



  • 中文名:夏成峰
  • 國籍:中國
  • 畢業院校:中國科學院
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:有機化學
  • 職務:雲南大學博士生導師


1992.09 - 1997.07 北京大學,化學與分子工程學院,化學,學士學位
1997.09 - 2002.07 中國科學院上海有機化學研究所,有機化學,博士學位,
2004.10 - 2009.07 美國俄亥俄州立大學,化學與生物化學系,博士後
2009.08 - 2015.11 中國科學院昆明植物研究所,研究員
2015.12 - 至今 雲南大學自然資源藥物化學教育部重點實驗室,研究員


主要興趣:1 、根據天然產物的生源合成途徑和結構特徵,研究金屬、光照等條件下引發氧化產生單電子轉移形成碳碳鍵的新方法學,採用仿生合成的策略,實現天然產物的高效率化學合成。2、對已有的藥物分子進行全新的合成路線研究,開發合成路線簡潔、高收率和環保的化學合成工藝。


1. Li, D.; Wu, T.; Liang, K.; Xia, C.* “Curtius-like Rearrangement of an Iron-Nitrenoid Complex and Application in Biomimetic Synthesis of Bisindolylmethanes” Organic Letters, 2016, 18, 2228−2231.
2. Liang, K.; Wu, T.; Xia, C.* “Concise total synthesis of (±)-serotobenine” Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry 2016, 14, 4690-4696.
3. Liang, K.; Yang, J.; Tong, X.; Shang, W.; Pan, Z.; Xia, C.* “Biomimetic Synthesis of Moschamine-Related Indole Alkaloids via Iron-Catalyzed Selectively Oxidative Radical Coupling” Organic Letters, 2016, 18, 1474−1477.
4. Pan, Z.; Qin, X.-J.; Liu, Y.-P.; Wu, T.; Luo, X.-D.*; Xia, C.* “Alstoscholarisines H−J, Indole Alkaloids from Alstonia scholaris: Structural Evaluation and Bioinspired Synthesis of Alstoscholarisine H” Organic Letters, 2016, 18, 654-657.
5. Ding, M.; Liang, K.; Pan, R.; Zhang, H.*; Xia, C.* “Total Synthesis of (+)-Chimonanthine, (+)-Folicanthine, and (−)-Calycanthine” The Journal of Organic Chemistry 2015, 80, 10309–10316.
6. Ding, M.; Tong, X.; Li, D.; Liang, K.; Zhou, A.; Zuo, Z.; Xia, C.* “Asymmetric synthesis of common aza-tricyclic core of various alkaloids”Tetrahedron Letters 2015, 56, 5460-5464.
7. Cui, Y.*; Li, Z.; Cheng, Z.; Xia, C.*; Zhang, Y.* “4,5-Cis Unsaturated ‑GalCer Analogues Distinctly Lead to CD1d-Mediated Th1-Biased NKT Cell Responses” Chemical Research in Toxicology 2015, 28, 1209-1215.
8. Deng, X.; Liang, K.; Tong, X.; Ding, M.; Li, D.;Xia, C.* “Biomimetic synthesis of (-)-chaetominine epimers via copper-catalyzed radical cyclization” Tetrahedron 2015, 71, 3699-3704.
9. Liang, K.; Deng, X.; Tong, X.; Li, D.; Ding, M.; Zhou, A.;Xia, C.* “Copper-Mediatd Dimerization to Access 3a,3a′-Bispyrrolidinoindoline: Diastereoselective Synthesis of (+)-WIN 64821 and (-)-Ditryptophenaline” Organic Letters 2015, 17, 206-209.
10. Xu, J.; Shao, L. D.; Li, D.; Deng, X.; Liu, Y. C.; Zhao, Q. S.*; Xia, C.* “Construction of Tetracyclic 3‑Spirooxindole through Cross-Dehydrogenation of Pyridinium: Applications in Facile Synthesis of (±)-Corynoxine and (±)-Corynoxine B” Journal of the American Chemistry Society 2014, 136, 17962-17965.
11. Deng, X.; Liang, K.; Tong, X.; Ding, M.; Li, D.; Xia, C.* “Copper-Catalyzed Radical Cyclization To Access 3‑Hydroxypyrroloindoline: Biomimetic Synthesis of Protubonine A” Organic Letters 2014, 16, 3276-3279.
12. Ni, G.; Li, Z.; Liang, K.; Wu, T.; De Libero, G.; Xia, C.* “Synthesis and evaluation of immunostimulant plasmalogen lysophosphatidylethanolamine and analogues for natural killer T cells” Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry 2014, 22, 2966-2973.
13. Shao, L.-D.; Xu, J.; Gao, X.; He, J.; Zhao, Y.; Peng, L.-Y.; Luo, H.-R.; Xia, C.*; Zhao, Q.-S.* “Synthesis and neurite outgrowth promoting activity of vibsanin B derivatives” Tetrahedron Letters 2014, 55, 3414-3417. (IF = 2.379).
1. 蕊木鹼類吲哚生物鹼的集群合成,國家自然科學基金面上項目(21572236),2016.1-2019.12。(主持)
2. 抗腫瘤吲哚生物鹼melotenine A的合成和構效關係研究,國家自然科學基金面上項目(21272242),2013.1月-2016.12。(主持)
3. 蕨類植物中抗HIV克羅烷二萜的合成,國家自然科學基金面上項目(21072201),2011.1-2013.12。(主持)
4. 重要生理功能和重大疾病相關蛋白質及配體分子公共資源庫建設,國家重點基礎研究發展計畫(973計畫)(2011CB915503),2011.8-2015.7。(參加)
5. T細胞免疫藥物的研究,雲南省高端科技人才引進計畫(2010CI117),2011.1-2015.12。(主持)
6. 蘑菇中自然殺傷T細胞新抗原的作用機制和構效關係研究,雲南省科技廳重點項目(2014FA008),2014.10-2017.9。(主持)


1. 2010年,雲南省“高端科技人才引進計畫”


