- 書名:大學一年級英文
- 作者:李慕白選注
- 頁數:203頁
- 出版社:中國文化服務社發行者
- 出版時間:民國371948
the school for sympathy(e.v.lucas)
seeing people off(max beerbohm)
plan for a world university(bertrand russell)
golden fruit(a.a.milne)
on poverty(hilaire belloc)
doors(christopher morley)
john milton(sidney horniblow)
a fellow-traveller(a.g.gardiner)
percy bysshe shelley(a.muir)
on doing nothing(j.b.priestly)
the rising of the moon(lady gregory)
if i were a freshman again(thomas arkle clark)
the master(h.m.tomlinson)
the pleasure of work(a.c.benson)
on doing what you're told(stacy aumonier)
losing one's train(vernon lee)
oxford as i see it(stephen leacock)
shakespeare(samuel johnson)
“nice people,these english”(karel benda & dr.immanuel lewy)
napoleon's retreat from moscow(edwin muller)
christmas eve(washington irving)
the method of scientific investigation(thomas henry huxley)
red-blood and mollycoddles(g.lowes dickinson)
mrs warren and her daughter(g.bernard shaw)
dream-children:a reverie(charles lamb)
of sutdies & of friendship(francis bacon)
english modes of speech(herbert spencer)
the wolf at the door(james stephens)
the battle of flodden(walter scott)