- 作者:楊靄權 編著
- ISBN:9787806139769
- 頁數:198
- 定價:15.80
- 出版社:上海遠東出版社
- 出版時間:2000-01
- 裝幀:平裝
Unit Type of Text Close-up
1 Article
2 Irochure
grammatical rules
and their implications
3 Contract
5 Editorial
6 peature
7 Guidelines
8 Leaflet
9 Letter (fonnal)
3 Being able to
untartnd complex
Factor4:Being able to exercise
personal xperiences
Factor 6:Having adequate
general knowledge
Skill 1: Scan and search the
information needed
Skill 2:Study the introduction
and conclusion
Skill 3: Focus on the topic
Unit Typeof Text Close-up
10 Letter (informal) Skill 4: Locate the connectives
11 Memo Skill 5: Save the essential
12 Minutes Skill 6: Read intensively the
difficult parts
13 NewsReport Skill 7: Dissect the difficult
14 Notice Skill 8: Skim and skip the
repetitive, irrelevant
and difficalt parts
15 Pledge Skill 9: Ask "wh" questions
and think
16 Poem SkilllO: Focus on punctuation
marks, prepositions
and conjunctions
17 Proposal Skill: Study heading
anct subheadings
18 Report (descriptive) Skill 12: Pay attention to
special print marks
Unit TypeofText [Close-up
19 Report (statistical) Beliefl: Inferringfrom
(i it fll -�) context is possible
20 Review (ISI^yiTife) Belief 2: Easiersynonyms
can be found
21 Summary (ItilTM^f) Belief 3: Some messages may
be hidden
Appendix: Analyzing Past Papers' Questions
Answer Key to Revision Task Section
1 Article
2 Irochure
grammatical rules
and their implications
3 Contract
5 Editorial
6 peature
7 Guidelines
8 Leaflet
9 Letter (fonnal)
3 Being able to
untartnd complex
Factor4:Being able to exercise
personal xperiences
Factor 6:Having adequate
general knowledge
Skill 1: Scan and search the
information needed
Skill 2:Study the introduction
and conclusion
Skill 3: Focus on the topic
Unit Typeof Text Close-up
10 Letter (informal) Skill 4: Locate the connectives
11 Memo Skill 5: Save the essential
12 Minutes Skill 6: Read intensively the
difficult parts
13 NewsReport Skill 7: Dissect the difficult
14 Notice Skill 8: Skim and skip the
repetitive, irrelevant
and difficalt parts
15 Pledge Skill 9: Ask "wh" questions
and think
16 Poem SkilllO: Focus on punctuation
marks, prepositions
and conjunctions
17 Proposal Skill: Study heading
anct subheadings
18 Report (descriptive) Skill 12: Pay attention to
special print marks
Unit TypeofText [Close-up
19 Report (statistical) Beliefl: Inferringfrom
(i it fll -�) context is possible
20 Review (ISI^yiTife) Belief 2: Easiersynonyms
can be found
21 Summary (ItilTM^f) Belief 3: Some messages may
be hidden
Appendix: Analyzing Past Papers' Questions
Answer Key to Revision Task Section