Luar Na Lubre是來自西班牙加里西亞地區拉科魯尼亞的一支優秀的民謠團體。比較特別的是它深受凱爾特這個高地民族的影響。和其他西班牙本土樂隊有點不盡相同,加里西亞地區的音樂幾乎也就是凱爾特音樂的濃縮精華版本。不過和其他現代凱爾特樂隊類似的是,他們在音樂創作上也多根植於傳統再尋求創新,讓傳統民謠音樂隨著時代變化而變化,從而煥發出強大的藝術生命力。他們從古譜里收集素材,然後在此基礎上進行音樂創作,並使用加里西亞地區的傳統樂器並結合各地的其他傳統樂器進行演繹。他們的音樂根植於傳統的加里西亞文化,但並不排斥現代文化的影響。因此音樂的層次迥異於愛爾蘭本地的草根味而是富含南歐的煦日光影。
一個民族的流亡史,就是一部讓人敬畏的辛酸史.與眾多來自歐洲曾經流亡民族的樂隊一樣,加利西亞的Luar Na Lubre 音樂中也表現著在這種長期背井離鄉,冷雨飄泊中無限憂愁與嚮往.加利西亞地區位於西班牙的西北角,比較不同的是此地音樂更多的受凱爾特文化的影響.而Luar Na Lubre則是該地眾多於優秀民族音樂團體中最為優秀樂隊中的一支.
組建於1986年,通過重新演繹那些悠久歌謠,Luar Na Lubre將西班牙西北部凱爾特人區加利西亞省的音樂傳統帶到了國際舞台。被當地的權威報紙授予最佳加利西亞民族獎,其後樂隊繼續翻新創作他們的家鄉音樂。在1992年認識英國音樂家,作曲家Mike Oldfield,Luar Na Lubre的音樂才華深受Mike Oldfield的賞識,多次受邀參與其音樂製作,值得一提的是樂隊還參與了Mike Oldfield的Tubular Bells III倫敦音樂會及世界巡演.而這些增加的曝光率也促成了這個組合憑藉1997年的專輯Plenilunio贏取了他們的第一個金碟。
Luar Na Lubre的音樂多是取材於古譜,然後在此基礎上進行音樂創作,他們使用加里西亞地區的傳統樂器並結合各地的其他傳統樂器進行演繹,把加里西亞,凱爾特,西班牙西北部等音樂元素很好的融合在一起,給人以全新的感受.
Smelling the fragrance of blood, I find requiem hall
A run-down scene, the specter of debauchery singing,
Black rosemary blooming vines meandering growth
The soul looked, beliefs Scarlet moonlight
Smelling the fragrance of blood, I find requiem hall
Long-haired vampire queen opened the dusty window
The deadwood shadow as her face, pure, such as teenage
Resentment of her voice, together with the souls of chant
Loved one, you remember I look like
I demeaning the night, you sad
Smelling the fragrance of blood, I find requiem hall
Lounging on the statue in the distance, Brokeback hidden in the side
That is the goddess of fantasy, with the middle finger to the direction of the
Small red flowers in her side, it is a paradise
In front of an abyss, the river murmuring flowing
Blood, like the river, irrigation bloodthirsty desire
It was the queen's soup plate, in full bloom deterioration soup
She would cut off the neck of the flower, and asked whether it sad
Distant lover, ah, you remember I look like
I was bleeding, you sad
Smelling the fragrance of blood, I find requiem hall
Sun and the moon shining growth and decline, but I can only see the moon
She painfully addicted to the taste of blood-red full-bodied and silver fragrance
Queen crooned broken neck flowers lying at her feet
They like cold places, hidden in the abyss of dead tree
Each of the dead of the night, listening to the blood in the secret underground sound
They like strange chant and the Deathly Hallows singing
Sing is the retaliation or sparse Shexiang despair
Lover away, do you remember me look like
Why did not run into your eyes when I looked down at my funeral
Smelling the fragrance of blood, I find requiem hall
Flowers there is an appearance, in the quiet growth
If there is no quiet moonlight How could such a cool `
The dilapidated grass distributing rotten fragrance
Beautiful elves in the palace secret wander
They also miss the grief who with memories
Vine winding Man lush, hidden desire for revenge
Waiting for the day to come, like the taste of the soup to taste blood
Favorite people, ah, you and me
Waiting for love to come, we were buried with
Smelling the fragrance of blood, I find requiem hall
Life wanton growth, lookout endless sorrow
The flowers bow singing, singing undead advocates
Local memories must have lilies in bloom
Away Juvenile backs, embedded in tearful orbital
The love nobody blessing will not perish
Some chose to cowardly, it was decided to be strong
The blue melancholy river Can wash past
Can someone stick did not forget everlasting agreement
Weak excuses and casual perfunctory stifle a beautiful flower
That beautiful wilt become hurt into hate waiting into a bloody desire
I want to find him regardless of whether he has changed appearance
I will remember the look in his eyes, once as perfectly clear
I will remember his vows, once as loud
I will remember his betrayal had so let me leave the panic
He had left with my gentle cold palm
He will be very happy, because I blocked
I am back to where I belong
Because of love, I gave up again alone in the dark wander
The poor queen and her flowers.
The final choice alone drank a blood soup
Dear people, whether you're aiming for
Inadvertently reminds you once beautiful bride
Transferred to the moment of the grave of love, has come to mean the demise
All lament, are the living, self-sentimental
黎明,沉睡的海港,愛 Madrugada, o porto adormeceu, amor, 月光輕撫著海浪 a luna abanea sobre as ondas 猶如晚霞散盡 piso espellos antes de que saia o sol 在夜裏,守望的是她的記憶 na noite gardei a túa memoria. 又一次失去了生命 Perderei outra vez a vida 破曉時分 cuando rompa a luz nos cons, 小鳥在還未學會啄食時失去了生命 perderei o día que aprendín a bicar 睜大著雙眼,向大海訴說 palabras dos teus ollos sobre o mar, 噩耗,從遠方傳來,悲傷 Veu o loito antes de vir o rumor, 潮水退去後剩下了陰影 levouno a marea baixo a sombra. 漆黑的小船無聲無息 Barcos negros sulcan a mañá sen voz, 空空的漁網,連海鳥都不見 as redes baleiras, sen gaivotas. 人們說話,講著謊言 E dirán, contarán mentiras 為了像神父獻祭 para ofrecerllas ao Patrón: 或許只是為了一點淺薄的利益 quererán pechar cunhas moedas, quizais, 就將目光投向了大海 os teus ollos abertos sobre o mar. 黎明,海港甦醒了,愛 Madrugada, o porto despertou, amor, 地上的時鐘紋絲不動 o reloxo do bar quedou varado 酒館卻依舊頹垣 na costeira muda da desolación. 我們不會忘記,不會原諒 Non imos esquecer, nin perdoalo. 回歸,回歸生命 Volverei, volverei á vida 破曉時分 cando rompa a luz nos cons 大海已失去了往日的自豪 porque nós arrancamos todo o orgullo do mar 我們還要怎樣 non nos afundiremos nunca máis 她的記憶已經回不了從前 que na túa memoria xa non hai volta atrás: