
大別山蟲殼(拉丁名叫Cladosporium aristolochiae H.Zhang et Z.Y.Zhang sp. nov.)定名人是黃 勃 樊美珍 李增智,該菌可用於殺蜘蛛的生防用菌。


  • 中文名:大別山蟲殼
  • 拉丁學名:Cladosporium aristolochiae H.Zhang et Z.Y.Zhang sp. nov.
  • 編號:NFG-98-26
  • 定名人:黃 勃 樊美珍 李增智


定名人 黃 勃 樊美珍 李增智
Nomencla Zhang Hong and Zhang Zhongyi
發表文章 蜘蛛病原真菌一新種
Article Taxonomy of the Genus Cladosporium in China XIII. Two New Species


作者 黃 勃 丁德貴 樊美珍 李增智
Author Zhang Hong / Zhang Zhongyi
作者單位 安徽農業大學, 合肥 230036


蟲殼屬一新 種大別山蟲殼 (Torrubiella dabieshanensis) 及其同時 在蜘蛛體上並存的無性型大別山球束梗孢 (Gibellula dabieshanensis). 子囊殼表生至淺埋生,孔口黃色, 子囊 孢子彈射後呈波浪狀彎曲. 次生子囊孢子長柱形, 9.4-15.1 X 0.7-1.2 micrometer. 孢梗束單個或兩個, 白色, 在其2/3處仍有分生孢子梗. 分生孢子梗長 27-44 micrometer,光滑. 分生孢子紡錘形, 11.0-20.0 X 0.7-1.1 micrometer. 列出了該屬已知種的檢索表, 並分 別命名中文名.
Abstract Two new species of Cladosporium Link collected in China are reported. They are Cladosporium aristolochiae H.Zhang et Z.Y.Zhang sp. nov. onAristolochia kwangsiensis (Aritolochiaceae) and Cladosporium edgeworthiae H.Zhang et Z.Y.Zhang sp. nov. on Edgeworthia chrysantha (Thymelaeaceae). Latin diagnoses and illustriationsof two new species are provided. The type specimens are deposited in the Mycological Herbarium of Yunnan Agriucltural University (MHYAU), Kunming, China.
關鍵字 蜘蛛, 蟲殼屬, 球束梗孢屬, 大別山蟲殼, 大別山球束梗孢
期刊 菌物系統 (原名真菌學報) 17(2):109-113, 1998
Publication MYCOSYSTEMA (ACTA MYCOLOGICA SINICA), 17(4):pp.304-306, 1998
分享省市 安徽省岳西縣
Place Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China
採集地 鷂落坪自然保護區
Environment The fungi parastic grown on the leaves of Aristolochia kwargsiensis Chun et How ex C.F.Liang of family Aristolochiaceae with yellowish brown color ill spot and the specimen collected from East Lake Scenic Spot at Wuchang District.
寄主 蜘蛛
Habitat subtropical monsoon climate garden
Host on the leaves of Aristolochia kwargsiensis Chun et How ex C.F.Liang of family Aristolochiaceae
採集人 黃 勃 丁德貴
Isolation Person Li J.Y. and Zhang T.Y.
保存單位 安徽農業大學蟲生真菌研究中心, 合肥 230036
Preservation Unit Mycological Herbarium, Institute of Microbiology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100080, China


Speciman No. MHYAU 03956
Note The fungi is a pathogen for Aristolochia kwargsiensis Chun et How ex C.F.Liang of family Aristolochiaceae and the plant is a chinose medicine to use for clearing blood and restoring menstrual flow.

