



  • 書名:地質英語
  • 頁數:223頁
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:16


出版社: 高等教育出版社; 第1版 (2010年1月1日)
外文書名: English for geology
平裝: 223頁
正文語種: 英語, 簡體中文
開本: 16
ISBN: 9787040275056
條形碼: 9787040275056
尺寸: 25 x 19.2 x 1.2 cm
重量: 381 g




Unit 1 Geology
Part I Listening and Speaking: Making Invitations
Part II Reading: Passage A: Geology 5
Passage B: Geologist 9
Part III Translating: 詞義的選擇與引申
Part IV Simulated Writing: Letters of Invitation 1
Unit 2 The Earth
Part I Listening and Speaking: Meeting People 17
Part II Reading: Passage A: The Earth 21
Passage B: The Atmosphere, the Hydrosphere
and the Lithosphere 25
Part III Translating:詞類轉換法 (一) 27
Part IV Simulated Writing: Advertisement 29
Unit 3 Earthquake
Part I Listening and Speaking: Eating at a Restaurant 33
Part II Reading: Passage A: Earthquakes 37
Passage B: Tsunami 41
Part III Translating: 詞類轉換法 (二) 43
Part IV Simulated Writing: Speech 46
Unit 4 Underground Water
Part I Listening and Speaking: Leisure Activities 49
Part II Reading: Passage A: Underground Water 53
Passage B: Geyser 57
Part III Translating: 增譯法與減譯法(一) 60
Part IV Simulated Writing: Resume 62
Unit 5 Fossil
Part I Listening and Speaking: Making an Appointment 65
Part II Reading: Passage A: Fossils 69
Passage B: Fossils in the Rocks 73
Part III Translating:增譯法與減譯法(二) 76
Part IV Simulated Writing: A Company Prospectus 77
Unit 6 Petroleum
Part I Listening and Speaking: Sightseeing 81
Part II Reading: Passage A: Oil 85
Passage B: Li Siguang 90
Part III Translating: 定語從句的翻譯(一) 93
Part IV Simulated Writing: Thank-you Letters 94
Unit 7 Crustal Movements
Part I Listening and Speaking: Job Interview 97
Part II Reading: Passage A: Joints 101
Passage B: Movements of the Earth's Crust 105
Part III Translating: 定語從句的翻譯(二) 108
Part IV Simulated Writing: Cover Letters 110
Unit 8 Volcano
Part I Listening and Speaking: Making Reservations 113
Part II Reading: Passage A: Volcanoes 117
Passage B: Volcanic Activity and Magma 121
Part III Translating: 被動語態的翻譯 124
Part IV Simulated Writing: Memo 125
Unit 9 Mineral
Part I Listening and Speaking:Checking In 1 29
Part U Reading:Passage A:Minerals 134
Passage B:Identification of Minerals 137
PartⅢTranslating:“否定”的翻譯 140
Part IV Simulated Writing:Contract 142
Unit 10 Geologic Time
Part I Listening and Speaking:Shopping for Gifts 149
Part II Reading:Passage A:Geologic Time 153
Passage B:The Geologic Time Scale157
PartⅢTranslating:長句的翻譯 161
Part IV Simulated Writing:Claim and Adjustment Letter 162
Append ix


