'11 take each and every step each and every day-but realistically, you should just aim at doing just as many as you can,just as often as you can.Let'S get to it!
Limit empty calories.You can't cut them out entirely,but try to avoid as many sodas,doughnuts,cookies,chips,and SO on,as you can.Next time you go to your favorite fast food restaurant(Go ahead and admit it!I've seen you there!),have a salad in place of the chips and drink tea instead ofpop.
Replace eating red meat with chicken or fish at every oppommity.The steps will be even bigger if you make sure the chicken or fish is grilled or baked instead of fried.
If you're trying to lose weight,switch to using artificial sweetener in your tea and coffee,and switch to a diet"nk.A while back,I began to lose weight.I sweetened my tea and coffee with artificial sweetener instead of the cup of sugar I normally used.The next switch I made was going from Dr.Pepper to Diet Dr.Pepper.These were the only changes I made to my diet,and I quickly lost over 10 pounds.You quickly get
accustomed to(and even begin to prefer!)the diet drinks and sweetener.I literally Can't stand the taste of regular pop now,something 1 was once incredibly addicted to.
Begin walking.Start with a trip around your neighborhood or a stroll through the park or mall.Make your walking a priority and don't allow anything to interfere with it.You will soon be SO hooked on the pleasure of walking that you won't allow yourself to miss a single day.When weather or illness prevents me from walking for a day,I feel crummy,absolutely crummy!
Small changes can yield very big,glorious results.My husband once told me that he had shaved stubborn strokes off his all-important golf game.I asked him if he'd goRen new clubs,new balls,changed his stance or started scoring creatively.He showed me one tiny little maneuver with the positioning of his hands——he said it made all the difference in the world.A1l he did was change his thumb'S stance!


一 編寫原則
二 教材特色


