- 中文名:夏慶霖
- 外文名:Xia Qinglin
- 民族:漢族
- 出生地:重慶銅梁
- 出生日期:1968年11月
- 職業:教師
- 畢業院校:中國地質大學
- 學歷:研究生
將現代成礦理論、信息技術與礦產勘查相結合,在礦產資源定量預測方法技術、地質異常時-空模型、礦床編碼和礦床譜系等方面進行了大量有益的探索。先後對雲南東部地區Cu-Sn-Pb-Zn-Ag及鉑族元素礦產資源、西南“三江”南段Pb-Zn-Ag-Cu-Au礦產資源、天山—北山地區Cu-Ni-Au礦產資源、川滇黔相鄰區Cu-Ni-V-Ti-PGE及Pb-Zn-Ag-Au礦產資源、滇西地區新生代富鹼斑岩相關礦產、岡底斯斑岩型銅礦資源等進行了綜合預測與評價,所取得的成果為戰略性礦遠景調查(1:5萬礦產綜合調查)的工作規劃部署提供了重要依據。曾獲得教育部科技進步一等獎1項、全國數學地質及地學信息學術會議優秀論文獎1項、中國地質大學(武漢)優秀教學成果二等獎1項,並於2008年獲得全國優秀博士論文提名獎。曾擔任IAMG 2007“礦產資源評價”分會場和第6屆IPACES年會“地質過程與礦產資源潛力評價”分會場主席。合作出版學術專著1部、參與專著部分章節編寫3部,發表論文50餘篇(其中SCI收錄7篇、EI收錄7篇、ISTP收錄15篇),軟體著作權登記(2008SR00448)1項。
1、陳永清,夏慶霖.地質異常找礦靶區定量評價模型 & 魯西金礦找礦有利地段圈定及評價.見:地質異常成礦預測理論與實踐(趙鵬大等著).1999,武漢:中國地質大學出版社,101-109 & 110-114
4、陳永清,夏慶霖.西南“三江”南段礦產資源綜合定量評價 & 東天山成礦帶礦產資源綜合定量評價.見:基於GIS礦產資源綜合定量評價技術(陳永清等著).2008,北京:地質出版社,238-256 & 271-284
1. Xia Q.L., Zhao P.D., Cheng Q.M., et al., 2008. Platinum & Palladium in Coal Rocks and Geochemical Anomalies in Eastern Yunnan Province, Southwest China. Journal of China University of Geosciences, 19(4): 354-362(SCIE,ISTP)
2. 夏慶霖,趙鵬大,陳永清,等.2008.雲南德澤下寒武統黑色岩系中Ni-Mo-V-PGE多金屬礦化.地球科學,33(1):67-73(EI核心)
3. Zhao P.D., Cheng Q.M., Xia Q.L., 2008. Quantitative Prediction for Deep Mineral Exploration. Journal of China University of Geosciences, 19(4): 309-318(SCIE,ISTP)
4. Zhang S.T., Xia Q.L., Zhao P.D., et al., 2008. Diversity of Mineralization and Spectrum of the Gejiu Superlarge Tin-Copper Polymetallic Deposit, Yunnan, China. Journal of China University of Geosciences, 19(4): 363-370(SCIE,ISTP)
5. Xia Q.L., Zhao P.D., Zhang S.T., et al., 2007. Newly discovered pentlandite in the Gejiu tin deposit, southwestern China. Journal of China University of Geosciences, v18, special issue, 269-271(SCIE,ISTP)
6. Xia Q.L., Chen Y.Q., Wang X.Q., et al., 2007. Quantitative assessment of Cu-Ni-Au mineral resources in the East Tianshan-Beishan Mountains, northwest China. Journal of China University of Geosciences, v18, special issue, 272-274(SCIE,ISTP)
7. Xia Q.L., Zhao P.D., Wang X.Q., et al., 2007. Coding of ore deposit: a new approach for digitization of mineralization information. Proceedings of IAMG’07: Geomathematics and GIS Analysis of Resources, Environment and Hazards. 114-118 (ISTP)
8. Xia Q.L., Zhao P.D., Zuo R.G., et al., 2007. Diversity of mineralization in eastern Yunnan province, China. Proceedings of IAMG’07: Geomathematics and GIS Analysis of Resources, Environment and Hazards. 119-122 (ISTP)
9. 夏慶霖,張壽庭,陳守余,等.2007.雲南箇舊錫礦深部資源潛力評價的幾個關鍵問題.礦物學報,27(sup.):530-531
10. 左仁廣,夏慶霖,譚寧,等.2007.西藏岡底斯斑岩銅礦綜合信息預測.中南大學學報(自然科學版),38(2):368-373(EI核心)
11. Wang Z.J., Cheng Q.M., Li C., Xia Q.L., et al., 2007, Fractal Modelling of the Microstructure Property of Quartz Mylonite during Deformation Process. Math. Geol. 39(1): 53-68(SCI光碟)
12. Zuo R.G., Xia Q.L., 2007. Development and application of ore deposits information extraction assistant mapping system based on MapGIS. Journal of China University of Geosciences, v18, special issue, 266-268(SCIE,ISTP)
13. Zuo R.G., Xia Q.L., 2007. Monte Carlo simulations the grade-tonnage model of the contact metasomatic tin deposits in China. Proceedings of IAMG’07: Geomathematics and GIS Analysis of Resources, Environment and Hazards. 110-113 (ISTP)
14. Zuo R.G., Zhao P.D., Xia Q.L., 2007. Delineating geological anomaly by extreme value theory. Proceedings of IAMG’07: Geomathematics and GIS Analysis of Resources, Environment and Hazards. : Geomathematics and GIS Analysis of Resources, Environment and Hazards. 795-799 (ISTP)
15. Wang X.Q., Chen Y.Q., Xia Q.L., et al., 2007. Design and developing of basic database for resources evaluation of national important mineral zones of China. Proceeding of IAMG’07: Geomathematics and GIS Analysis of Resources, Environment and Hazards. 314-318 (ISTP)
16. Wang X.Q., Ju F., Xia Q.L., et al., 2007. Research on spatial data mining techniques based on mineral belts foundation database Research on spatial data mining techniques based on mineral belts foundation database. Proceeding of IAMG’07: Geomathematics and GIS Analysis of Resources, Environment and Hazards. 343-346 (ISTP)
17. 陳永清,張生元,夏慶霖,等,2006.套用多重分形濾波技術提取致礦地球化學異常:以西南“三江”南段Cu、Zn 致礦異常提取為例.地球科學,30(6):861-866(EI核心)
18. 夏慶霖,陳永清,盧映祥,等,2005.雲南蘆子園鉛鋅礦床的地球化學、流體包裹體及穩定同位素特徵.地球科學,30(2):177-186(EI核心)
19. 張振飛,夏慶霖,2005.成礦環境空間結構的模糊建模.地球科學,30(1):109-113(EI核心)
20. 孫華山,趙鵬大,張壽庭,夏慶霖,2005.基於5P成礦預測與定量評價的系統勘查理論與實踐.地球科學,30(2):199-205(EI核心)
21. Xia Q.L., Zhao P.D., Zhang S.T., 2005. GIS Spatial-Temporal Model of Geological Anomaly: A Case for Cenozoic Geology in Northwestern Yunnan Province, China. Proceeding of IAMG’05: GIS and Spatial Analysis. Vol.2: 1111-1116(ISTP)
22. Chen Y.Q.,Xia Q.L., Chen J.G., 2005. Quantitative Assessment of Prospecting Target Areas for Base and Precious Metal Deposits in Western Yunnan Terrain Province, Southwestern China Using MORPAS2.0 Software.. Proceeding of IAMG’05: GIS and Spatial Analysis. Vol.2: 1077-1082(ISTP)
23. Zhang S.T., Zhao P.D., Xia Q.L., et al., 2005. The Ore-forming Spectrum and Multitarget Minerals Prediction and Assessment of the Himalayan Alkali-rich Porphyry in Northwestern Yunnan Province. Proceeding of IAMG’05: GIS and Spatial Analysis. Vol.1: 145-150(ISTP)
24. Wang Z.J., Cheng Q.M., Xia Q.L., et al., 2005. The P-A Fractal Model Charactering Microtexture Propertieses of Minerals. Proceeding of IAMG’05: GIS and Spatial Analysis. Vol.1: 317-322(ISTP)
25. 夏慶霖,趙鵬大,張壽庭,2003.冪律度與成礦預測.成都理工大學學報(自然科學版),30(5):453-456(EI核心)
26. 夏慶霖,趙鵬大,陳永清,2003.滇東鉑、鈀地球化學勘查及異常評價.地質通報,22(9):704-707
27. Xia Q.L., Zhao P.D., Zhang S.T., et al., 2003. Application of Weights of Evidence to Mineral Potential Mapping of Yujiacun Ore Field, in Northwestern Yunnan. Journal of China University of Geosciences, Vol.14, No.3: 2-4
28. 夏慶霖,陳永清,2002.山東龍寶山岩體稀土元素特徵及礦源研究.物探與化探, 26(2):110-112
29. 夏慶霖,高燕,王小哈,2002.魯西龍寶山金礦成礦流體特徵與礦床成因模型.黃金科學與技術,10(3):13-17
30. 夏慶霖,陳永清,2001.魯西龍寶山金礦地球化學特徵.地質與勘探,37(4):14-17
31. 夏慶霖,陳永清,2001.魯西龍寶山金礦致礦地質異常淺析及成礦預測.地質找礦論叢, 16(2):108-111
32. 夏慶霖,2000.網路多“S”集成技術在地質異常礦體定位中的套用前景.地質論評,46(sup.):97-100