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夏亞峰,教授,華東師範大學歷史學系、社會主義歷史與文獻研究院研究員,華東師範大學冷戰國際史研究中心兼職教授、華東師大-威爾遜中心冷戰工作室主任,東北師範大學東師學者講座教授,主要從事冷戰史、美國對外關係史、中華人民共和國外交史、中美關係史的教學與研究。英文學術專著“Negotiating with the Enemy: U.S.-China Talks during the Cold War, 1949-1972”受到西方學術界的好評。此外,他出版了英文合著3部,並在美國、加拿大、英國以及中國的史學核心刊物發表數十篇有關冷戰研究的論文。曾先後擔任美國威爾遜國際學者中心高級研究員(2011-2012年)和公共政策學者(2016年)、中國駐美國大使館二等秘書、暨南大學冷戰國際史研究中心主任以及特聘教授等職。



  • 中文名:夏亞峰
  • 畢業院校:南京師範大學、馬里蘭大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:學者,教師
  • 專業方向:歷史學
  • 教學職稱:教授
  • 研究領域:冷戰史、美國對外關係史、中華人民共和國外交史、中美關係史等










1. 專著
Mao and the Sino-Soviet Partnership, 1945-1959: A New History (Harvard Cold War Studies book series) (Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2015) (with Shen Zhihua)
Mao and the Sino-Soviet Split, 1959-1973: A New History (Harvard Cold War Studies book series) (Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2016) (with Li Danhui) 【即將出版】
Mao and the Sino-Soviet Partnership, 1945-1959: A New History (Harvard Cold War Studies book series) (Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2015) (with Shen Zhihua) 【即將出版】
Mao and the Sino-Soviet Split, 1959-1973: A New History (Harvard Cold War Studies book series) (Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2015) (with Li Danhui) 【即將出版】
Negotiating with the Enemy: U.S.-China Talks during the Cold War, 1949-1972 (Bloomington, IN:IndianaUniversity Press, 2006) – Winner of 2010 Abraham Krasnoff Memorial Award for Scholarly Achievement.
2. 論文
“A Political Duet: The Twentieth Congress of the CPSU, the CCP’s Eighth Congress and the Sino-Soviet Relations,” Modern China Studies (with Zhihua Shen), vol. 22, no. 1 (2015) pp. 126-166.
“Chinese-North Korean Relations and Chinese Policies toward Korean Cross-Border Migration, 1950-1962,” Journal of Cold War Studies (with Zhihua Shen) (SSCI Journal; A & HCI), vol. 16, no. 4 (Fall 2014), 1-26.
“New Trends in the Study of Cold War History in China, 2000-2014,” World History Quarterly(with Zhi Liang), vol.1, no 1 (December 2014), pp. 89-111.
“China’s Last Ally: Beijing’s Policy toward North Korea during U.S.-China Rapprochement, 1970-1975,” Diplomatic History (first author, with Zhihua Shen) (A & H CI Journal), vol. 38, no. 5 (2014), pp. 1083-1113.
“Leadership Transfer in the Asian Revolution: Mao Zedong and the Asian Cominform,” Cold War History (with Zhihua Shen) (A & H CI Journal), 14:2 (May 2014), pp. 195-214.
“Jockeying for Leadership: Mao and the Sino-Soviet Split, October 1961-July 1964,” The Journal of Cold War Studies 16:1 (Winter 2014) (with Danhui Li) (A & H CI, SSCI Journal), pp. 24-60.
“Contested Border: A Historical Investigation into the Sino-Korean Border Issue, 1950-1964,” Asian Perspective vol. 37,no. 1 (Jan. –Mar. 2013), pp. 1-30 (with Zhihua Shen) (SSCI Journal).
“Recent Trends in the Study of Cold War History in China,” ECNU-Wilson Center Cold War Studies Initiative, Occasional Paper # 1 (Washington DC:Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, October 2012) (with Zhi Liang and Ming Chen).
“China and the Post-War Reconstruction of North Korea, 1953-1961,” North KoreaInternational Documentation Project Working Paper # 4 (WashingtonD.C., WoodrowWilsonInternationalCenter for Scholars, May 2012) (with Zhihua Shen).
“Between Aid and Restriction: Changing Soviet Policies toward China’s Nuclear Weapons Program: 1954-1960,” NPIHP Working Paper # 2 (Washington DC., Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, May 2012) (with Zhihua Shen) [This is a much longer version of the article published in Asian Perspective, including 21 translated original Chinese documents] [approximate 32,650 words]
“Between Aid and Restriction: The Soviet Union’s Changing Policies on China’s Nuclear Weapons Program, 1954-1960,” Asian perspective, vol. 36,no. 1 (Jan. –Mar. 2012), pp. 95-122 (with Zhihua Shen) [c.a. 10,000 words] (SSCI Journal).
“The Great Leap Forward, the People’s Communes and the Sino-Soviet Split,” Journal of Contemporary China, vol. 20, no. 72 (November 2011), pp. 861-80 (with Zhihua Shen), (SSCI journal).
“Mao Zedong’s Erroneous Decision during the Korean War – China’s Rejection of the UN Cease-fire Resolution in Early 1951,” Asian Perspective, vol. 35, no. 2 (Apr.-June 2011), pp. 187-209 (with Zhihua Shen) (SSCI Journal).
“’Whirlwind’ of China: Zhou Enlai’s Shuttle Diplomacy in 1957 and Its Effect,” Cold War History, 10:4 (November 2010), pp. 513-35 (with Zhihua Shen). (A&HCI Journal)
“Vacillating between Revolution and Détente: Mao’s Changing Psyche and Policy toward theU.S., 1969-1976,” Diplomatic History 34:2 (April 2010), pp. 395-423 (with Kuisong Yang) (A&HCI Journal)
“Wang Jiaxiang: New China’s First Ambassador and the CCP’s First Director of International Liaison Department,” American Journal of Chinese Studies, vol 16 (Fall 2009), pp. 501-19.
“Hidden Currents during the Honeymoon ---Mao Zedong, Khrushchev and the 1957 Moscow Conference,” The Journal of Cold War Studies, 11: 4 (fall 2009), pp. 74-117 (with Zhihua Shen). (A & H CI, SSCI Journal)
“New Evidence for China’s Role in the Hungarian Crisis of October 1956: A Note,” The International History Review, 31: 3 (September 2009), pp. 558-75 (with Zhihua Shen). (A&HCI Journal)
“Myth or Reality: Factional Politics, U.S.-China Relations, and Mao Zedong’s Psychology in His Sunset Years, 1972-1976,” The Journal of American-East Asian Relations, vol. 15 (fall 2008), pp. 107-30.
“Competing for Leadership: Split or Détente in the Sino-Soviet Bloc,” The International History Review, 30:3 (September 2008), pp. 545-74 (with Danhui Li). (A&HCI Journal)
“The Study of Cold War International History in China—A Review of the Last Twenty Years,”The Journal of Cold War Studies, 10: 1 (winter 2008), pp. 81-115. (A & H CI, SSCI Journal)
“New Scholarship and Directions in the Study of the Diplomatic History of the People’s Republic of China,” The Chinese Historical Review, 14: 1 (spring 2007), pp. 114-140.
“China’s Elite Politics and Sino-American Rapprochement, January 1969—February 1972,” The Journal of Cold War Studies, 8:4 (fall 2006), pp. 3-28 (For a review of the article by Warren Cohen, see H-Diplo Article Review, 2007). (A & H CI, SSCI Journal)
“Negotiating at Cross-Purposes: Sino-American Ambassadorial Talks, 1961-1968,” Diplomacy and Statecraft, 16:2 (June 2005), pp. 297-329.
“Vietnam for Taiwan? -- A Reappraisal of Nixon-Zhou Enlai Negotiation on Shanghai Communiqué,” American Review of China Studies, 3:1 (spring 2002): pp. 35-55.
3. 預計發表的論文
“China’s Policies toward the United States in the 20 Century: A Review of Literature,”Diplomatic History (first author, with Zhi Liang) (A & H CI Journal).
“Negotiating the Return of Civilians: New Evidence on Chinese Perception, Tactics and Objectives at the First Fourteen Meetings of the Sino-American Ambassadorial Talks,” Cold War International History Project Bulletin, Issue 19 (Washington DC., WoodrowWilsonInternationalCenter for Scholars), accepted and forthcoming.
“Refuting Two Historical Myths: A New Interpretation of Sino-North Korean Relations,” in Carla Freeman ed., “Chinese Perspectives on North Korea,” (forthcoming) (co-authored with Zhihua Shen)
“Deng Xiaoping,” in Steven Casey and Jonathan Wright, eds., Mental Maps in the Late Cold War (Palgrave-MacMillan, xxx), pp. xxx
“1972 Beijing: Mao and Nixon Summit,” in David Reynolds and Kristina Spohr eds., Cold War Summitry: Transcending the Division of Europe, 1970-90 (Cambridge University Press, xxx), pp. xxx. (forthcoming) (co-authored with Chris Tudda)
4. 論文集
“Deng Xiaoping,” in Steven Casey and Jonathan Wright, eds., Mental Maps in the Late Cold War (New York: Palgrave-MacMillan, 2015), pp. 137-55.
“Refuting Two Historical Myths: A New Interpretation of Sino-North Korean Relations,” in Carla Freeman ed., Chinese Perspectives on North Korea (co-authored with Shen Zhihua) (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015), pp. 91-108.
“Zhou Enlai and the Sino-American Rapprochement, 1969-1972,” in Artemy Kalinovsky and Craig Daigle eds., The Routledge Handbook of the Cold War (London and New York: Routeledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2014, pp. 209-222.
“People’s Republic of China,” in James Matray and Donald Boose, eds., The Ashgate Research Companion to the Korean War (England: Ashgate Publishing Ltd. 2014), pp. 61-72.
“The Rise of China in the Twenty-First Century,” in Robert McMahon and Thomas Zeiler, ed.,Guide to U.S. Foreign Policy: A Diplomatic History (New York: DWJ Books, 2012), pp. 535-45.
“Mao Zedong,” in Steven Casey and Jonathan Wright, eds., Mental Maps in the Early Cold War(Palgrave-MacMillan, 2011), pp. 160-79.
“The Taiwan Issue in Sino-American Rapprochement Negotiations,” in Xiaobing Li and Zuohong Pan, eds. Taiwan in the 21st Century (Lanham: University Press of America, 2003), pp. 281-317.


夏亞峰:《他山之石 -- 近25年來影響美國外交史研究的四個新視角和方法》,《冷戰國際史研究》總第20 期(2015年),即將發表。
夏亞峰、栗廣:《美國外交史研究現狀---來自美國的報導》《史學集刊》2015 【即將發表】
夏亞峰:《革命與緩和:中美緩和進程中的中國對朝政策,1970-1975 》,《冷戰國際史研究》(上海)總第16期(2013年冬季號),第 21-60頁。
夏亞峰、陳銘:《<中美八一七公報>三十周年回顧和展望——中美關係中的台灣因素再評估:華盛頓地區美國知名智庫資深學者訪談錄》,《冷戰國際史研究》(上海)總第14期(2012年),第 1-24 頁。
夏亞峰:《爭論不休:關於尼克森、基辛格研究的幾部英文新著評介》,《冷戰國際史研究》(上海)總第6期,2008年第 1 期,第280-299頁。
夏亞峰:《重評1961—1968年中美大使級會談》,《冷戰國際史研究》(上海) 總第4期,2007年第 1期,第174-201頁。
夏亞峰:《美國的留學生教育現狀及其比較研究》,《外國教育資料》1997年第 3 期,第75-80頁。


1. From Antagonists to Adversaries: U.S.-China Talks during the Cold War, 1949-1972, Universityof Maryland, College Park, MD, 2003.
2. Soviet-American Détente and the Changing World Order, NanjingNormalUniversity, Nanjing, 1990.


與華東師範大學沈志華教授合寫英文專著冷戰時期的中朝關係,暫定書名為:“Mao Zedong, Kim Il-sung and Sino-Soviet Relations, 1949-1976: A New Interpretation”

