



  • 作者:酈永剛  編
  • ISBN:9787040343410
  • 頁數:262
  • 定價:119.00元
  • 出版時間:2012-2
  • 副標題:地震學中的成像、模擬與數據同化
內容介紹,目 錄,


數據同化概念在地震學中的拓展和套用,全波形三維構造成像(full waveform tomography),介質全物理屬性和震源機制反演方法;
非均勻介質中衍射波和散射波單返程傳播運算元(one-return propagator)方法,適用於複雜構造成像;斷裂帶圈閉波(fault-zone trapped wave)或稱導波(guided waves)方法,高精度確定斷裂帶岩石共震破裂程度和空間尺度以及震後癒合的時間關係;
強震動態斷裂過程和震源特性模擬合成的有限元方法平行計算技術(hybrid MPI/OpenMP approach,sophisticated finite-element method algorithm EQdyna),評估地下構造和地面結構抗震的非線性回響和破壞程度;
震區內應力載入和減載的觀察,物理原理和載入一減載回響比測定方法(10ad—unIoad response ratio),推算岩石破碎程度和判別臨震狀態,套用於地震預報;
離散單元計算方法(discrete element method),模擬發震斷裂帶的力學機制和岩石動態破裂,提供應力載入一減載回響比測定方法的力學基礎。

目 錄

Imaging, Modeling and Assimilation in Seismology:AnOverview
Chapter 1 Full-Wave Seismic Data Assimilation: A UnifiedMethodology for Seismic Waveform Inversion
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Generalized Inverse
1.2.1 Prior Probability Densities
1.2.2 Bayes' Theorem
1.2.3 Euler-Lagrange Equations
1.3 Data Functionals
1.3.1 Differential Waveforms
1.3.2 Cross-correlation Measurements
1.3.3 Generalized Seismological Data Functionals(GSDF)
1.4 The Adjoint Method
1.4.1 An Example of Adjoint Travel-Time Tomography
1.4.2 Review of Some Recent Adjoint WaveformTomography
1.5 The Scattering-Integral (SI) Method
1.5.1 Full-Wave Tomography Based on SI
1.5.2 Earthquake Source Parameter Inversion Based onSI
1.6 Discussion
1.6.1 Computational Challenges
1.6.2 Nonlinearity
1.7 Summary
Chapter 2 One-Return Propagators and the Applications inModeling and Imaging
Chapter 3 Fault-Zone Trapped Waves: High-ResolutionCharacterization of the Damage Zone of the Parkfield San AndreasFault at Depth
Chapter 4 Fault-Zone 1Yapped Waves at a Dip Fault:Documentation of Rock Damage on the Thrusting Longmen-Shan FaultRuptured in the 2008 M8 Wenchuan Earthquake
Chapter 5 Ground-Motion Simulations with Dynamic SourceCharacterization and Parallel Computing
Chapter 6 Load-Unload Response Ratio and Its NewProgress
Chapter 7 Discrete Element Method and Its Applications inEarthquake and Rock Fracture Modeling


