



  • 軟體名稱:在市區卡羅爾頓套用
  • 軟體平台:IOS
  • 軟體大小:1.54MB
  • 支持版本:iOS4.3.1及以上
卡羅爾頓,喬治亞在你的手這個免費的應用程式的手掌是您的最好指南,餐飲,購物,服務,活動和新聞的機會之城 - 卡羅頓! 瀏覽餐飲,購物和服務目錄。讓你的手指穿過市區地圖來代步。翻翻即將到來的事件。閱讀來自時代 - 喬治亞,卡羅爾縣自1871年以來值得信賴的信息的領導者新聞提要。 瀏覽選單,檢查的歡樂時光優惠,趕上銷售,並成為第一個知道的新時尚到來時。 您是否在尋找一個快速的方法找到你最喜歡的餐館的電話號碼嗎?你忘了打開商店什麼時候?您是否在尋找特定類型的餐廳市區?卡羅爾頓,有一個該應用程式! 該應用程式的功能,你會發現在App Store中的任何地方最酷的地圖之一。無論您是本地人,移植或訪客,你會喜歡卡羅頓市中心的虛擬之旅。只需輕點任何圖示,以了解更多有關每個位置。 請務必訪問該放大器在亞當森廣場上的演唱會日程安排的最新信息。 該應用程式將讓你了解最新的特別活動和街頭倒閉了。 這個程式是由卡羅頓大街,在卡羅頓區會議與旅遊局,西喬治亞的社區基金會,時代 - 喬治亞和西喬治亞技術學院帶給你。The best of Carrollton, Georgia in the palm of your hand. This free app is your guide to dining, shopping, services, events and news in the City of Opportunity - Carrollton! Browse the dining, shopping and services directories. Let your fingers do the walking through the Downtown Map. Flick through upcoming events. Read the news feed from the Times-Georgian, Carroll County's trusted information leader since 1871. Browse menus, check happy hour specials, catch the sales and be the first to know when the new fashions arrive. Are you looking for a quick way to find your favorite restaurant's phone number Have you forgotten what time that store opens Are you looking for a particular type of restaurant downtown Carrollton, there's an app for that! The app features one of the coolest maps you'll find anywhere in the App Store. Whether you're a native, a transplant or a visitor, you'll enjoy your virtual tour of Downtown Carrollton. Just tap any icon to learn more about each location. Be sure to visit The Amp at Adamson Square for the latest information on the concert schedule. The app will keep you up to date on special events and street closings, too. This app is brought to you by Carrollton Main Street, The Carrollton Area Convention and Visitors Bureau, The Community Foundation of West Georgia, The Times-Georgian, and West Georgia Technical College.


