



  • 軟體名稱:圖片預印
  • 軟體平台:IOS
  • 軟體大小:8.71MB
  • 支持版本:iOS5.0及以上
完整,無限制地添加免費版本只有69P “圖片預印精簡版”的新的和創造性的方式來獲得更多的樂趣,您的肖像圖片預印“,是受限制的版本。 “圖片預印精簡版包含廣告,同時允許用戶免費嘗試的'圖片預印的職能。 作為一個基本的圖像分離器的應用程式允許你“麻瓜”你的朋友,家人和寵物或任何你想畫像。三個階段的過程再簡單不過了,其結果是立即準備好逗,保存在“圖片預印專輯”,分享通過Facebook,電子郵件和Twitter。 圖片也可以導入從其他圖書館到頭部和身體的專輯,但結果會比在應用程式使用的是內置的重點目標所採取的更加隨意。 都包含一些圖片開始(附加“麻瓜包”可對於那些需要它們的人),但它是真的給你創建你自己的,並加入了瘋狂的混合,圖片預印世界的圖片預印。 Full, Unrestricted and Add Free Version ONLY 69P ‘Photomuggler Lite’ is a restricted version of 'Photomuggler', the new and creative way to get more fun from your portraits. 'Photomuggler Lite' contains advertising whilst allowing users to try out the functions of 'Photomuggler' for free. As a basic image splitter the app allows you to ‘Muggle’ portraits of your friends, family and pets or whatever you wish. The three stage process could not be simpler, the results are instantly ready to amuse, save in the ‘Muggled album” and share via facebook, email and twitter. Images may also be imported from other libraries into the head and body albums but the results will be more random than those taken within the app using the in-built focus targets. A few images are included to start you off (add on ‘Muggle Packs’ may be available later for those who need them) but it is really up to you to create your own and join the crazy mixed up, muggled up world of Photomuggler.


