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  • 中文名:夏瑩 
  • 畢業院校:香港理工大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:管理學
  • 任職院校南京大學


香港理工大學管理學博士(2019)、哈爾濱工業大學管理學博士(2019);英國杜倫大學(Durham University)聯合培養博士(2015-2016)。


1. 幫助行為
2. 建言行為
3. 領導力
4. 工作壓力


1. 美國管理學年會組織行為學分部最佳論文(2017)
2. 中國管理學年會最佳審稿人(2018)


1. Zhang, L., Xia, Y., Liu, B., Han, L. 2018. Why don’t I help you? The relationship of role stressors and helpingbehavior from the cognitive dissonance perspective. Frontiers in Psychology, 8(2220), 1-21.
2. Xia, Y., Zhang, L., & Li, M. 2017. Abusive leadership and helping behavior: Capability or mood, which matters?, Current Psychology, 1-9.
3. Peng, J., Chen, Y., Xia, Y., Ran, Y. 2017. Workplace loneliness,leader-member exchange and creativity: the cross-level moderating role of leader compassion. Personalityand Individual Differences. 104,510-515.
4. Li, M., Zhang, P., Xia, Y. 2017. Shaping the shared mental model: how humble leadership lead team to learn. Journal of Management & Organization, 6, 1-19.
5. Xia, Y., Zhang, L., Zhao, N. 2016. Impact of participation in decision-making on job satisfaction: An organizational communication perspective. Spanish Journal of Psychology, 19-27.
6. 張莉,夏瑩, 孫達.2013. 基於團隊精神情境的變革型領導、組織承諾與離職傾向研究.管理學報, 09, 1316-1322.
7. Zhang, L., Xia, Y., Chen, L. Impact of empowering leadership behavior on communication satisfaction and its mechanism. International Conference on Management Science & Engineering. Harbin, 2013. July17-19: 1308-1313.(EI Accession number: 20133916777452)
1. Xia, Y., Xu, Y., Wu, C. 2019. Curvilinear relation between perceived overqualification and employees’ voice: the moderating role of leader consultation. Paper will be presented at the 79th Annual Meetings of the Academy of Management (AOM). August 9-13 in Boston, Massachusetts.
2. Ho, G. C. C, Xia, Y.,DeWall, C.N. 2019. Becoming more or less aggressive after helping? It depends. Paper will be presented at the 79th Annual Meetings of the Academy of Management (AOM). August 9-13 in Boston, Massachusetts.
3. Xia, Y., Zhang, L., Chen, Y. 2018. Is authoritarian leadership challenge or hindrance in nature? It depends on the relationship with supervisor. Paper presented at the Biannual Meeting of International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR). June 14-18. Wuhan, China.
4. Xia, Y., Peng J. 2017. Are you feeling well, high performers? Explaining job performance and well-being with JD-R model. Paper presented at the Academy of Management Journal Paper and Idea Development Workshops. Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Faculty of Business, Hong Kong: June 29‐30.
5. Xia, Y., Birgit, S., Zhang, L. 2017. The impact of stressors on voice behavior: the perspective of ego depletion. Paper presented at the 77th Annual Meetings of the Academy of Management (AOM), August 6-10 in lanta Georgia. Best paper Proceedings.
6. Xia, Y., Zhang, L., Han, L. 2016. Why don’t I help you? The relationship of role stressor and helping behavior: Perspective of cognitive dissonance. Paper presented at the 76th Annual Meetings of the Academy of Management (AOM). August 5-9 in Anaheim, California.
7. Xia, Y., Zhao, N. 2016. Impact of participation in decision making on job satisfaction: An organizational communication perspective. Paper presented at the Biannual Meeting of International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR). June 15-19. Hangzhou, China.
8. Xia, Y. 2015. Be stronger under pressure: Effects of challenge-hindrance stressors on voice behavior.Paper presented at the 2015 IACMR Research Methods Workshop, July 12-16, 2015, Tianjin, China.


